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I have no problem with Jauron the person. The team likes him and so does the organization


I do have a big ass problem with Jauron ... on game day


The last 3 yrs we have all seen that Jauron plays not to lose

Hoping that the other teams messes up before we do.

In this league you have to play to win and that is NOT how Jauron coaches on game day.


I hope he and Schonert become more aggressive this year, not balls out be take a few more chances offensively.


otherwise he is toast.

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Overall it seems Dick Juaron simply lacks the confidence that I believe a successful head coach must have. Too often you hear head scratching quotes like: "we"re going to try and steal a win", "We're going to have to play very good football to beat them", "it's very tough to win in this league". He always plays the role of we're the younger, less experienced (aka worse) team. Its almost like he wants to point out the reasons why the team may lose the game before the game is even played. I just think his attitude of mediocrity has seeped down into the entire organization and eventually a change will need to be made.

I still want to puke when I think about not getting that field goal attempt off against New England this past season to end the first half. It's those plays that fall square on the shoulders of the head coach. I don't care how nice and respected he is, you need to know how to manage a game and motivate your players to be the best they can. To this point I would say Juaron has really done nothing but continuously disappoint as head coach of the Bills.



That is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about. Nobody would ever confuse Marv Levy with Bill Belechik as a master game planner, but, his stregth as a coach, and what made him so successful, was having a philosophy, that he, and his coaching staff adhered to. DJ is conservative at heart, but, he seems to have a knack for choosing to be non-conservative at the worst times. And I would guess this has cost them at least two or three victories each of the last three seasons. If your QB/QB's can't execute, or run around like they have bees in their bonnet at the slightest adversity, than why on earth do you ask them to do crazy things, when the game is on the line? How many good defensive efforts have been squandered under Jauron, buy stupid offensive game planning? The defense, though still aways from being dominant, has kept this team in a number of games, only to have the men in charge blow it on the offensive side of the ball. If you can't trust your QB to execute (as C.Bisquet suggests) than don't ask them to... win or lose playing to your strengths, not by exposing your shortcomings to your opponent.

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If Jesus Christ was a NFL coach, he won't win consistently with JP. The more years we get away from the 2006 season, we will realize how good of a job Jauron & Fairchild (who is doing an awesome job at CSU) did making him look like a pro QB. It was a miracle.




If the coaching job in 2006 was so magnificent, then how come they completely changed tactics in 2007, once again reining in the offense and closing down the playbook, in spite of the proof in 2006 that that was how JP played best? They destroyed Losman in 2007.


We still don't know how good he can be. In the right situation, there's a good chance he can be a very good QB. I hope he is lucky enough to find that right situation.

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He's a terrible Head Coach. Period.


Move on.





Gosh, I ... I ... I ... I ... never realized it before until I saw it put so eloquently. How convincing and well-thought out! What evidence you've marshalled. I bow before the accumulated mass and momentum of your argument.

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I'm not in the slightest bit ashamed of my support of Dick Jauron.


The reasons I support Dick (couldn't help the dick joke) were once again confirmed tonight.


Just one more person who's worked with Jauron and who has nothing but praises for him. My source is an informed guy. He considers Dick a friend from Dick's time here in Chicago. He knows him professionally. He's seen Jauron in the locker room. He referred to him as the one of the most "under rated coaches in the league."


I feel bad blowing up my source in light of recent events, if you're truly curious about his identity, you're welcomed to PM me and I'll give you all the details about my source, so long as he stays private.


I won't respond to your PM if I've never heard of you.

Sounds to me like you are all looking to be friends with him. I have enough friends, I want to win, DJ is a loser. A nice loser, no doubt. Rather have a a-hole who wins.


Much rather.

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I like Jauron ,in fact most people I know like him a bunch...as a person.


As a head coach he stinks no question about it,comparing Dick Jauron to Bill Belichick is like comparing Albert Einstein to a high school dropout. One is a genius and the other is about average mentally, in terms of game planning.


Can he motivate his players,yes.


Does he know all the right things to say in terms of coaching, yes!


Does he have the skills to out coach other teams NO! Jauron can't out game plan a high school football coach, go watch that Patriot game from last year and you will see the ineptitude.


Defensively the Bills are pretty decent,even running an out dated scheme that every other NFL team has opted out of, and don't tell me Minnesota runs a Tampa 2 scheme because there is no way Pat and Kevin Williams would work in Buffalo's Defensive scheme. It might be a variation but it is no where near the same defense.


It is the offense where Jauron falls on his face,utterly and completely. He hired a offensive coordinator with no previous experience and then lets him call what he wants. With Bill Belichick he trained Josh McDaniels to call the offensive plays for the Patriots and sets up the entire game plans for defense and offense.


