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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. I thought when I started reading this you were going to talk about schemes. Leaving personnel out of this, how about changing what we do on the field to try and generate something. Jauron keeps talking about how we are having trouble getting to the QB. Yet week after week we only rush four guys all game long. I would rather get beat for a long pass once at least trying to sack the QB with a blitz. Like you said, I would at least applaud them for trying. If our RBs are having a hard time getting through the line, then how about designing plays that get them the ball on quick slants, with Trent under center(yes dick, you can throw the ball when the QB starts out under center). They both can catch. Sweep..anyone,a pitchout...something...anything different. At least then I'll know they care and are trying.
  2. I agree with your statement about Perrera's arrogance. But I have to say, I was at that game and at the time I was furious. After watching the replay a couple of days later all I could think was,"what a great play!" Stupid rule, but if it was one of our returners we would be singing their praises.
  3. With all these college offenses we're seeing this year, I think we should run the Wishbone with both of them. Then everyone would be happy.
  4. The next time Donte sees a QB coming to block him, he needs to forget about the play and BLOW....HIM....UP!! He got owned by Chad. Disgraceful.
  5. As good as he was last week, he was that bad this week. He bit on every fake move the phins made yesterday and was left high and dry several times. He had a terrible game.
  6. He's the modern day Ronnie Harmon. Cut him.
  7. We lost as soon as they decided to kick the fieldgoal on the first drive. "Sammy Safety says play to not lose." I have to believe that Jackson blocking for Lynch is the better option in that situation. The fullback, whose name I refuse to learn, blocking for Jackson, three times in a row was weird. Maybe he complained to DJ that he was doing all the work and then Lynch was getting the TD's.
  8. It wasn't all Trent. how is it that our receivers could not get open on a sub-par defensive secondary. Hardy couldn't get open, Royal sucks...it's official now(for me it was official a long time ago) and Evans has to make those catches where he gets his hands on the ball. Trent wasn't completely blameless but the playcalling didn't help.
  9. There's only one benchmark game. It will be played on Feb. 1.
  10. By your response I obviously don't. I thought ax4782's post was both witty and inciteful while being succinct as well. I humbly bow down and back out of the room.
  11. It wasn't a, what you call retarded, post. It was a statement about the media and other so called football people giving credence to a gimicky offense that has run it's course, while not giving the Bills enough credit as being a good team. I know that that might be a little too deep for you to see. Lay off the booze, it makes you too angry.
  12. Actually, everyone is being pretty honest with regard to the Bills, IMHO. The real question is why does everyone jump on the knob of other teams(Dallas, Green Bay, NE, etc) as soon as they are kinda good. Also, I don't know if you've noticed, but Trent has been everywhere lately(as well as Lee Evans). We've been getting the press, big time and you need to take notice and enjoy it while it lasts.
  13. yep..I saw that after. Didn't search OTW. I'm used to Sabrespace where OT's are in there with the rest.
  14. Make sure you watch the whole thing. Palin Interview
  15. C'mon. We all complain that we don't get any respect or attention, then we finally get it and are all scared. I'm soaking in every second of Bills Fever and am lovin' it. May it never end.
  16. Last year my house had it second "one hundred year flood" in seven years.
  17. Sunday at 1p the beginning of the end for rest of the East
  18. I heard he called him from the grave.
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