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First car?

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So I just purchased my first car. It's a silver 1999 Oldsmobile Alero...nothing really special, but dammit if I don't love the thing like it's my own child. I'm gonna go out and get a nice Bills decal as soon as possible.


Anybody have any cool first car stories?

congrats young man!!!...my first car--a '67 cougar....-Right after I bought it I made it almost back to my place of work before the thing started spewing weird colored fluids from its tranny. $500 bucks...eventually it ran great.Quick 289 engine.

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Not me, but a girlfriend I had in college wasdriving her brother's Ford Falcon. She stopped at a light and heard a gigantic boom. The motor mounts had rusted out and the engine and tranny fell out of the car!

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bought a 1986 Ford Bronco II v6 eddie bauer edition in november of 95, with all of my hard earned money working for 7$/hr cash over the summer. Saved up 4500 to buy it. Didn't actually get to drive it until I got my drivers lic. in dec of 96. 2nd Day on the road, we had a snow storm and wanted to test out the 4wd with a buddy of mine in the car. Found an old cemetary up on a steep hill, cliff type property off the side of the road. Thing made it up the steep hill road fine, only problem was the cliff was sloping down sideways from the car. Truck started sliding down the ice sideways towards the steep cliff which was a bout a 40 ft drop down to the road. Being dumb 16 yr olds, we went on the side of the car with our bodies to hold it in place (only about 10 ft between us and the cliff. The car continued to slide, just not as fast. With some quick thinking we let the car slide, had my friend stand on the back bumper for extra traction and managed to spin the tires and get out of there.


My mom would have killed me if i didn't already die myself. :thumbsup:

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So I just purchased my first car. It's a silver 1999 Oldsmobile Alero...nothing really special, but dammit if I don't love the thing like it's my own child. I'm gonna go out and get a nice Bills decal as soon as possible.


Anybody have any cool first car stories?


Das cool. You have a, sort of, rarity because Olds aren't made anymore.


'54 Chevrolet 2-door, 3-speed column shifter six. Power nothing, including brakes and steering. Great headroom...Max Headroom. Nice-sized trunk.


That would've been a very cool car, even today. The nice sized trunk reminds me of an ex-girlfriend.



My 1st car was a 1967 Camaro. :thumbsup:


You suck! I would have loved that! :angry:This (the American version) was my first car! Same color too (bloody diarrhea) This is true, my mother gave it to me because she felt it was unsafe for my sister to drive. She knew I could work on it and if it broke down I was in less danger than my sis and that's why but it's a good story to tell people. :blink:


So it had an independant suspension










the real song.




First car was an '81 Mustang with a '78 straight six engine out of a Grand Marquis frankensteined into it. I-beams for motor mounts. God only knows what the transmission was, but the gearing was all cockeyed, so the spedomoter never read the correct speed.


Through the car's life, it caught fire twice (both times I put it out with an extinguisher). My fondest memory is pirouetting on ice across Main Street in Williamsville with no control over the car. Oil pan gasket blew out 40k miles after I bought it. A garage quoted me $400 to fix the gasket, to which I said "Are you kidding me? The car's only worth $200. Screw it, I'll run it without oil." Another 40k miles later, I blew a piston ring...wasn't worth fixing either. Drove the car another 20k miles, with it burning some weird mix of oil, gas, and antifreeze. I finally got rid of it when the driver's seat fell through the floor WHEN I WAS DRIVING IT (fortunately, sitting at a light).


That car was a complete menace to anyone within 500 yards of it. Completely indestructible, though. Great car.


I guess indestructible means something different to me. It was destructible just not willing to die.


1987 Ford Ranger. 4-cyl standard. She ran pretty well for me all through college ('99-'03). I could beat anyone off the line in a drag race...up to about 25 mph. After that the acceleration went to hell. If i wanted to pass on a 55 mph 2 lane road (ie rt 11 on the way to clarkson), i'd need about a good mile of run up acceleration. She was one of those trucks that was about 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide so anytime you took a turn at over 40 mph, you'd feel her start to pull like she wanted to roll over.


I gave it to my younger bro when i was done with it and he drove it for a few more years. Somehow, in '06, he managed to sell the damn thing (with almost 200k miles, all in NY and PA) for $300 with a flat, broken water pump, cracked oil pan and no battery. And i didnt see a dime of it, that bastard.


A friend of mine in high school drove an Olds Delta 88 and some type of Ford stationwagon that belonged to his parents. Those cars were huge but could blow almost anything off the line. Back in the day all Detroit monstrosities had balls to the wall power!


BTW, do you have that dudes information? There's a lot of stuff I'd like to sell to him. :D


congrats young man!!!...my first car--a '67 cougar....-Right after I bought it I made it almost back to my place of work before the thing started spewing weird colored fluids from its tranny. $500 bucks...eventually it ran great.Quick 289 engine.


