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Steve McNair found shot to death

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I'm thinkin this one hit a little to close to home for her. Cut her some slack.


Adultery is a sin but not a crime...no one deserves to be killed for it, regardless of the circumstance. :thumbsup:

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@#$%ing around with a 20-year old?! Guess that learned ya, huh, Steve? Yeah. I removed my earlier post with the tears. But, here's some tears for your wife and kids. :thumbsup:



What if his wife was a raving B word? What if she was banging the next door neighbor?


I admit hearing the guy was with his 20-year old girlfriend can make some angry, but there is more to the story than that, I'm sure. None of us know the circumstances were here, so judging him based on this one snippet of perceived bad behavior (especially when weighed against a lifetime of being a very good guy, or so it is told) might be a little bit rash.


Relationships are unique. I'm not going to take back my RIP, or feel better about his death, simply because he had a girlfriend.

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What if his wife was a raving B word? What if she was banging the next door neighbor.


I admit hearing the guy was with his 20-year old girlfriend can make some angry, but there is more to the story than that, I'm sure. None of us know the circumstances were here, so judging him based on this one snippet of perceived bad behavior (especially when weighed against a lifetime of being a very good guy, or so it is told) might be a little bit rash.


Yeah, we know nothing about his marriage. Maybe it was an open marraige. Maybe his wife is boning a 20 year old frat boy... endless maybes. Without knowing for sure, there is no sense in comdemning him. The lady who expressed that she was glad he's dead is very classless. Completely uncalled for. At least she's not my girlfriend and never will be.

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Whoever did this was reallllyyyyy pissed at him. Multiple shots is the work of severe anger. IMO


I was thinking the same thing. Only one for her? It certainly leads to easy speculation on at last two fronts.


Podody's Nerfect.

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Guest dog14787


What class you have, so now he deserved to die?


Bizarre response, is there a way you can remove ALL of your past posts while your at it and also force you to have some class, dignity and brains in future ones? If so I'm all for it.


Cablelady has probably put herself in the shoes of Steve McNairs wife.


I don't know all the circumstances so my response is based on what we know, but does it surprise you some folks would look at it differently? Regardless of who a person is or what he does, his actions put him in the situation he was in and now his wife and kids will suffer without him forever.


When we look at Steve Mcnair we see a hero on the football field, but he's also a husband and father and now possibly because of his actions, he's gone.


Is it right that Steve McNair was killed, no, of course not, but the feelings and emotions from person to person will vary and is to be expected in my opinion.


Its a terrible tragedy no matter how you look at it.

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im letting cablelady slide considering the little boy's club that she, Lori and the other female posters tolerate around here


now excuse me while i update my avatar with pics of boobs like its the first time ive ever seen a pair...

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What if his wife was a raving B word? What if she was banging the next door neighbor?


I admit hearing the guy was with his 20-year old girlfriend can make some angry, but there is more to the story than that, I'm sure. None of us know the circumstances were here, so judging him based on this one snippet of perceived bad behavior (especially when weighed against a lifetime of being a very good guy, or so it is told) might be a little bit rash.


Relationships are unique. I'm not going to take back my RIP, or feel better about his death, simply because he had a girlfriend.



I completely agree. Judging McNair, or anyone for that matter, without knowing all of the circumstances that led up to the action or reaction to the situation. It is very easy to see the worst in people and live in a black and white world. The problem is all those shades of gray. I guess that is why Catholics have that whole "Judge not, yest ye be judged" thing going on.


As an athlete and a player I remember him to definitely be a tough and classy guy. As an individual citizen he appeared to be a decent and giving individual who wanted to give back and share his gifts to make society better. Through his charities and public actions he genuinely appeared to care a great deal about others. That this is the way he went out is a shame and it is tragic but no one is infallible. No one.


RIP McNair. My thoughts go out to your family and close friends. This is only going to get rougher for them as more details are released regardless of what outcome has been determined when all the facts are known.

