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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. What happens if Gregg figures something out on how to stop JA, puts it on tape and the Bills don't have enough time to figure out how to counter it before the wild card? Williams isn't just a dirty coach, he's arguably a top 20 all time d coordinator.
  2. Yes, the official on the field announces it...if you're at the game they announce the tackle reporting eligible what feels like a few times a drive...you rarely if ever hear it on tv though...therefore they mute the call on the broadcast, because you extremely rarely hear it...replay the dawkins td...did you hear him report eligible?
  3. Bill Russell's Celtics probably? 11 championships in his 13 year career, including 8 straight.
  4. They rarely play the announcement on tv...live the tackle declares eligible a whole lot, it's just that it happens early in the play clock and the broadcast doesn't play it because the announcers are talking. Also, it means you can't have another player lined up on the line of scrimmage on that side of the field, and you can only have a certain number of players in the backfield or one one side of the field. I have ti imagine it limits formations a lot and forces you to be a lot more predictable coming out of the huddle.
  5. This is the event if anyone is around and wants to go to an amazing concert: https://www.rhythmfoundation.com/events/the-heavy-pets-holiday-ball-2/
  6. I am going to a concert tonight at the North Beach Bandshell. The show starts at 7, and I live up in Fort Lauderdale, so I need to watch the game down that way otherwise I'll miss a lot of both (doors open at 7, but guessing it will not actually start until right around when the game ends, so it's perfect). Any recommendations? (mods no worries if you decide to lock this, but if you could leave this open just long enough for me to get a few recs that would be awesome!)
  7. Yeah, so that's not analytics as a whole, you're describing bad analytics. Those next gen player movement stats are analytics too. They show how much acceleration a player needs to get off the line and how much separation that player needs to have if you want to run a specific route. Then you can use that to see how long the line needs to hold up for, and how quickly the type of defender going against the type of player you have typically holds up. That is analytics as well. Just because people are potentially using bad stats doesn't make analytics bad, it makes the stats bad. I would be shocked if the bills are not already looking at stuff like that for player aquisition and gameplanning purposes (I mean why the hell not: if there is anyone on the Bills analytics team on here, I can code in R at a high intermediate level. My dream is to break down silos and allow people to get into flow states to fast track growth of individuals, teams and an overall organization by looking at individual components in a holistic way, and finding connections where they are often missed by others because individually the connection points are thought of as insignificant, but big picture are the keys to bring it all together).
  8. You guys know they're trolling bills fans right? Both HQ and the radio show are intentional parodies.
  9. I'd be in favor of rehabilitation instead of throwing someone in solitary if they broke a rule, especially if there was a legitimate explanation for why that rule was broken, or a way to grow from that broken rule in a way that builds trust and connection. Not saying that is the only way, or even the right way (though I think it is), but am saying one way is the McD and Beane "Process" and the other is not...
  10. I disagree...he seems like a total my way or the highway/all explanations are excuses kind of dude. McD and Beane are all about personal growth, which means continously looking at what happened and understanding why those things happened, which means diving into the explanations.
  11. The bogus claim rate is actually only 0.24 bogus per claim (bpc), but that does jump up to 1.3 bpc in the five hours after a loss. I was surprised, but the advanced metric bSpc supports this too.
  12. Well he's #25 in rush yds this season...and his 3.2 yd avg isn't even close to top 50...wow! Crazy and that's really rough for that % of cap!
  13. Lol, well I was trying to go for a top 10 mental gymnastic post of 2019, so glad I was at least in the ballpark.
  14. Well...I would imagine he didn't have the flu when he was bowling...those things go 0-60 in a matter of hours. Also, if he has a bunch of people who came in for the game from all around the country, is it really that crazy he would hang out with them the night before (assuming he wasn't hanging out with people he could see every day). 1am is a bit late the night before a game for sure, but if it comes out that he can never sleep before games (no clue this is true), is there any real difference if he was sitting awake in his hotel room by himself or sitting in a bowling alley with friends (assuming he wasn't drinking alcohol so close to a game)? Not apologising for him at all, just think there is some missing info. Oh and how about the rumors about the Bills players partying with serious substances way later the night before the giants super bowl? Glass houses...
  15. Because you don't let a top 50 rb go in the middle of the season. Likely wouldn't make it that far through waivers, but can you imagine if the Pats got him right now.
  16. There was more going on with RG3 than being a running qb and getting hit. Honestly I'm shocked he was taken so high. Not sure if you've seen this (I hadn't until recently), but it's pretty crazy. Zion Williamson has similar mechanical issues in his form (though different) and already had to get part of his meniscus removed, which could lead to bad things long term.
  17. Yeah, this weather is absolutely amazing right now. I'm working from home today and am smoking an 8 lb pork picnic for some pulled pork on my Akorn Jr. Sitting outside right now waiting for the temp to settle in somewhere between 225-250 and it's so nice out, I really just want to say f it, get a beer and sit by the smoker all day...alas too much to do...plus it's 9:30 am lol
  18. Lol and we get Dolphins vs Jets down here in South Florida...don't feel too bad for us though...it's 75, not at all humid and sunny with a light breeze, dropping into the upper 50s at night recently...we'll be ok
  19. If the ravens were an nfc team I'd be on board, but this is just nuts
  20. A bit of a scheduling bummer to have both non-predetermined games scheduled back to back for the pats I guess...might be one of the few times I've seen it really matter where a team finishes...hou and kc are tough back to back.
  21. Pretty sure it's just lose to hou or kc, not both...that gets the pats to two loses, losing to the bills would be three, and with the season series split, I read the next tie breaker is conference record, which if the bills win out, the bills would own that tie breaker. The Bills win next week, and it's legit on for the top seed. That said, Bills also could lose against Bal and the Pats lose to the chiefs, and the division is still up for grabs (I'm assuming the hou game doesn't get crazy).
  22. Didn't he not play the 4th quarter of a bunch of games though recently? I think you might be using total yards per game, but there is a lot that goes into that (running out clocks once you get a huge lead for example, which if the falcons did, they would have a super bowl, or not playing entire 4th quarters is another)...maybe only look at number of yards in the first half, or as others have suggested yards per attempt.
  23. Here's the problem...Jackson is ranked super high in yards per attempt, and below avg in yards after catch. You are basing your opinion on him saying he only completes short passes. Well, that is completely impossible given those two stats. Your opinion, or at least part of it, is factually wrong (like if I said tomorrow the sun will come up green). You can admit you based a part of your opinion on false info/facts (try it sometime it's liberating to admit you were wrong...perfection is the enemy of progress and all), but regardless of that piece, it doesn't matter because you still think he is going to get hurt running, which is the most important thing for your opinion by far, and you are saying that because of that he will not maintain this level for his career...that's a solid opinion. That said, the come back there is Donavan McNabb, who was able to change his game and become a pocket passer. Jackson has shown the potential to do that already if you look at the stats. The comeback to that is, well that's because defenses have to play the run, so those passing lanes are open, and if he loses the run, then he gets complex coverages and will not be able to maintain those passing stats. You get to that point you can say well, we're just going to have to agree to disagree, but these are the facts I am basing my opinion on. You seem to have stalled in the process of the full process and melted a bit when someone provided solid facts to challenge your opinion. Let me guess, you hate snowflakes? The irony...
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