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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. I'm late to the party so this may have been covered, but what the hell is with "the Green Zone"?
  2. In preseason football which do you prefer? Watching the first quarter because that's when you see the starters? or Watching the fourth because you get to see guys fighting for their lives? I used to only watch the first quarter of preseason games because the starters were playing and you could kind of get a feel for the team. But lately, I love watching the last quarter. Guys are playing for their lives and it just has more passion. Don't get me wrong, for the most part it's just awful football. But there is always one guy that is just scratching and biting to make the team and stands out. Since the games don't mean anything anyway, I'd rather watch a marginal NFLer play his heart out, in hopes that he makes the team, than watch a starter play at half speed.
  3. Almost every serial killer started out by torturing and killing animals.
  4. I think Vick should be protested for no other reason than spelling Bad Newz Kennels with a "z".
  5. A small town paper, on a small town budget, servicing a small town. Yeah, whatta joke. I guess we should all get our news from Walmart.
  6. AAAAH HA HA HA HA HA............ chicken wings....... AAAAAH HA HA HA HA........ Oh wait....wait... It snows?....in Buffalo? AAAAAH HA HA HA HA....... Who knew?
  7. So...it's Willis' fault I'm done with this.
  8. I chose Arizona because of the Gruden Factor. Gruden beat the Raiders because he had just come from the team and knew what they were going to do. Whisenhunt has been the Steelers OC for three years. I know they'll try and mix him up but I gotta believe that he'll know how to defend against them better than any other team.
  9. This says it all. He chose to hit Willis' head. And yes, I played football. He wasn't trying to tackle him. His arms were at his side. And I know that just hitting someone has become an accepted way of bringing them down. But he didn't choose go after the legs or the waist, he chose to go directly at the head. Watch the video again, 50 secs in. He leads with his head and his head hits first. And I know many keep saying that his shoulder hit first, but watch the video, that's just not true.
  10. You mean Dawkins leaves a quivering opposing player that has to get carted off the field on every play. I must have missed those games. He didn't lead with his shoulder no matter what anyone says. The reverse angle showed it clearly. He led with his head. His head made first contact with MacGahee's head. His arms were at his side. His only intention was to hit him with his head as hard as he could.
  11. In other words, leading with the helmet. He dove forward with his arms at his side. He will be fined.
  12. You work for the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce, don't you?
  13. I can't come up with 20 or 30 that are better at their position, but I can come up with 20 or 30 that are equally as average.
  14. I wish people would stop saying the "team's best player". It is hyperbole and it just isn't true. Although I do want to keep him, I would like to see him finish a season for once.
  15. I am 40. Been a fan since '80. I live in the NYC area and get together with three others every week to watch the Bills at my house. Nothing is going to change that. Every year we make it back for one game in Buffalo and go when they play the Jets here. I do agree that this year was different somehow...and I thought LAST year was the worst ever. I think it has to do with the fact we never beat a team that we're not supposed to beat. EVER. You know exactly what you are going to get and they never give us a treat and surprise us with a win against a better team. The only thing they surprise us with is a new and inventive way to lose every so often. As an aside to that, one of the guys I watch games with is actually a Giants fan, but like some others here, he is a fan of Bills fans and even cheers along side us. Being somewhat removed from the Bills it's interesting to get his take on them from time to time. He mentioned the loss to the Jets and said fans of other teams see a play like maybe once a decade and would talk about it as "The Play." He said that after watching with us for several years now that those type of losses really do happen to the Bills WAY more often than other teams...a lot more...like every other week. I was glad to have this confirmed by a non-biased party and it is one of the reasons that I will always keep watching. Being able to go on after every heartbreaking loss, year after year, is a part of what makes us who we are when we are not watching football.
  16. Great article. I think we are only apathetic as a defense mechanism. I've been so pi$$ed for so long that I have had to turn to apathy at the risk of going completely insane. My problem isn't that the Bills are losing. They've been doing that for a long time, I know how to deal with that. It's that the Bills are losing what it means to BE a Bill: -An away "home" game - that one speaks for itself -practicing indoors - both the fans and team used to have to suffer the elements together. I remember before cold weather games, Bruce Smith and Darryl Tally would be on the field with no pads and just their long johns reveling in the cold going through their warm-ups. -not having the wind in the fourth - this one is inexcusable. I thought Jauron should have been using his timeouts at the end of the 3rd against NE like it was the end of the game, but he just doesn't get it. As crazy as it sounds, in the past I felt like I was a part of this team and we were going through these struggles together. I just don't feel that way anymore.
  17. The Buffalo Bills:Skip church and follow us to Hell
  18. Did I miss something? Did JP play yesterday? I thought we were comparing Cassel to Edwards.
  19. It's absolutely hilarious that a Pats* fan mentions using an asterisk next to the Superbowl winner.
  20. Damn. When I read the thread title I thought it was about Jason Peters and got all excited.
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