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Trent Edwards

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I am not sure which was the most overblown, complaining about a QB who goes 10 for 10 or the savage, "we must destroy you" response.


Trent had a very good night but it isn't exactly going out on a limb to suggest that there is some concern that he is a bit quick to the checkdown. I don't think either point merits a gathering of angry villagers and their pitchforks.

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Very unimpressed with Edwards tonight. He continues to morph into Kelly Holcomb. He does not go through progressions, cannot find a man downfield, and will get Lynch killed by checking down so much. He is not showing he is an NFL QB. Then Fitzpatrick came in and showed how to get the ball out quickly.

I know it is just preseason and I would not be overly concerned, but this is a continuation of what we saw from Trent last year and from Losman for many years before that.


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There would have been more points on the board with TO on the field.


Don't forget, Steve Johnson and James Hardy have been out of both games. And Justin Jenkins is emerging as a good receiver as well.


Terrell Owens, Lee Evans, Josh Reed, James Hardy, Steve Johnson - I'm waiting for that lineup in a game. :)

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Every silver lining has a cloud....


10-10, no interceptions, and 7.9 yds/att are all quite nice.


A TD would have been better, sure, but did you see the throws he did complete? Not just the dump-offs and the one long strike to Lee, but also the slants, the outs... several nice bullets for this time in the preseason.


I did not like the play call on 3rd and goal either, but that is but one blemish. The offense moved well, even without TO. One does not need rose colored glasses to think that looked pretty good.

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Don't forget, Steve Johnson and James Hardy have been out of both games. And Justin Jenkins is emerging as a good receiver as well.


Terrell Owens, Lee Evans, Josh Reed, James Hardy, Steve Johnson - I'm waiting for that lineup in a game. :unsure:


Yeah, on paper that should make a difference. Overall the Bills have to develop some scoring punch. Red zone offense has not been a strength under DJ. Gotta turn field goals into more touchdowns. Personnel alone may not be enough.

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I agre 100% he checks down way to much. I see lots of Losman in Edwards. He is taking way to long in the pocket and needs to make quicker decisons. the problem is, his quick decsions involves dinking and dunkin to marshawn an freddie.. Was not impressed tonight.

Thank-you for seeing what was there to see instead of 10-10. I guess we are the only ones sick of field goals.

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That was frustrating to watch, you're in FG range, why not take a shot a the endzone or "practice" some different plays, it is a practice game isn't it?

like when we are 30 points behind...on the 45 3rd and 20 and jauron punts. Only jauron...

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That was frustrating to watch, you're in FG range, why not take a shot a the endzone or "practice" some different plays, it is a practice game isn't it?

I don't get it either. Your QB 1s 10 for 10, but you can't take a shot to the endzone. Dick has to take chances. He's not showing to much confendence in his offense. This is preseason, this is the best time to work on these things. Win and lost don't count in preseason. Maybe he doesn't have faith in Edwards arm.

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Thank-you for seeing what was there to see instead of 10-10. I guess we are the only ones sick of field goals.



Yes, yes you are.. only you are wise to the ways of football... the rest of us mere mortals can only comment on that which has happened, and attempt to make the best of it. Only the great Droppers of Turds Upon Good News deserve respect.. let us all bow down...





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like when we are 30 points behind...on the 45 3rd and 20 and jauron punts. Only jauron...

42-7 in the Pats blowout two years ago. When they sent out the FG team to bring the Bills within 32 points, Jack (whose spare club seat I was using) and I looked at each other and said, "You've got to be kidding me."


Based on what we've seen in their first three seasons, if this coaching staff had been calling the plays in the Comeback game against Houston, it would've ended up a respectable 10-point loss.

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I don't get it either. Your QB 1s 10 for 10, but you can't take a shot to the endzone. Dick has to take chances. He's not showing to much confendence in his offense. This is preseason, this is the best time to work on these things. Win and lost don't count in preseason. Maybe he doesn't have faith in Edwards arm.


I thought Trent was calling the plays??

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