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On CNN, a reporter said that the bodies were discovered by a guy (sorry, forgot his name) who co-owned the condo with McNair. Apparently, the guy was a sports memorabilia dealer. Anyway, the guy discovered the bodies a little before 1pm, but rather than call the police right away he called somebody else, who then called the police about a half an hour later...is it me, or what? I also found it strange, the reporter also said that when he came in, he didn't see the blood right away, and didn't realize they were dead. Is that even logical? From the desciption of the crime scene, the girl was lying on the floor, with a gunshot to the head. Maybe I watch too many movies, or maybe the carpeting/flooring was dark, but wouldn't there be a significant amount of blood? McNair was shot multiple times. It just seems odd that you wouldn't notice like something like that pretty quick. The co-owner said, he went into the condo, walked around a bit, thought they were just in the living room sleeping (I suppose) and then went in the kitchen and saw the blood...very strange, all the information leaked on this story, so far, and the fact that the guy delayed calling anyone seems odd to me.


If you walked into your house, found two dead bodies (bloody or otherwise) wouldn't your first response be to call the police, or for medical attention? Maybe the co-owner knew that McNair wasn't supposed to be with the girl, and it would look bad for McNair, but dead is dead...I just found that a little odd...

QWhen one hears a set of facts in a newstory which do not make sense, I think it usually is a pretty safe conclusion to figure it is a poorly reported story (some reported facts are simply wrong or key facts are left out).


Its usually pretty difficult to conclude from a series of bad or incomplete facts what is bad or incomplete about them. Garbage in/garbage out. This is one where clearly one needs to wait for more facts before drawing any legit conclusions. If one insists on drawing legit conclusions it creates and obligation to go get some more facts or if not to simply offer condolences but for the most part shut up and wait.

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im letting cablelady slide considering the little boy's club that she, Lori and the other female posters tolerate around here


now excuse me while i update my avatar with pics of boobs like its the first time ive ever seen a pair...



Agreed. Cablebabe is good people.

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Yeah, we know nothing about his marriage. Maybe it was an open marraige. Maybe his wife is boning a 20 year old frat boy... endless maybes. Without knowing for sure, there is no sense in comdemning him. The lady who expressed that she was glad he's dead is very classless. Completely uncalled for. At least she's not my girlfriend and never will be.

I never said I was glad he's dead. Some of you should learn how to read.

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QWhen one hears a set of facts in a newstory which do not make sense, I think it usually is a pretty safe conclusion to figure it is a poorly reported story (some reported facts are simply wrong or key facts are left out).


Its usually pretty difficult to conclude from a series of bad or incomplete facts what is bad or incomplete about them. Garbage in/garbage out. This is one where clearly one needs to wait for more facts before drawing any legit conclusions. If one insists on drawing legit conclusions it creates and obligation to go get some more facts or if not to simply offer condolences but for the most part shut up and wait.

Do you mean we should use common sense? 100 TSW gumshoes just went flaccid.

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Adultery is a sin but not a crime...no one deserves to be killed for it, regardless of the circumstance. :thumbsup:

Actually, some states it is a crime.


New York defines an adulterer as a person who "engages in sexual intercourse with another person at a time when he has a living spouse, or the other person has a living spouse.

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or Both


My point was that one shouldn't try to psychologically profile a crime scene one hasn't even seen. Reminds me of the jackasses that think they know exactly what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, from looking at three pictures.


But I know Steely Dan is just having fun (so-to-speak), and knows not to take himself too seriously.

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I always like how these guys are "great representatives for their community" and "just the nicest guy you'd ever meet" as they're running around sleeping with who knows how many people behind their wife and kids. If this guy wasn't a quarterback, most of us would call them a slimeball.


Of course this is a tragedy. Of course it's unfortunate. But seriously, why get married if you want to hook up with as many girls as possible? Either stay single or commit. Oi.

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Guest dog14787
Yep. I believe you wrote "the sick need to kill." That changes your original supposition that it was a sig other how?



must be the off season,


Lets not tear folks apart over different reactions to something tragic like this, especially taking things out of context.

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