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  2. Coach Aaron Kromer’s daughter used to work there. That’s how Marino got sit down time with her Dad.
  3. Keon Coleman is so slow that he hits the gas pedal to reduce speed whilst approaching a red light. The teamsters have officially declared that all their future 48 hour workplace go-slows are now to be referred to as "Coleman's" That's all I've got.
  4. no. not into the ocean. that's not the reference i was making. the skyvans all landed successfully after their oceanic visits.
  5. 'Trevor Lawrence Gets Extension' * Marissa Mowry approves. In more ways than one.
  6. I’m guessing the first ring suburb gives you the walkability/everything at your disposal housing you’re looking for? Would that move allow you and your wife to consciously uncouple from your automobile(s), assuming of course you haven’t already done so? I live in a first ring suburb, I can’t see it happening for me.
  7. This guy is going to crush the team in big spots and you can bank on it. Evaluation of our kicking game has been sorely lacking by the brain trust. He has different mechanics from his early seasons. His kicks tail off much more than the solid strikes you see from the top guys. His confidence is down from the amateurish misses in the playoffs and he probably thinks Sean will go with him no matter what. My prediction is that they are forced to replace him by mid season.
  8. We have all seen and many have debated who would be the 4 faces of the Buffalo Bills in a Mt. Rushmore of the team. I want to take the conversation in the opposite direction. If you were to make a Mt. Rushmore that featured your 4 least favorite all time members of the Bills franchise...who would they be and why? Was it their play on the field? Their personality rub you the wrong way? Bad experience meeting them in person? I'll add mine a little later as I don't want to influence the initial responses.
  9. Replaceable how? lol. Those are very good players. Allen will get paid. So will they.
  10. That what the Patriots did with Brady for years. His sports medicine and private consulting business’ biggest customer was the New England Patriots.
  11. White, Miller, Milano, Dawkins, and Knox will all liiely come off the books by then end of 2025. Maybe Bass too if he continues to stink. Who do the need to extend? Rousseau, Bernard, and Benford maybe and all of them are replaceable. Pay the man next year!
  12. Not sure what your point is. I hope you do not think I am angry. My only thought was the LGB community had successfully joined mainstream culture, the plus gave reason for many to change their position leading up to today's Trans debate in children. That has dragged the LGB people into extremism position again. The LGB movement lost the chance to be mainstream which they fought for since the 60s to extend themselves into further conflicts, or there orgs were taken over by even more radical positions. In Toronto the Pride parade became a conflict with police and citizens when taken over by BLM. A parade of celebration, mutual respect and understanding became a conflict. not that BLM is not legit, but it harmed the LGB community, IMHO.
  13. In AAV, yes. He is still near the top of actual cash per year though.
  14. He’ll likely get a new contract after this season or next. His Cap hit in ‘26 is like 65m. They’ll likely renegotiate it to add years and smooth out the cap impact
  15. sneaky? why is everything sneaky good now?
  16. Not quite right. The LockedOn Network has existed for a while. Joe has been a contributor on it for a long time (as has the other Draft Network founder you reference - Kyle Crabbs) but they didn't start or found that. They were two of the five founders of the Draft Network. Marino and Crabbs had originally collaborated together on NDT Scouting with Jon Ledyard. The Draft Network was basically Ledyard's idea funded by a guy name JC Cornell whose dad owns/owned Target. Marino, Crabbs and Trevor Sikkema (now of PFF) were the other three "founders" and they were really the content guys. Ledyard was the convener / organiser, Cornell put up the cash and the other three guys were the ones who gave the site its credibility through their content. Basically it began to fall apart when Ledyard had to resign over some racist tweets that emerged from years prior. Then Cornell sold up, Sikkema left to go to PFF and it ended up as a basket case. Ironically 2022 which in my mind was their best year in terms of their actual draft coverage, quality of their content etc was a complete disaster behind the scenes. The new ownership was running it into the ground financially, they were being sued by their web hosts and their live draft show was filmed in a porn studio where the analysts had to sleep on blow up beds and hide sex toys out of shot. I think Joe and Kyle tried to keep it going for as long as they could but eventually they walked away in the middle of the 2023 draft season and took their podcast "the Draft Dudes" back to the Locked on Network where it had begun before being incorporated into the Draft Network. The Draft Network website is now back (after being offline for much of the 2024 draft season) and they look like they are producing content again. There is a LOT of early 2025 draft content some of which is decent enough. They still have Keith Sanchez (who was a personnel advisor at LSU) who is a credible analyst on all things draft and personnel but the rest of their contributors are people I'd classify as bloggers about the draft rather than analysts who can really get into the film and break players down the way Joe and Kyle can. So in short, it looks like they are going to give it another go in 2025 but the quality of the people they have isn't what it was. It is a shame because there is a market for a site doing exactly what TDN does. But it needs really good management and it looks like it was a classic start up story behind the scenes. A group of buddies with a cool idea and a bit of start up capital but lacking the strategic direction to bring it together.
  17. When I was young, I used to wait On master and give him his plate And pass him the bottle when he got dry And brush away the blue tail fly Jimmy, crack corn, I don't care Jimmy, crack corn and I don't care Jimmy, crack corn and I don't care My master's gone away
  18. Today
  19. “dead money” in the cap is generally money you have already paid but hasn’t hit your cap. A signing bonus is amortized over the duration of the contract, up to 5 years. Example - a 10m bonus on a 5+ year deal becomes 2m per year for 5 years in accounting. If you move on from a guy after a year you have to claim that other 8M that you paid at signing in your cap still because you gave it to a player as compensation already. Future guaranteed money can be moved to another team in a trade. If a new team assumes a contract they are responsible for the future cash payments and the cap accounting of those future payments. It only becomes dead money for a team if they cut him and have to pay the future guaranteed dollars themselves.
  20. The kicker position is maybe the second most important position besides qb in the nfl. Games are mostly decided by 3-4 points and if you miss a kick or two that's the difference. Kickers are the highest scoring position players and to have a guy that is struggling worries me for the year. He better get a hold on what's going on or we're gonna lose some close games.
  21. He’s 50 yrs old… not saying it’s impossible, but if that was the message he might consider changing his name to Bachelor Milloy.
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