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  2. @Rampant Buffalo joined on 4/10/24, account deceased on 6/6/24.
  3. You and your gal pal in the X tweet, I guess.
  4. I thought Fauci was somehow involved with that Chinese laboratory, no?
  5. Two things...one for him, and one against him: Reports were that Patrick Mahomes was looking bad and throwing a lot of picks during the offseason leading up to his first starting season. Obviously those early reports meant nothing and he lit the league up and hasn't stopped since. So I would caution anyone over analyzing anything going on right now. Jamar Chase was also reportedly dropping passes everywhere his rookie camp and then blew up as a rookie. Coming into the draft I have not been on the Caleb bandwagon, I think he is overrated just like I kept telling everyone Sam Darnold and Josh Rosen were overrated leading up to those drafts and thought both had high bust potential. Darnold just made so many head scratching or bad decisions at USC that I was shocked his hype was so high. Rosen was so unlikable that I just felt his ceiling was Jeff George/Jay Cutler and his floor was Ryan Leaf. I know several people who knew Rosen and every one of them couldn't stand him and said he was a total douche and didn't take football seriously. But why Caleb - I question if he has the "it" factor. Im not saying he will be a bust, but I definitely don't think he is a sure thing like so many seem to think. Its more than his suspect play in some big games...it's just something about him just makes me doubt his ability to be the leader a QB needs to be to get to a higher level in the NFL. I actually think Maye has a higher ceiling than Caleb, just also has more risk and a lower floor than Caleb. I don't dislike Caleb like I did Rosen, its more similar to how I felt about Darnold where I understood the high draft status, but still have concerns and doubts he can live up to the hype and potential. Rosen on the other hand I was certain would be a bust, I wanted no part of him whatsoever.
  6. He has a nickname, itā€™s ā€œMapletronā€ because heā€™s Canadian. On a related note, the CFL is where heā€™ll be next if he doesnā€™t perform this season.
  7. A message board nicknaming effort, they rarely come to fruition. Last season there was an effort to nickname Dalton Kincaid. As far as I know, he is still Dalton Kincaid.
  8. Break open? Pssshhh, it has to be good enough for him to find it first.
  9. I absolutely, 100%, should not be a journalist! Below is the story, had I been the one writing it. Chiefs defensive end BJ Thompson saw that all his teammates were being arrested. Feeling the peer pressure, he went into cardiac arrest. "This also counts as an arrest," he commented. "Now I fit in with the others."
  10. Well, I hope this lawsuit (along with the Ticketmaster anti-trust suit) gets some traction. The best way to get the conglomerates' attention is to hit them in the pocketbook. Otherwise, the gouging, yearly price increases, more digital portals taking a subscription for a "primetime" game, etc. will continue... Hell, they'll continue anyway. At least this way, consumers hit them back for once...
  11. Everyone always tries to pump Harrison up as something special
  12. I don't care whether you like him or not. He's an attention-seeking tool that is either a) so stupid he believes his own bull#### (in which case he doesn't deserve threads about him) or b) is intentionally spewing bull#### just to get a rise out of weak-minded toddlers (in which case he doesn't deserve threads about him). If you want to gobble down his schtick, have at it, but do it on your own time. If you want to be a mark and shill for him, go for it, but do it elsewhere. As long as my fingers control the merge button, those kind of carnival barkers will never get traction here and that's just how it is. This community has created the best NFL message board on the planet and deserves better than to see *****nuts like that plastered on the front page.
  13. Then I recommended just calling out those people specifically because making sweeping, general statements like that does not come off well.
  14. Yeah, that's low for a guy with 80 career starts a C and graded out just below middle of the pack at the position. The only thing I can think of is that he was cut by the Panthers and had offset language in that contract. Would be roughly the same as why the Steelers were able to get Russ Wilson at about the same cap hit. Not positive but it seems likely to me that's the case.
  15. Any time you can use an early draft pick on a pass rusher with a quick first step, that's an excellent use of the draft pick! šŸ‘
  16. Please get us all a link to inform us about H5N879 and tell us how long before a vaccine is available. Thanks!
  17. The world where a guy that has been getting 1 year minimum level salary deals for the past 3-4 years or more can get you a 4th rounder.
  18. Thatā€™s not the people I was talking about
  19. Better than black, but don't care for too much. The purple is just so nice. Agree. It's going to take something much better for you to break open your wallet right? šŸ˜‰
  20. But itā€™s not true. Itā€™s just you and some others deciding that people that donā€™t agree with you are bad people simple because they donā€™t agree with you. The alternative would be to believe that theyā€™re (by and large) reasonable people who see things differently. Or even simply that theyā€™re decent people who are wrong about something. Reflexively assuming someone has bad character simply because they disagree with you says a lot more about you than it does about them.
  21. With how much the league has relaxed the alternate jersey and alternate helmet rules... Every day that the Bills don't get in on the act somehow is another day that they're pissing away free money. Whether it's the 90s throwbacks or some alternate, Oregon Ducks style one-off, the team has a great opportunity to do a thing that's fun for fans and also allows them to sell a bunch of new merch. It makes too much sense NOT to do, and yet, so far, they haven't done it.
  22. the original study is linked in this thread. but you're referencing the Gateway Pundit. Touche'. You got me.
  23. I loved Holmes, I thought for sure he was going to succeed Thurman but before I knew it he got traded to Green Bay.
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