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How come a UFO never lands or comes around a major city where 'normal' people can 'claim' they saw one?



Well, if they are trying to stay hidden, it wouldn't make sense to go near a big city, would it?

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I think 99.999% of the UFOs seen around area 51 were actually the stealth planes while they were testing them. I have seen views of them from head on at a distance and they look exactly like flying saucers.

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How can we even begin to comprehend if they were trying to stay hidden???



Did you never play hide and seek as a kid? Sometimes you just have to be a better finder then they are a hider.


They have to land somewhere (and risk being seen), in order to drop off the aliens that infiltrate our society. You did see Men in Black, right?

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Did you never play hide and seek as a kid? Sometimes you just have to be a better finder then they are a hider.


They have to land somewhere (and risk being seen), in order to drop off the aliens that infiltrate our society. You did see Men in Black, right?



Absolutely, heck of a movie...but if these are aliens...how do they know they have senses like humans do to even think of the idea of hiding in the 1st place?


I mean I can not totally dismissing the notion, but to me I find it odd how it is always in remote locations.

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How come a UFO never lands or comes around a major city where 'normal' people can 'claim' they saw one?


Would you consider airline pilots "normal"? Would you consider fighter pilots "normal"? Would you consider police officers "normal"? You obviously haven't studied the subject and are being condescending from an ignorant perspective. I encourage you to look at the evidence of UFO's because there have been many sightings going a long way back into history. Even Columbus saw something very weird on his trip to America.



I think 99.999% of the UFOs seen around area 51 were actually the stealth planes while they were testing them. I have seen views of them from head on at a distance and they look exactly like flying saucers.


I agree. If area 51 ever had a crashed disc they don't anymore.

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Actually, that's a common theory amongst UFO buffs, so I wouldn't dismiss it. A lot of the people who believe in this stuff also believe that the ships have chameleon like abilities to blend in. To hide in plain site.


Just saying ...

.....and having invisibility switched on they need 3 bright lights showing their location so that they don't bump into each other.....I get it :bag:

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I don't necessarily believe people who claim to have seen alien spaceship and I certainly don't believe the nuts who claim they've been abducted.


But at the same time, I certainly believe that there is plenty of life out there in the universe (and some of it intelligent)...I'm sure some of that intelligent life has been around longer than humans and has us beat technologically, so I definitely think alien visits are a possibility.

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Actually, that's a common theory amongst UFO buffs, so I wouldn't dismiss it. A lot of the people who believe in this stuff also believe that the ships have chameleon like abilities to blend in. To hide in plain site.


Just saying ...


Yeah, there's actually one of those camoflauged UFOs in my backyard right now. I can't see it, which is how I know it's there...

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Would you consider airline pilots "normal"? Would you consider fighter pilots "normal"? Would you consider police officers "normal"? You obviously haven't studied the subject and are being condescending from an ignorant perspective. I encourage you to look at the evidence of UFO's because there have been many sightings going a long way back into history. Even Columbus saw something very weird on his trip to America.





I agree. If area 51 ever had a crashed disc they don't anymore.


It goes back much further then that to ancient cave drawings of ufo's in their current form and men in "space suits". Incase anyone thinks I'm just pulling this out of my ass. Watch the History Channel or just google UFO Cave Drawings. I've never personally seen a UFO. I do think both that and the vast account of abductions are real. Too much bs gets clouded in reliable witnesses. It's far more naive, to believe nothing is out there in a universe this big. The ego of man.



Also as far as the "Why would they come here and such and such".


Why do humans go out and tag and microchip farm and wild animals? Same principle imho. They want to keep track of what's going on. If there are aliens visiting earth. IMHO they view us as nothing more then cows, who they are keeping track of. Why make themselves noticed to livestock?

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Stars and Satellites both move ... however they move in very distinct and recognizable ways. IF what was in that one video wasn't altered (not saying either way), that's definitely not a satellite (too fast) -- or even three satellites (wouldn't be that close to one another).

stars move? :ph34r:

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