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help give me halloween costume idea's

The Poojer

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have a party tonight, gonna spend the morning at goodwills searching for stuff.....dont have any good ideas that i can throw together this afternoon, btw, has to be in somewhat good taste, there will be kids in attendance....thinking about going as dirk diggler...that would be kind of easy....all i would need is a sock :thumbsup:

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have a party tonight, gonna spend the morning at goodwills searching for stuff.....dont have any good ideas that i can throw together this afternoon, btw, has to be in somewhat good taste, there will be kids in attendance....thinking about going as dirk diggler...that would be kind of easy....all i would need is a sock :thumbsup:


...and 6 more inches. :thumbsup:

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...and 6 more inches. :thumbsup:


So what's the verdict? I was gonna suggest drag, as that's always good for a laugh. Go in a frumpy dress with hairy legs and three-day stubble. You can insert an ethnic old-lady joke here. :thumbsup:

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have a party tonight, gonna spend the morning at goodwills searching for stuff.....dont have any good ideas that i can throw together this afternoon, btw, has to be in somewhat good taste, there will be kids in attendance....thinking about going as dirk diggler...that would be kind of easy....all i would need is a sock :thumbsup:



Go as Alex the Droog from Clockwork Orange, Always a hit. I've done it a couple of years, each time I had a more then one girl ask me to "rape" them. It's a party hit an easy to put together.

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Go as Alex the Droog from Clockwork Orange, Always a hit. I've done it a couple of years times, each time I had a more then one girl ask me to "rape" them. It's a party hit an easy to put together.


Yes! Best book/movie of all time, best costume of all time. Just promise me you won't go as the Joker, everybody is doing that.

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Our party is this Saturday and we do a theme every year. This year it's alien invasion. I heard someone in my office he and his girlfriend were coming as Sarah Palien and John McAlien. :P



So how many people are showing up to your place as migrant fruit pickers?


Went to a theme party last Saturday...theme was 1970s NYC - Come like you are going to Studio 54 in its heyday. Some very cool costumes.

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