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Money saving ideas

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I'm a UB student and i just signed up for this seminar on 25 ways to save money buts its not for another week. What are some good ways to save money in respect to tailgating and just life in general? Thoughts?


Keep your spare change (What ever you have after breaking a dollar at the end of the day) in a jar or some place like that. Than once that jar gets full find a bank that does free change conversion (Don't use a coinstar machine they take 10 percent I think TD bank has a free one). My dad teaches me little stuff like that and it adds up 30 bucks every other month or so.


Here is two big ones (I too am a fellow college kid but my dad teaches me to be smart with my money) Carry only one large Bill around like a 50 this way it makes you avoid little purchases (If its important you will break it if its worth the hassle you just won't buy something you don;t realize but you avoid a lot of impulse buys with that) second write down everything you buy and an approximation of how much it costs. It makes you see what you are spending your money on and where you can cut back.


My dad knows how to save money and he does it better than anyone I know and he does it without being cheap (He tips well, spends money on his family and doesn't stress over every little dollar) but he is smart and avoids needlessly wasting money. He saved for 8 years to buy a house he only went to the bar once a month, never bought new cloths for himself (My mom also didn't get many new cloths), never went on a vacation, rarely took my mom out to eat (She was on board with the savings plan) and sacrificed almost everything he could just to buy his family a house and I thank him for that.


Either way your money is your work and effort good luck trying to save as much as possible.

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Well, for male UB students there's always the restroom at Ellicott Creek Park.




You know thats not far off from what we did in college. We hardly ever showered at the house, almost always at the field house. You would be surprised at how much water and electric goes into taking a shower.


Bought a CO2 system, as kegs were WAY cheaper than buying cases. Every Wednesday had a party that would pay for the beer rest of the week :unsure:



Buy a fry daddy and when you get hungry at 3.00am, make french fries instead of ordering a pizza.


Now, you will have always beer and fries at your house at 3.00am, no need to take a girl to dinner etc,buy her drinks at a bar etc.. you have everything you need to to get a girl back to your house!!!!

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I went away from home for school during my freshman year, here are a few things I did to keep costs down:


-Every night before you go to bed (or pass out, depends on the night!) throw your spare change from the day into a jar or something of the sort. Your usually spending money on something pretty much daily - groceries, beer, fast food, books, etc. Usually your bound to have a decent amount of change at the end of the day. I would throw mine in the same place each night, and usually by the end of each month I'd cash it in for about $25-30. Not too bad.


-Even if you have a meal plan, keep a ton of extra food and drinks in your room at all times. Helps you avoid going out and paying to get something to eat during hours when the dining halls are closed. And those are the times when you are usually the most hungry, depending on your habits. :unsure:


-Keystone, Busch, Pabst, Milwaukee's Best, etc. - Drink cheap beer in your first college years, especially before going out to house parties, bars, clubs, etc. It'll cut down costs big time over a semester, and will give you a better appreciation of what really constitutes good beer when you stop worrying about saving money and binge drinking all the time!


-Avoid buying books from the school bookstore at all costs. Half.com is a great site with new and used books that almost always seem to beat the school's prices by a pretty marginal amount. Try to buy used online, and sell them back online at the end of the semester. Book costs can be killer if you don't try to use every avenue to find the best possible prices.


-Use a condom. Getting a girl pregnant during your first years of college is a monetary disaster. :thumbdown:

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If you're eating at the cafeteria, get to know the staff and schmooze it up with them while you have a meal plan. Then cancel the meal plan and finagle your way into the cafeteria by hitting on the old women or acting like their children. They can be your best friends while in school.


Of course this depends on what type of security and system they have, but use your intuition to figure out a way to get past it. Hanging out with athletes is a good way to do this because they almost always have a free meal plan and just have to sign in to get in. If you hang out with them enough, the staff just figures that you're one of them. I went two years with them thinking I was a football team manager and never paid for a meal. This can also get you free meals when they are closed down but still cleaning up or in the kitchen.

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I'm a UB student and i just signed up for this seminar on 25 ways to save money buts its not for another week. What are some good ways to save money in respect to tailgating and just life in general? Thoughts?


Avoid paying for seminars on how to save money, for starters.



Minimize your cell phone service to just phone calls. No text, internet.


Or how about getting rid of the cell phone? :unsure:

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In this day and age, particularly if you are going away from home for school, I really don't see how that's possible.

If you find a good plan, and use it accordingly, cell phones shouldn't be such a huge expense anyways.


Yeah, because no one ever went to school without a cost-effective calling plan.

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Get a job, ya slacker! They're always hiring for pizza delivery guys on campus.


Poor Sage had to endure my rant on this just a few months ago, but there's no better advice. Of course, I went to a school that required co-op employment and my jobs paid quite well. However, I picked up other things (mowed lawns, tended bar for a caterer, etc). There's no shortage of people willing to throw $20-$100 (tax free) at you for odd stuff.


As far as saving money goes, lots of good advice in this thread. Here's a recipe that goes a long way:


Couple cans of refried beans (<$1 for 16 oz)

Large jar of no-name Salsa (<$2.50)

Package of Tortillas (Look around as prices vary)


Mix the refried beans with Salsa

Spoon into tortilla

Microwave ~30-60 sec


High protein, low fat, mmm mmm good.

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