The Difference between Marv Levy and Dick Jauron is that Levy was secure enough with his own job to hire an ex head coach to run his offense. Ted Marchibroda built one of the best offenses in the NFL in the late 80's early 90's for Buffalo.


Bottom line is Dick Jauron is a good defensive coordinator and a horrid head coach.The guy might be an Ivy league collage grad, but to bad he didn't learn enough to hire a good experienced offensive coordinator.

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I'm not in the slightest bit ashamed of my support of Dick Jauron.


The reasons I support Dick (couldn't help the dick joke) were once again confirmed tonight.


Just one more person who's worked with Jauron and who has nothing but praises for him. My source is an informed guy. He considers Dick a friend from Dick's time here in Chicago. He knows him professionally. He's seen Jauron in the locker room. He referred to him as the one of the most "under rated coaches in the league."


I feel bad blowing up my source in light of recent events, if you're truly curious about his identity, you're welcomed to PM me and I'll give you all the details about my source, so long as he stays private.


I won't respond to your PM if I've never heard of you.


Jauron is a great guy and I posted last year that continuity is one of the most important things for a team to succeed. However, after going 4-1 in the first five games to 3-8 after the bye is inexcusable IMO. A lot of people were saying that the Bills were playing over their heads in the first five games. If Jauron had gone 6-5 over the next 11 games it would have been disappointing but it would've been enough for me to stick with him unapologetically. 3-8 in my mind is horrible.



I agree EN-TIRELY...


As a fan, I love Jauron...Probably one of the better coaches we've had since Marv...A top-notch person!

I want to root for him more-but I dont think he has what it takes to get this team to the next level...


Hopefully this year he can prove me wrong!


This is his do or die year. It doesn't help the Bills are in a division that has two teams that went 11-5 and one team that went 9-7 but if the Bills want to be successful they'll have to beat teams like that.



Big Cat, I was calling for Dick Jauron to be the next head coach of the Bills, way back when Tom Donohoe hired Mike Mularkey. I was very happy when he was hired in Buffalo. I have no personal "in" with anyone with the Bears, Jags or Lions, but I have always heard nothing but great things about him. One of my best friends is a huge Bears fan, so I pay a little more attention to the comings and goings of the Bears, than I do some other teams. My buddy, and I, always felt that Jauron was kind of screwed in Chicago. He did okay in Jacksonville as DC, and you can't really hold anything against anyone who is associated with the Lions.


I have a personal connection with someone who works for the Buffalo Bills. They have nothing but the greatest of things to say about Jauron. This person was also very fond of Mike Mularkey. Not so much Gregg Williams. Coach Jauron, by all accounts, is very much liked by everyone involved with the Bills organization, is a standup guy, and is very thoughtful. His players love him.



All that said, he has been a major disappointment as head coach of the Bills, to me. I would love for him to succeed, but I am not that confident, even with a major upgrade in talent, he is going to get much more out of a team than he already has. He is a poor game day coach. How many times in the last three years, has he made some head scratching decision, only to explain that he "wasn't aware at the time" of what the situation was.


That might be "no big deal" to some, and you can point out game day blunders by coaches much more highly regarded than Jauron. But the truth is, as a coach, Jauron does not put his team in the best position to win, on a consistent basis. That is the most basic part of his job, and he doesn't do it well. The announcers in his corner always talk about how Jaurons' teams are "always prepared", and "don't quit" (cliche time), despite evidence to the contrary.

His teams seem to have a fragile psyche. Is that a reflection of the coach? You can't tell me, in those primetime meltdowns against the Cowboys in 2007, and the Browns in 2007, you couldn't see the end coming in both games.


To top it off, his teams have consistently come up small, when they needed to play big... he doesn't seem to inspire his players to play "over their head",so they don't really progress. I don't know that it is a condemnation of Jauron or his staff, but, ultimately, he is responsible. The guy doesn't get it done with the X's and O's, and he doesn't appear to have the fire in his belly to inspire a superior performance...so what does he bring to the field?


I think that statement was proven wrong in the first four games of last year. I will say after the bye they did seem to be a much different team.


JP may blow (and I am convinced he does), but there were some horrendous decisions made during his tenure as a starter, that cost the Bills games... sometimes it just takes one mind numbing stupid decision to lose a game. A good coach has to realize, his QB will make some of those stupid mistakes, so he can't afford to.


JP's abilities as a QB are evidenced by the almost total lack of interest from any of the NFL teams since he became a FA. I think Jauron was trying to stick to developing a highly regarded first round pick but try as he might, in reference to JP's on field play only, he couldn't polish a turd.



