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"If you dont shut that baby up,


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I'd like to see that dirtbag try that while the father was around. If a piece of schitt like that ever touched my crying child, let alone slap him four or five times, he'd be dead. No questions asked. Dead.


And if you're honestly serious that what this guy guy did "stands up" for you "non-parents," here is my sincere hope that you REMAIN a non-parent for as long as possible.


Exactly. As a father, I wouldn't even need to be around when it happened for this guy to get his due. I'd hunt him down.

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I'd like to see that dirtbag try that while the father was around. If a piece of schitt like that ever touched my crying child, let alone slap him four or five times, he'd be dead. No questions asked. Dead.


And if you're honestly serious that what this guy guy did "stands up" for you "non-parents," here is my sincere hope that you REMAIN a non-parent for as long as possible.

Agreed 100%.


Anyone who has had or cared for children that age knows that they are sometimes prone to tantrums, outbursts, fits, whatever. There are no superparents anywhere who can consistently anticipate and defuse every meltdown of a small child.


And if you're shopping in Wal-Mart you damn well better expect crying children and bad parents alike.

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I will credit myself for actually get what frankenstein was trying to say on the first try......:worthy:


My thoughts


- When I was a young boy my grandfather (not by blood) didn't thought I showed him enough respect on a trip where I was in the back seat and my grandmother was driving. All I did was laugh at something I thought was funny that he said......he turned around while he was still driving and smacked me so hard across the face that it bloodied my nose. I went nuts......he pulled the car over.....and left me sitting there on the curb. I remember that incident to this very day how humiliated I felt wiping the blood from my nose from someone who had no business touching like that and not being able to do anything about it. I can honest say it scarred me a little bit inside.


- There was a day when I was much younger that my recently married to brother in law was holding my toddle son under a water faucett (he was only a young boy) and not letting him go.......I took that brother in law outside and beat the living @ell out of him.......true story. NOBODY touches my kids except for me and my wife.


- Last but not least it drives me NUTS when parents dont take care of their own kids. I absolutely hate the sound of crying children whether it be while I am trying to eat.....trying to watch a movie.....standing in line at the store....whatever but I never look at the kid ITS A JOB OF A PARENT TO PARENT not sit there and let them cry and make everyone around them endure it.

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I will credit myself for actually get what frankenstein was trying to say on the first try......:wallbash:


My thoughts


- When I was a young boy my grandfather (not by blood) didn't thought I showed him enough respect on a trip where I was in the back seat and my grandmother was driving. All I did was laugh at something I thought was funny that he said......he turned around while he was still driving and smacked me so hard across the face that it bloodied my nose. I went nuts......he pulled the car over.....and left me sitting there on the curb. I remember that incident to this very day how humiliated I felt wiping the blood from my nose from someone who had no business touching like that and not being able to do anything about it. I can honest say it scarred me a little bit inside.


- There was a day when I was much younger that my recently married to brother in law was holding my toddle son under a water faucett (he was only a young boy) and not letting him go.......I took that brother in law outside and beat the living @ell out of him.......true story. NOBODY touches my kids except for me and my wife.


- Last but not least it drives me NUTS when parents dont take care of their own kids. I absolutely hate the sound of crying children whether it be while I am trying to eat.....trying to watch a movie.....standing in line at the store....whatever but I never look at the kid ITS A JOB OF A PARENT TO PARENT not sit there and let them cry and make everyone around them endure it.


What was he holding the kid under a water faucett for?

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this entire situation could have been avoided with just a tiny bit of parenting. just sayin.


Ya I agree. Not that that I agree with the face slap of the 2 year old... A bit over the top.


I remember getting my hand slapped at the A&P years ago by the cashier... I was playing around with the Eight O'Clock coffee grinder... Nowadays some irrate parent would have got on that cashier... Back then my parents would have thanked them for making sure my fingers didn't get ground up AND for helping them do thier parenting job.

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man ever touched my kid he would have had a free tooth extraction by me.



Even if they were sticking their fingers in a coffee grinder? :worthy::worthy: That's why everybody is scared to do anything, even when it is warranted. Better to just let their fingers get crunched and file suit. :worthy:


I agree this situation is over the top... I am just attacking your "absolutes." By "absolute", I mean:


"ever touched my kid"



Again... I can just hear my grandfather:


"Eric, we have lost all common sense."


And that was over 30 years ago. Where do we stand now, 30 years later... :worthy::unsure:


I blame the damn Baby-Boomers... Make that LIBERAL Baby-Boomers... Is that better for you Senator and Cincy!



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remember when community policing was done by the community and not the police.


i remember being hit with brooms by the old polack women when i was younger and got stupid in the neighborhood.

if the broom didnt solve my stupidity, the neighbor would go rat me out to my dad, and a beating would follow.


that stuff doesnt happen any more for the most part, and i think thats 3/4 the problem with kids today.....

no fear of their parents. mothers try to be friends to their daughters and fathers try to be friends to their sons.


i tell my kids all the time....... i'm not here to be your friend........i here to raise you right.........


i'm not saying we should go out to walmart and look for 2yr olds to smack up as that is overboard. 2yrs olds dont know right from wrong, so smacking them does no good.


but when you are old enough to know you are being a dumbass, a beating here and there might do you good.


(by beatings, i mean some old style discipline like a spanking)

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i tell my kids all the time....... i'm not here to be your friend........i here to raise you right.........

My dad took the same approach. We haven't spoken in over 10 years and likely won't ever speak again. Once his job was done, there was no reason to stay in touch because while he was repeatedly insisting he wasn't there to be my friend, he was more successful than he probably expected.

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My dad took the same approach. We haven't spoken in over 10 years and likely won't ever speak again. Once his job was done, there was no reason to stay in touch because while he was repeatedly insisting he wasn't there to be my friend, he was more successful than he probably expected.


but you'd agree that there can be a happy medium? and that when it comes down to it, a parent should be a PARENT FIRST and a BUDDY SECOND?


or no?

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but you'd agree that there can be a happy medium? and that when it comes down to it, a parent should be a PARENT FIRST and a BUDDY SECOND?


or no?

Yes, I think there needs to be a happy medium. It's just a personal opinion, and it's nowhere as simple as this, but you're a buddy when they need a buddy and you're a parent when they need a parent.

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