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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I go for the Blue Cheese but I'm torn between the choice of celery or carrot sticks as a side.
  2. Judd Legum - Unbiased observer and former Hillary Clinton presidential campaign research director.
  3. Threats are subjective interpretations and snowflake leftists are very sensitive and overly-emotional when it comes to assessing danger to themselves. They're just so used to getting their way without any resistance that they see disagreement with their positions and ideology as a threat. If somebody was punching school board members in the face I'd say something different. If you've ever been "intimidated" by speech and punched in the face by somebody you'll know the difference. Right now it just sounds like Maxine Waters approved "get in people's faces" and "get confrontational" activity. The other thing the lefties need to consider is parents are very protective of their children. Try playing with those cute baby Bear cubs in the forest and see what Mama Bear's reaction is to your behavior.
  4. There is some credence to your insights. It might be the pandemic situation has catalyzed or enabled these events. But there are demographic and generational cycles at work here along with business, social, political, monetary system cycles. Other things like cycles and progressions of energy sources and availability. The main premise is real-life is a cyclical phenomena and not a linear progression of constant and uninterrupted "progress". Like the concept of biorhythms that run on different cycles lengths relative to time. When all four are peaking you're at your best and when all four are bottoming you're at your worst. And currently it appears most if not all of these economic, social and political cycles are either trending down or in the process of reaching a critical bottom. The result being some very unpleasant circumstances to deal with for the foreseeable future. If you've never read it, one book that lays the generational story based on an 80 year cycle with 4 phases for the American experience is The Fourth Turning by Strauss & Howe. You may find references in articles or stories to one of the four cycles they define as "the fourth turning". Its a period of great unrest and crisis that lasts approximately a generation or twenty years give or take. That's what they predicted for the current times starting about 2006. It was published in 1996 but it is eerily accurate in its descriptions of the current times. And as I watched much of what they forecast actually play out I used their insights in preparation for what has happened and what likely will happen in the next few years. One core idea is every generation faces the crisis period in their lifetimes. The difference is when they face it. In youth, young adulthood, middle age, or in their elder years.
  5. I say let the whole thing crash and burn. A smaller government with far less funding, fewer employees, and less time to snoop and meddle in our private lives and personal arrangements would be a breath of fresh air and a big boost to democracy and freedom. If politically connected businesses, organizations, and individuals feeding at the government trough get hurt well maybe its time to stop mooching and get real jobs.
  6. An alternative to more debt might be for the Federal government to stop running a Ponzi Scheme and adjust to a lifestyle of living within their means. Ultimately this foolishness where both parties are responsible is going to lead to a dollar crash along with a big drop in the standard of living of most Americans. Liberal, Conservative, or Independent. Most will not escape the consequences. And it looks to be coming on fast.
  7. Some good news for social security recipients. They'll be getting a 5.9% increase in benefits via cost of living adjustments.
  8. Still the death rate didn't really put a dent in the human population. Life will go on as its done in pandemics and outbreaks in the past. And while the media and the government are still presenting this as a second Black Death almost all the deaths were in people that were sick with other conditions or very old. So nature culling the herd more or less. Like the slowest or the sick Bison gets caught by the wolves. What I don't understand is how little lifestyle adjustment people in general have made in response to the pandemic. If every there was a signal to lose a some excess weight, get some moderate exercise, stop smoking and drinking, eat a little healthier, and take your vitamins this is it. Yet I don't see too much behavior modification out there. So if you're obese, an out of shape smoker, your diet consists of wings, fries, and beer, with high blood sugar, and cholesterol, don't blame the un-vaccinated. Blame yourself.
  9. On top of the Dawkins call being very weak I sometimes get the impression, right or wrong, that the ref's make calls that are situational. Similar to the "make up call" that seems to happen from time to time. In this case the Bills pop off a big run down inside the 10 in a game situation where another TD might turn the game into an early rout. Then we get a ticky tack call on a "hold" that was completely inconsequential to the play. Back 10 yards and a couple plays later after the grounding call out of FG range and a punt.