Don't misconstrue this comment as a disagreement with you.


I just want to mention that on occasions where the defense beats the O-line off the snap that it's often a case where the quarterback is being too predictable in his snap count. Other times it's because the play clock has run down and the defense knows the snap is imminent. In either of these cases it often comes down to the quarterback not having the experience, savvy, and presence of mind to marshal the situation. One got this feeling with JP a lot.


I think game plan trickery is very underrated by this coaching staff. They tend to just do things the old fashioned way every play. A good team should be able to do that. Some players have said that the other team could be told the play before hand and the guys should still be able to execute it. Still a little different trickery like two or three times a game helps a lot. I.E. the wildcat last year. It gives the opposing team each week a little more to plan for ahead of time.



Gosh, I ... I ... I ... I ... never realized it before until I saw it put so eloquently. How convincing and well-thought out! What evidence you've marshalled. I bow before the accumulated mass and momentum of your argument.



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I like Jauron ,in fact most people I know like him a bunch...as a person.


As a head coach he stinks no question about it,comparing Dick Jauron to Bill Belichick is like comparing Albert Einstein to a high school dropout. One is a genius and the other is about average mentally, in terms of game planning.


Can he motivate his players,yes.


Does he know all the right things to say in terms of coaching, yes!


Does he have the skills to out coach other teams NO! Jauron can't out game plan a high school football coach, go watch that Patriot game from last year and you will see the ineptitude.


Defensively the Bills are pretty decent,even running an out dated scheme that every other NFL team has opted out of, and don't tell me Minnesota runs a Tampa 2 scheme because there is no way Pat and Kevin Williams would work in Buffalo's Defensive scheme. It might be a variation but it is no where near the same defense.


It is the offense where Jauron falls on his face,utterly and completely. He hired a offensive coordinator with no previous experience and then lets him call what he wants. With Bill Belichick he trained Josh McDaniels to call the offensive plays for the Patriots and sets up the entire game plans for defense and offense.


The Difference between Marv Levy and Dick Jauron is that Levy was secure enough with his own job to hire an ex head coach to run his offense. Ted Marchibroda built one of the best offenses in the NFL in the late 80's early 90's for Buffalo.


Bottom line is Dick Jauron is a good defensive coordinator and a horrid head coach.The guy might be an Ivy league collage grad, but to bad he didn't learn enough to hire a good experienced offensive coordinator.


You do have to take into account that Jauron doesn't cheat.

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Its not shocking to me...I still have several friends in various NFL circles, and he is very respected in the league. In fact, many felt his 2007 coaching job after Kevin, the bad break in Den and Dall and the worst case of injuries in the league that year, was one of the better coaching jobs in the league. Some have even said that if we made the playoffs (as we had a chance to) he may have won coach of the year...Then last year he was again being spoken of in the coach of the year rumblings after the 6-2 start until it derailed. Again, most lay this on JP and Edwards struggles and the injuries more than DJ from the people I talk to.


Its the fans that are down on him the most. A friend of mine played one year for him in Chicago and he said that he gets more out of his guys than most beacuse people play hard for him.


His biggest problem in Buffalo has been lack of an established QB to lead this team and injuries, and hopefully with all the new weapons and OL additions, Edwards can make the leap forward this year and be that guy. All coaches make in game mistakes, but when the team isnt winning they get magnified. Mike Tomlin probably made more coaching mistakes than most other coaches this year, but it doesnt get talked about because they overcame them and won.

Just win baby! I met Coach Jauron once after a game and he took the time to shake my hand and act like I mattered for that brief moment, which to me put him at the top of the food chain. I would love to see our team do well on the field and Coach Jauron enjoy plenty of success and get credit he deserves.

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I can't say we suck due to Dick considering our offensive and defensive lines are or have been mediocre to say the least. The draft philosphy of drafting smaller players does concern me as over time we still can't stop the run and our draft picks meerly replace established def backs who we never re-sign. Managwmwnt above him has to be held resposible more so than Juron I think though he does havce some play calling issues with our boring offense that never has any trick plays or deception. Need sto be more flexible with offense and defense for my tastes.

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Dick coaches like he's in the stone-aged times of the NFL pre-merger. While teams like the Dolphins and the Patriots are busy breaking NFL trends, circa 2009. These AFC East teams have the audacity to use their players abilities to their max potential effectiveness. Dick Jauron is simply stuck in another time period. The only way Dick could be an effective coach is if he had the Baltimore Ravens Superbowl team. I think it's safe to say we don't have that here. He's a nice guy and even I feel bad for laying into him at times, but his predictable vanilla offensive and defensive schemes, which opposing NFL teams routinely get the better of, literally sucks my enjoyment out of watching my team play football. It still makes me extremely angry that he was retained and amazingly gets to stick around yet another year. It would take a miracle for Dick to have a winning season ever again.


