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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Let's see. 3 mil for 12 games. Extrapolate that out to a full season and that's 4 mil a year. Seems like he already renegotiated.
  2. If the season were only 12 games I might have said Peters as well.
  3. I agree that this was not a meaningless win. It ensures that we will end up 7-9 for the third year in a row.
  4. I think phypon's line shows that he knows that it would not get to the point of fans making football decisions(which I agree would be catastrophic). The goal was to make a change for the good in Buffalo, which it might do. And this is just my take, but just because the NFL is against the GB model does not in any way mean that it is a bad one. It just means that the rest of the owners see it as some sort of threat to their own pocketbooks.
  5. The original post was a crazy idea, but it wasn't a stupid one. To say that fans don't know football is dumb. Most uf us played football at one time, and not just at the high school level either. It's not rocket science. Also, the people of Green Bay, Wisconsin seem to be doing okay running their team.
  6. It's funny that he got his legs back right when we started losing.
  7. They've been so good year after year because they get a lot of practice. There is a reason that the only player we sent to the pro bowl several times was our punter. He did it so much that he got good at it. Moorman wouldn't be nearly as good if our offense would just score more. And if our D would stop someone we wouldn't get a chance to see our return game. If I was April I would stay as long as our O and D still suck. I guess he'll be here a while.
  8. Boy, Dick's pulling out all the stops, huh? He must really not want to end up 7-9 again.
  9. OH NO!!!! It looks like the ieatcrayonz PR effort has worked.
  10. Sorry...million, I already fixed that. Now I confused you. I know you meant million as well, not billion. I just don't see it happening because I actually think these are usually paid for with an increase in sales tax.(IIRC Erie county raised it .5% for the Ralph renovations...I don't think that's right but it was something like that) In any event, I just don't care anymore. I'm just tired of this threat being hung over our heads. I feel like a little kid playing with a toy and mom yelling from the other room,"If you boys don't behave then I'm going to come in there and take that toy away." Fans should be allowed to boycott, complain, anything they feel they have to do, without being told,"If that's the way you feel then maybe I'll just take my team where I'm appreciated." You know what, go ahead because I sure don't feel appreciated now.
  11. You are absolutely correct. It's just that I don't believe that we would get a better coach given our track record. So the only thing left is to try something else, like continuity. Don't worry, I know it's a stretch but that's all I've got left.
  12. Like firing a head coach after his third year for the third time?
  13. That's what I was saying. But what municipality is going to approve tax hikes now. Arlington did it because it's already "Their" Cowboys. They were willing to pay more for their team just like we were for the Bills. I just don't see it happening anywhere else right now. And I'm not sure that I would call getting 325 million dollars from Arlington and another 150 million from the NFL as paying almost all. I think I would call it halvsies.
  14. Even a 5% loss would make a statement. As to your second point, when was the last time one of those billionaires payed for their own stadium? Even the Yankee's Evil Empire is begging NYC for more money to finish "their" new stadium.
  15. Wrong. I'm just guessing, but I have to believe that three quarters of concessions has to be worth over a million dollars. A loss of that size definitely sends a message. And if he doesn't like that, where is he going to take the team. No city has the money right now to build a new stadium. We are both stuck with each other.
  16. Although I agree with your post, it's just kinda funny coming from someone named jauron666
  17. I was at the game yesterday and really didn't have a problem with that play at the time. What I had a problem with was when the play was busted, JP has GOT to either throw the ball away or tuck it in and fall down. His only responsibility there is to not lose the ball and run the clock. We had the lead, why was he trying to save the world? In my book this is on JP not dick, and I'm a Jauron basher. And can someone tell me why all of our receivers where standing there watching a Jet catch the ball on the Hail Mary...nice effort.
  18. Personally, I believe the fans are so disgruntled because our coach isn't. Win or lose he is exactly the same. Does he know how annoying that is. I want to know that he is pi$$ed when they lose and has an answer on how to fix it the next time. He gets up there in the post-game press conferences and says,"we did X well, and we did Y well, but we'll have go back at look at this and see how we can fix Z." Dick, don't pi$$ on my leg and tell me it's raining. You haven't fixed the same things for 3 years, why should I believe that you can fix them now? Well...I guess that's why I'm mad. The futility of it. At least when there is a train wreck it eventually smashes and is over. There is really no end in sight with this thing.
  19. Nobody has mentioned the wind. If it is a home game, then I want them to do whatever it takes to have the wind at our backs in the fourth quarter. Marv made sure of this every game and it is a much bigger factor than momentum swings on the first drive. If we have the wind in the fourth quarter against the Browns, we win.
  20. That was kinda my point. The Bills will score another touchdown this year.
  21. I think it's a greater possibility that we win out, the rest of the AFC East loses out except for the Jets and Phins who tie in the last game of the year and we we the division.
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