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  2. I can’t believe people are saying the wheel. It was invented by a friggin caveman. Ipsofatso, how great can it be? The only correct answer is Josh Allen.
  3. Hamas is pure evil. Israel is a good country that is doing some wrongs, too in taking land in West Bank. I watched part of, "In the Name of the Father" last night, and things were pretty bad in Northern Ireland with terrorism and such, that finally ended. Hopefully a miracle will take place here. But probably not
  4. Pretty sure Tom Brady wrote a travel book about best hotels in Buffalo kinda thing. It’s an easy read.
  5. When you watch his tape, Coleman feasted on college-level CBs that he could out muscle. That s%$* won't fly in the NFL. He's going to have a steep learning curve and will need to perfect his craft quickly, b/c his lack of speed will allow CBs to quickly recover from any initial moves. Claypool has the talent and measurables to succeed. He wasn't a 2nd round pick for nothing. He balled out his rookie year too, but it's the maturity and consistency which has since been a major issue. Which is stuff that will show up over the course of the season, not at your first OTA with a new team. However, If he gets his head on straight he could be due for a resurgence. It was a good flyer to take. But the fact he's the most consistent WR so far is just as damning of the other WRs. Either Claypool has really put it back together and is just excelling, or we're in for some growing pains.
  6. Because we’re not done arguing about *****
  7. Yeah I don't buy this Gregg Williams "stop the run with numbers" mentality with their "in aggregate" approach to addressing boundary WR. If none of Coleman, MVS, Claypool or Hollins steps up as a legit 900 yard type outside WR...........which is the most likely result from that raggedy bunch...........then the Bills are probably just going to have to play a lot of tight formation football to manufacture clean releases and try to avoid "giving away" players on the outside. That can work with a great QB and I still expect them to be a top 10 offense because of Allen's willingness to throw his body around............but generally speaking spreading the field puts more pressure on defenses. I will be very surprised if they aren't in the WR1 market by the trade deadline at least. And if you are Beane think that might be the case, it makes no sense not to do it now and get that WR in the system. The risk to your rare, prime aged elite QB is not worth trying to squeeze by without using a high draft pick to address the problem.
  8. Christian Laetner didn’t see the court if I recall with the dream team. They hate her. Such a disgrace. I never want to hear them complaining about pay or anything really, ever.
  9. Hope the folks visiting DC this fine Saturday afternoon with their kids had a great time.
  10. Pretty sure the Bengals steamrolled us with one or two starting offensive lineman left. Even if you're willing to chalk it all up to injuries at some point you have to consider if its systemic.
  11. Reid also got to build his team into a contender under Alex Smith where they were consistently winning... And the reigns to mahomes with a team ready to win The bills gutted the roster Josh Allen's rookie year and was good by year three.. but there were plenty of people who were not even sold on Josh Allen going into year three The bills as a team grew with Josh Allen... Patrick mahomes got a team that was ready to contend... Sure we could have beat them the last few years and haven't but I believe we can and we are very close
  12. Right. Hence my "context clues support this hypothesis" comment. My point is that this thread states it as fact. As yet, it is not fact. It is a guess and a rumor until officially announced.
  13. How is this thread still a thing? The NFL refuted this. Jacobs admitted he was misinformed. Both teams will be wearing green.
  14. For me, Three Dog Night were always too much pop and not enough rock. Thus, I started to think of more challenging song titles than "Never Been To Spain", such as "Never Been To Uruguay" or "Never Been To Uzbekistan". However, upon listening to the song I liked the lyrics and the music. Well done!!
  15. I saw a Bills fan in the Congo He was wearing a shirt that said Buffalo Bills super bowl 25 champions
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