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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Toronto aside, does anybody really think that the Bills are going anywhere in this economy? There is no municipal money to build a new stadium somewhere that doesn't have one already and Toronto's is to small. Who would buy a team and move them to a stadium that was on par with the Ralph. They are going to be in Buffalo long after Ralph.
  2. The Giants lost Osi and Bradshaw among others and they are still good. Injuries was last years excuse. We've done "not that bad of a team" for nine years. It's time for "a good team".
  3. More important than the twelfth man, wind was always stressed by Marv. Why the hell at the end of every home game are we going into the wind in the fourth quarter. This has been pissing me off all year. C'mon Dick. Figure it out.
  4. Not against Miami in a game with national interest(or international in this case). C'mon people. Stay with me. If you get bitten by a vampire, you don't kill him to get better. You kill the head vampire. Everybody knows that. We're talkin' curses here. And yes, they are real.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure it was someone from Buffalo that killed Jesus. But the teams bounced back after all those things. The Sabres had subsequent playoff trips and even the Bills looked good that year... until that play.
  6. The only way that we will turn this thing around is to reverse the curse. The curse of Travis Henry. It wasn't until he tried to throw a halfback option pass, I believe on Sunday night, on national television against Miami that this whole thing went south and stayed there. We were doing pretty good that season until he threw that pass and we have never recovered. What better way than to let Lynch throw a pass against Miami. I say do it on first play from scrimmage and it will go for a touchdown. We'll win the game, win out and make the playoffs, and go all the way to the Superbowl and win it! Reverse the curse of Travis Henry. Throw the halfback option.
  7. You know we root for the Bills, right?
  8. Lynch had one carry in the fourth quarter after running for 130 in the previous three.
  9. You can tell what I think of these overpaid, apethetic babies, whose feelings got hurt because we yelled at them here.
  10. I still can't figure out that after watching humongous human beings in full equipment beat the crap out of each other, that we are upset that they were then hit with plastic cups. Oh no, I sure hope that none of them had beer in them,"IT BURNS, IT BURNS!!!"
  11. My post was in regards to complaining on a message board created so that we could complain about the Bills. Throwing things at players is unacceptable, as much as they might deserve it.
  12. How dare we get upset after ONLY nine years of sucking. We're so soft. Enough of our tax dollars go into this team that we have a right to demand something better.
  13. IIRC, Jauron has one win against a winning team in three seasons with the Bills...one. That's a little different. And unfortunately, his record against losing teams is headed in the wrong direction.
  14. Funny and true. I just think that good receivers find a way to get open, and really good receivers make the catch even when they're covered.
  15. I just don't see how it was Losman's fault, and not our receiver's, that the deep threat was taken away. I just don't think any of them are all that special. I agree though that Trent should have at least tried to throw to someone downfield. I have to believe that even a throw over Evan's head would have been more useful(to loosen up the D) than a 1 yard checkoff pass.
  16. Doesn't this go to my point about our receivers? This doesn't say much about them that they can't get open against Niner's vaunted 29th ranked passing defense. If only we could have played the 30th or 31st ranked passing defenses.[/sarcasm]
  17. Here's your cookie. Good job. Glad you're happy. Have a nice day. B'bye.
  18. The only thing our offense features is our defense.
  20. Maybe if they were good enough, our QBs would have enough faith in them to make a play and WOULD throw the ball to them.
  21. Everyone gets the blame in these losses. The D, even though they held an NFL team to 10. Oline, QB's, coaches, owner,...everyone. Why doesn't either QB throw the ball deep? I find myself screaming at the TV,"Throw the ball downfield...Do something..Anything!!!" Are our receivers that bad that they can't get open on any play in any situation? Hardy- sucks, I know he's a rookie so I give him a pass. Reed-on the fence about him and he's been doing enough for me not to hate him. Evans-he has got to do more if he's the #1. Do we even have any others? The Bill's losses have been so all encompassing, but the only group that is left that hasn't taken enough heat, I think, is the receivers. They blow!
  22. I think teams are just trying to stimulate the economy this year.
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