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  2. You expose them, you get punished, by the compromised D.O.J.
  3. It doesn't happen that much today but back in the Giants Stadium days there were always fights in the stands between Bills and Jets fans. There was a Monday night game where the crowd was especially rowdy. The Bills beat the Jets bad something like 37-14 and there so many fights that the Meadowlands banned selling alcohol after halftime after that. That rule still applies today. This was back in the late 80's/early 90's. It was the rowdiest game I was ever at.
  4. I'm going to give you ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS! All you have to do to claim your ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS! is give me $120 and I will give you ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS! Deal?
  5. He doesn't understand how the numbers work and is only picking the one that makes him "feel good".
  6. Hey all! Going to a Bills game this fall and want to make a little vacation out of it and plan to eat our way thru and explore a bit of Buffalo for 3 to 4 days after the game. Whats the best area/hotel to stay at? Thanks all
  7. Seems too low. Feel like the Jets should be in negative territory
  8. I wore a bills jersey in KC 2 season ago, and while people gave me some grief but nobody was particularly hostile? I did go with a group of chiefs fans though. Scariest dude i've probably ever met (probably 6'8 350 biker dude with a mohawk and his head painted like a chiefs helmet) was actually really nice in the beer line. The issue there is just how cocky and condescending their fans are towards the rest of the league. It's obnoxious and they desperately need a humbling. Philly fans have a bad history of violence, but i feel like you'd probably be ok at this point. It's likely very similar to buffalo - a couple hundred bad apples needing to perpetuate a stereotype. In buffalo thats... drinking in massive excess, and performing dangerous table related stunts. In philly its also drinking in massive excess and being jerks to just about everyone and everything.
  9. Take one of the available CB’s off the list. This is so messed up that I’m hesitant to even share it.
  10. This is a more believable doctor.
  11. You can get a 12-pack of O's with meatballs for $8.69 at Amazon.
  12. More government workers, part-time bartenders and waiters and other part-time jobs. Contrast that 272K to the household survey which says 408K jobs were lost in April. Unemployment up to 4% and workforce participation rate fell. While the 272K number seems good for the President, its actually bad news. The BLS number will keep the Fed on hold. Rate cuts will be delayed and the economy will slow further into recession before the election and voters will feel it.
  13. And I've seen her waiting from all her mistakes And what if he never comes when you call? And, "Hey, hey it's alright," she says "Once upon a time I lived a perfect night. Hey, hey in another life," she says "In a dream of mine from a thousand years ago."
  14. We didn't know what we had in Jackson as he came in the same year as Lynch. I agree drafting Spiller was a mistake as I was banging the drum in that draft to take Dez Bryant prior to the draft.
  15. This would be SOOO ideal. Even if he loses by a hair but we're better off with him there and McGovern at LG (which I think we will be)., that should be the play. Unless SVPG is just atrocious, this should be what we're pushing for.
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