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advice on controlling girl beater


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And Pete, that's why she needs help from professionals. And just as important, you better keep your dick out of it because I promise you it will not only complicate her life, but yours as well.


...not to mention that you WILL feel like sh-- for it in the long run.

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Ah, you're a tit man, I see.


I'm just saying it's a proven biological fact that men get stupider as the cup size of the women they're talking to increases.


I'll prove it. Lana thinks I'm pretty smart. Now Lana, show me your breasts...

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I know the sweetest girl and we are great friends and she lives with this POS control freak who beats the hell out of her. She is trying to move in with me, but scared to leave. She packed her stuff and was ready to move in this morning- and he was pissed. I spoke with her this AM, and have not heard from her since. She is afraid he is going to kill me. This POS smashed all her cell phones, does not let her out of the house, except for work, he takes her money. This girl is scared shitless of him. I really like her a lot and try and help. The only way I can speak with her is by visiting her at work- which I do frequently. Her best friend lives next door and he will not even allow her to speak with her friend.


What to do? It is a horrible situation. I appreciate any advice


If you love her, have her move in, file a restraing order / no contact, and get firearm training if you haven't already. Oh yeah, concealed weapons permit and a revolver ( very dependable)


However, I would suggest you think this thing through thoroughly before you make any decisions, cause your life is gonna change in a big way.


Don't be suprised if she begs you to smack her around when you have your first fight .


If you don't love her, but want to help her, you're still gonna need to protect yourself from the P.O.S. boyfriend. Think hard.

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Don't be suprised if she begs you to smack her around when you have your first fight .


There's that, too. :D (Been there...that relationship didn't last long.)


Some abused women want to get out and don't know how. Some, on the other hand, want the abuse. Know which you're dealing with, Pete?

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Be the knight in shining armor. Do everything for her she is unwilling to do herself. Years later, marvel at how much time and effort you spent, how miserable your life was while you did this, and how ultimately, she pissed it all away anyway.


Or, give her the cop's card, the good advice on this thread for her to follow (rather than you on her behalf), and wish this adult the best of luck getting her own life together.


Then go find a chick who already has.

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Be the knight in shining armor. Do everything for her she is unwilling to do herself. Years later, marvel at how much time and effort you spent, how miserable your life was while you did this, and how ultimately, she pissed it all away anyway.


Depressingly true. Amazing how you can spend days, weeks, months, years trying to find an answer to something that you think is so close, only to realize after the fact that it was all a waste of time. Life is such a b!tch in that sense.

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Be the knight in shining armor. Do everything for her she is unwilling to do herself. Years later, marvel at how much time and effort you spent, how miserable your life was while you did this, and how ultimately, she pissed it all away anyway.


Or, give her the cop's card, the good advice on this thread for her to follow (rather than you on her behalf), and wish this adult the best of luck getting her own life together.


Then go find a chick who already has.


As much as I hate to say it and as callous as it may sound, I gotta agree with T. Tate on this one. :blink:


So what's the haps Pete? What did you end up doing?

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