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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Good discussion so far. Just a little side note. I work in the media so I know for a fact that the American public is played like a fiddle by it...and yes, it's by design. I just have a question. ESPN (owned by right wing ABC) has been showing us who the country picked in the monday night football game, the favorite always in red, so that we get used to seeing that image for election day(I'll say it again, if you think that isn't on purpose you're fooling yourself). Do you think they will keep doing it once the election is over. An example of how we've been played in the past - The terror level has not been raised or lowered since November 04...hmmm...curious
  2. I get such a kick out of when republicans whine about socialism. "Free Capitalism" is their cry. Then greed gets in the way of capitalism and they need the Government to bail them out. THAT IS SOCIALISM! We tried it your way. Before the last mid-term election we had a Republican House, Senate, and White House. They spent us into debt way faster than the Dems ever have. If you say,"well this money is going towards projects that create jobs and builds things that we need"(like a bridge to nowhere) then how is that not Socialism already. I know I'll never sniff $250k a year. I'm fine with that. The difference in my pocketbook between the two parties is probably a couple hundred bucks a year so who cares. Since they are going to take my money either way, I'd rather it go to people without money who need it, than to rich people and warhawks.
  3. I'm sure when they get around to us it will be a week in which we lost.
  4. Candidates only care about your God and family as far as it gets them elected.
  5. If the Bills win the Superbowl, I know that huge cracks will appear in the earth's surface and giant flaming boulders will fall from the sky so it won't matter who the president is anyway.
  6. Did Chris Carter actually just say that Buffalo is for real? Be still my heart.
  7. I find the most telling thing in that article was that the Ralph was second among stadiums of other teams fan's behind only Lambeau. If we love it and others love it, then how is the atmosphere only 15?
  8. Randy's...huh? I had completely forgotten about wired papers. And you're right, the Blunt wrapper is horrible, but there is just something so right about it.
  9. Does Forbes do anything else besides make lists that nobody agrees with?
  10. This was already excellently transcribed by Dwight Drane.
  11. I thought that as well, on offense and defense. Could be wishful thinking but I really hope that it was a Master Plan scheme, one designed to win the season and not just win game by game.
  12. The good news is that unless we make it to the Superbowl and play either Dallas or Arizona again, we won't see another offense as potent as that the rest of the year.
  13. Steelers fans are exactly like Bills fans with one difference...they've won. I can't even imagine how awful I'm going to be once we win the Superbowl.
  14. He's waiting to long The pocket is collapsing He fumbled the ball
  15. 1. Both are directly related to this board. 2. Spelling I'll give you(I just don't care). But other than the questionable use of a semicolon(sp?) there is nothing wrong grammatically.
  16. Didn't say it wasn't correct, just tired of it. Ant I just want to say, I saw that before you posted.
  17. 1. The word "retarded". It's in thread titles. It's used to demean other posters. It's used to make other posters feel good about themselves. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't make them stupid or yourself superior to them; You just disagree. I'm a pretty smart guy and I know at times I can sound like a complete jackass. I have my own personal reasons for not liking it, but that is not why I am tired of it. It shows a complete lack of respect for someone else, and darn it, we're better than that. 2. Thread titles that make a statement...but there is a question mark at the end. Here are some examples. Trent Edwards Out for Chargers Game? Hit on Edwards dirty? Ernie Davis was drafted by Bills? Say it or ask it. Don't do both. I'm done.
  18. Just for fun, here's another roughing the passer call that was made on Sunday. It's at around 2:40. I promise I'm done now.
  19. I think you need to watch it again. At 1:40. Ferrotte was never wrapped up and driven to the ground
  20. Watch this at around 1:40 in, and tell me if I'm wrong. This is how the play should have ended with Trent. Ferrotte was hit at almost the exact same place in his throwing motion, on his back foot. His feet left the ground and he landed on his back. He was stung and left the game for a play. That defender had the same opportunity to wrap him up and drive him into the ground as Wilson, but didn't. That's the only difference in these two plays and why ferrotte came back into the game and Trent didn't. He should be fined. In my best Forrest Gump"That's about all I have to say about that"
  21. As redickuleious as my spelling may be, what's the point of this? Are you saying it his own fault he got hurt because he jumped. Now who's being reedykuloes. Being hit up high like he was by a safety at full speed, the point is moot because his feet were going to leave the ground in either case do to the force of the hit.
  22. But there are different rules reguarding the QB's.
  23. This post is rediculious. Trent got hurt for one reason and one reason only, the safety drove him into the ground with his helmet. It wasn't his little hop, which he had to do to throw the ball over the O-line. It was because the safety drove him into the ground with his helmet. He should be fined. I said it before and I'm saying it again, if you think that Wilson didn't know exactly what he was doing, then you never played football.
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