Did it have the progressive taillights? Those were boss! :thumbsup:



Not me, but a girlfriend I had in college wasdriving her brother's Ford Falcon. She stopped at a light and heard a gigantic boom. The motor mounts had rusted out and the engine and tranny fell out of the car!


She is so lucky that didn't happen on the freeway! :o


bought a 1986 Ford Bronco II v6 eddie bauer edition in november of 95, with all of my hard earned money working for 7$/hr cash over the summer. Saved up 4500 to buy it. Didn't actually get to drive it until I got my drivers lic. in dec of 96. 2nd Day on the road, we had a snow storm and wanted to test out the 4wd with a buddy of mine in the car. Found an old cemetary up on a steep hill, cliff type property off the side of the road. Thing made it up the steep hill road fine, only problem was the cliff was sloping down sideways from the car. Truck started sliding down the ice sideways towards the steep cliff which was a bout a 40 ft drop down to the road. Being dumb 16 yr olds, we went on the side of the car with our bodies to hold it in place (only about 10 ft between us and the cliff. The car continued to slide, just not as fast. With some quick thinking we let the car slide, had my friend stand on the back bumper for extra traction and managed to spin the tires and get out of there.


My mom would have killed me if i didn't already die myself. :worthy:


It's a wonder any of us survived our teen years.


My favorite car was a 1977 blue VW Rabbit. It had a sunroof and I've always wanted to have a sunroof since. It was a German made Rabbit and they were much better made than the American made Rabbits that came soon after. It was also back in the day when all you needed was a Chilton's manual, a friend and some basic tools to fix almost anything on that car. Today so much is controlled by computers and the engine compartments have little room to work around that doing home repairs on the car is very difficult.

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White '66 Mustang convertible. Just gorgeous! Had it less than a week when some morons in East Amherst stole a 10 speed bike and were being chased by the homeowner as they blew through a stop sign at a blind intersection.


A stop sign that I didn't have... :thumbsup:

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My first car was a non-descript late 70s hunk of gas-guzzling iron that withstood two accidents involving deer. Drove away from both accidents with a couple minor dents and broken side mirror. Today's cars crumble under the same circumstances.


However, my son just turned 16 last week and has been saving his money for three or four years to buy a car. The car he chose to buy... a 1963 Ford Fairlane 500, that he and my father in law are working on togehter. :thumbsup: He gets on my last nerve sometimes, but he's a throwback that's for sure.

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I bought a tan/beige interior 73 Satellite Sebring in 1980 for $200. My dad sold cars, and this car came in on a trade and the owner agreed to sell it at cost to me. Must remember, that 7 year old cars with almost 75,000 miles on them were not worth a ton in Buffal at that time. However, this car really had limited rust on it, and I needed a car as we were moving to Grand Island due to Love Canal, and I wanted to finish my senior year at LaSalle.


Had the v-8 318 engine with a Holly 4 Barrel, and was just a ton of fun to drive. I went top of the line and bought a Pioneer Supertuner, that went underdash and the big round dial for music, and went with the K Mart Sparkomatic speakers as they were 50% of the the Jensens Tri-Axles. Lordy, how do I remember this stuff. Hate to admit this, but I remember the trunk being pretty well filled up with empties a lot those 18 months


Anyway, drove that car to Lauderdale for spring break, and owned it for about 18 months. Sold it when I went to college, but dam can still see that car.

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My first car was a non-descript late 70s hunk of gas-guzzling iron that withstood two accidents involving deer. Drove away from both accidents with a couple minor dents and broken side mirror. Today's cars crumble under the same circumstances.


However, my son just turned 16 last week and has been saving his money for three or four years to buy a car. The car he chose to buy... a 1963 Ford Fairlane 500, that he and my father in law are working on togehter. :thumbsup: He gets on my last nerve sometimes, but he's a throwback that's for sure.


1. Are you redneck hunter?


2. Hmm, a 16 year old kid who gets on his parents nerves. :thumbsup: That's a rarity.

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In the summer of '94 I went against my Dad's sage advice and bought a 72' GTO. It only had 24K on a very angry 455HO which put out a S@#$ton of power. It also sucked down gas like a Motley Crue weekend booze bender and I had to replace the tires all the time because I'd drift it around turns. I also stupidly used to race my roomate ('73 Camaro SS) from RIT, back to our rental house in Rush.


Looked just like this one.



Side note, my Dad's sage advice led me to buy my 2nd car not long after, right after the first snowfall of that year.


Wish I never sold that car. Keep telling myself I'm getting another one.

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So I just purchased my first car. It's a silver 1999 Oldsmobile Alero...nothing really special, but dammit if I don't love the thing like it's my own child. I'm gonna go out and get a nice Bills decal as soon as possible.


Anybody have any cool first car stories?


My first car was a 1995 Plymouth Neon. I must have burnt the gasket 3 times. It ended up being smashed on this highway.



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