  10. So now the President is an expert at central planning of the world's largest economy following some secret blueprint to overhaul the mechanisms of commerce and business. Any guess on how that turns out? But given that everything these clowns have touched so far has been a huge dumpster fire I expect they are once again too incompetent to even attempt screwing up the economy and their "plan" (if they even have one) will be a miserable failure. Like everything else to date.
  11. You have a very serious irrational obsession/phobia here my friend.
  12. I can only imagine how you or other Libs are going to react if any trick-or-treaters show up at your door on Halloween wearing Trump masks. Call 911, massive meltdown!
  13. So in addition to sniffing women's hair Joe is screwing the pooch too? The White House dog must be really nervous..
  14. Running intelligence operations against single mothers asking questions at local school board meetings..
  15. I hate looking ahead at the schedule because its still one week at a time and things can change real fast but a few things to consider along the way here: 1) The Bills appear to have the easiest divisions schedule of the three teams. Maybe the Bills win 5 or 6 division games as it looks right now. 2) The Bills could be the favorite in 11 of the 12 game left on the schedule with the exception being the Tampa game in December. 3) The Browns look to be a better team in the Central than the Ravens and they don't play until December. Cincinnati is a work in progress and the Steelers appear to have found some offense this weekend. So I wouldn't pencil in the Ravens for 5 or 6 division wins. 4) The AFCW and AFCC play each other this year. So like next week's Ravens vs. Chargers somebody is going to lose and record their 2nd loss of the season (maybe the 3rd if the Ravens lose tonight).
  16. While its hard for me to believe it will continue at the current rate I see point differential as the most telling stat to date. After 5 games plus 108.
  17. The current administration is using force and coercion to get people vaccinated. Don't get the shot, lose your job, lose your freedom, lose your rights. That's a far cry from "trying to get people vaccinated". Their approach is closer to to torturing a confession out of a suspect than it is to some cooperative and civil action. Public health people are running the response but the problem is they are deaf and dumb to the views and insights of many of their peers that disagree with their conclusions and policies. It would be advantageous to utilize a "peer review" to public policy but they'll have none of that. Its our way or no way. Unfortunately its all political. And more and more people are waking up to it and getting more and more annoying listening to idiots like Fauci. It doesn't get any more political than threatening people with a loss of their freedoms if they don't comply. So who's making it political?
  18. In the sequence the roughing call on Clark was bad. The holding call on Morse was worse. The Penalty Gods evened it out. Collingsworth's commentary. Not so even.. The Bills were the better team last night. The Better team won..
  19. Pilots and other employees are protesting the COVID vaccine mandates. Once again the media refuses to tell the truth and confirming they are less than useless. Curious how this catches on elsewhere. Possibly trucker strikes from organized Teamsters, FedEx, USP workers. Utility crews staying home. And others. I hope Biden and Fauci and their mandate crew are good at climbing poles and driving 18-wheelers (incidentally one of the many blue collar skills Joe claims to have). Workers are telling their employers and the government what they think about the mandate. Basically F U. You want mandates? Well, we're going to shut the system down. What are you going to do about it? Fly the planes, drive the trucks, unload and load the ships, keep the lights and water on? Power to the people!
  20. I'd argue making the vaccine "mandatory" through direct government edict vs. the current approach to force the private sector to act as a government "proxy" in the enforcement of the order raises a couple questions. One is the Constitutionality of the mandate. The Constitutional questions have been discussed here and elsewhere already. But the second, and perhaps the most interesting, is the requirement to prove necessity of the order. I'd expect the objecting legal team and the court would demand the government disclose (as a matter of standard legal practice) all their evidence. Show me all your data, conclusions, arguments pro & con, and expert opinions and assessments for and against the mandate in an open and public court of law setting for all to see and hear. Justify scientifically and medically that COVID is such a great public health risk that it requires a vaccine mandate for the entire population. Prove its necessary and the mandate is justified by the risk. The truth and nothing but the whole truth. Frankly I would welcome this opportunity to hear all views without censorship, without pre-judgment, without prejudice. But my question to all this is this. Do you thing the political establishment feels the same way? Do they want to air all their laundry out there in the yard for everyone to see. What if all the data taken together shows the virus isn't as big a risk as they're making it to be? What then? Who's going to explain all of that to the public?