Dick Jauron good guy, horrible head coach.

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If Jesus Christ was a NFL coach, he won't win consistently with JP. The more years we get away from the 2006 season, we will realize how good of a job Jauron & Fairchild (who is doing an awesome job at CSU) did making him look like a pro QB. It was a miracle.

Dude, Edwards doesn't look any better. How come Jauron couldn't work his magic on him. Edwards got worse as the season went on. 2006 we won more games the second half , than the first half. With Edwards we got worst the second half. Maybe its because teams figured out Edwards or we were out coached the second half.

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I have been very down on DJ especially after the collapse last year. He is the coach under contract so I guess there is now no other choice than to support the guy. If he is truly smart he will learn from his mistakes. Bellicheat put a coaching clinic on for him in the second NE game last year. Bellicheat made DJ look like an pop warner coach that day. Following the draft I am hopeful that we are an improved team. The season probably rests on Trent Edwards taking a big step forward. If he does DJ will look like a genius. If he does not DJ will be looking for another job.

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Geez Senator. You might be right but I really don't remember Losman being particularly astute in any aspect, particularly the mental side of the game. He never struck me as a guy who was manipulating the defense with his cadence.


I do know that Trent Edwards was sacked on less than 6% of his pass attempts and that JP was sacked on nearly 13% of his pass attempts so it seems questionable how much the defense was affected by JP's cadence...how much he was keeping them off balance. There are other factors involved of course so this is just an observation.

So Losman got sack alot, so does big Ben. Maybe big Ben holds the ball to long. Maybe Edwards is abetter QB because big Ben gets sack more. Maybe big Ben doesn't make quick enough read. So he is not smart QB, Maybe we don't have good enough overall talent to win games or bad coaching. I say both.

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I'm not in the slightest bit ashamed of my support of Dick Jauron.


The reasons I support Dick (couldn't help the dick joke) were once again confirmed tonight.


Just one more person who's worked with Jauron and who has nothing but praises for him. My source is an informed guy. He considers Dick a friend from Dick's time here in Chicago. He knows him professionally. He's seen Jauron in the locker room. He referred to him as the one of the most "under rated coaches in the league."


I feel bad blowing up my source in light of recent events, if you're truly curious about his identity, you're welcomed to PM me and I'll give you all the details about my source, so long as he stays private.


I won't respond to your PM if I've never heard of you.

How can he be under rated when he is a career loser!?

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Dick coaches like he's in the stone-aged times of the NFL pre-merger. While teams like the Dolphins and the Patriots are busy breaking NFL trends, circa 2009. These AFC East teams have the audacity to use their players abilities to their max potential effectiveness. Dick Jauron is simply stuck in another time period. The only way Dick could be an effective coach is if he had the Baltimore Ravens Superbowl team. I think it's safe to say we don't have that here. He's a nice guy and even I feel bad for laying into him at times, but his predictable vanilla offensive and defensive schemes, which opposing NFL teams routinely get the better of, literally sucks my enjoyment out of watching my team play football. It still makes me extremely angry that he was retained and amazingly gets to stick around yet another year. It would take a miracle for Dick to have a winning season ever again.


Dick Jauron good guy, horrible head coach.


The list of bad game day decisions for Dick and his coaching staff is so long I doubt anyone here can recall them all. It is NOT JUST BAD PLAYERS. There are certain "rules" that I can't figure out why this coach and his staff can't seem to figure out such as:


1.) if the run is working. Keep running.

2.) if the opponent is out of time outs and is behind, don't give them the sideline pass.

3.) if you are deep in your own end zone near the end of a half or game and your are ahead and the opponent is out of time outs, run the ball.

4.) field goal % goes way up when you get the distance to 42 yards or less.

5.) When windy weather is a huge factor - GENERALLY - run into the wind and throw when it is at your back.


I also have never seen a coach who is worse at challenges. My God he even challenged the number of players on the field and got THAT wrong.

He is AMAZINGLY bad -so much so - that he does not challenge when he should and challenges when he should not. Why can't the Bills pay someone - anyone - to sit near a phone and a TV and buzz him when to challenge? That method could not possibly make things worse.


It has also seemed that the players have very little passion on the field. How many times have you asked yourself, "do I care more about winning than they do?" (I mean a LOT MORE). One thing about TO - he hates losing. I doubt he will sit around quietly when the other team runs up the score or does a cheap shot.


my 2 cents

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