  21. The core issue with the mandates has nothing to do with science. It's politicians and bureaucrats that are co-opting science and medicine and selectively using it (while ignoring science that doesn't support their positions) as a pretext for issuing all kinds of draconian edicts and imposing multi-tiered social restrictions and increasing levels of authoritarian rule. And instituting some "collective" social doctrine that just doesn't exist in our system of laws and constitutional protections of the individual. Does anyone believe these restrictions are going to go away with the COVID pandemic ending? And in the process they have done great damage to the credibility and effectiveness of science and the medical community. The result is a large percentage of the population, some that were already distrustful, don't believe much of what is passed off as science. Especially when so much effort is made to suppress and silence ideas and experts that express views and insights that contradict the prevailing narrative. "Vaccines are safe and effective". So shut up and stop bringing up any other facts or ideas. Just do what we say or else. Under that context why trust the science? Look at how they totally trashed Ivermectin. What's the motivation for that? Its not science I can say for sure. Does it work for COVID? Personally I can't say but there is little doubt from officials in India that it was the "cure" that suppressed their Delta outbreak. But in the US its "horse de-wormer". Never mind its an approved FDA drug for several serious indications in humans. The suspicion this all creates is anything that's cheap, plentiful, and effective is a threat to the vaccine mandate and the people running policy. So the science gets trashed. The problem isn't the vaxed or the unvaxed, its the politicians ruining science and medicine for their own objectives and their suspension of the free thinking process of discovery through the scientific method. That's our common enemy - ignorance generated by politicians.
  22. You preaching to an empty Church here. Nobody is defending Trump or his fiscal spending. And Biden's turning out to be no different. So what's the point? Neither party is fiscally responsible with the exception of when the other party is in power. My position is the Federal budget should be cut 50% and there should be a minimum tax rate of 12% on incomes over $400K, 15% on incomes over $1M, and capital gains and dividends should be taxed at the same rate as labor. Would either party support that?
  23. Reality is nobody is making threats to school boards. If they were they'd be arrested by local law enforcement. This is just an exercise of democracy and free speech that school boards and the DOJ want to shut down. Parents are simply demanding accountability from school boards. Employees of the public school system. Parents are challenging their agenda and frankly these Marxists are just not used to being challenged when it comes to indoctrinating children. They're a lot easier to push around and bully than adults as these sensitive weak-kneed school board members are discovering. So the boards are crying "no fair". So now Comrade Garland is threatening to send in the Gestapo in an attempt to impose their authoritarian rule. Just remember the government is very good at committing acts of violence both internationally and domestically.
  24. Or after 50 to 60 years controlling the federal government for the majority of the time along with control of blue state and city governments have spent trillions on programs that have led to incrementally small improvements in the lives of the inner city communities they claim to champion. They accept no blame for the lack of progress but rather assign it to systemic racism committed by people that have no power or control over anything. People that are themselves victim of the elite and powerful the left represents. Apparently they've learned well that keeping people down and dependent keeps them voting blue. And that's the real game here.
  25. The solution to a problem creates a new problem. The hoax isn't that we need to lower carbon emissions by eliminating oil and gas consumption. The hoax is these green energy alternatives, solar and wind, will never ever replace the energy output, efficiency, reliability, and cost of oil and gas sources of energy. So either you need to develop another more efficient and cost effective alternatives, like zero point energy, commercial nuclear fusion, or something like harnessing the power of the Earth's magnetic field, or reach some breakthrough level in green energy source efficiency. If you don't then you need to resign yourself to the reality that life will be re-scaled smaller based on a lower level of energy availability. That's the hoax. Its not your carbon footprint that is going to be reduced, its your lifestyle and existence that is going to be reduced.
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