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The Problem with this Franchise...

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Oh He'll find something...No worries there... ;)

What are you going to do when they don't?


I'll answer yours when you answer mine.


You've been saying that for years though, so let me ask, what did you say after last year? How about after '04? '05? '02?

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The offense has been the problem with that team and it was as inconsistent as they make 'em this past year. And let's be honest here, your ready to credit their O for the win over what their D did? I mean if Eli doesn't dig deep on one play we're all having to deal with "Perfection Park." Otherwise Gilbride's track record has been piss poor too as Eli hasn't done squat until the last few games this year.

If is a very powerful word. IF Norwood makes the kick we are SuperBowl Champions. But he did not. Manning made the play so they won.

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Yeah, just like we were with Bledsoe, Vincent, Milloy, McGahee, Williams, Tim Anderson, Parrish, Losman, Mike Gandy, Bennie Anderson, Ryan Denney, Kelsay, Matt Bowen, Robert Royal.


I mean doesn't this get old for you, constantly sucking butt of the team that no matter who they tell is going to propel them into the future you bite and bite hard?


I mean since the Donahoe FO has been in place have there been more personnel failures or successes?


Seems to me I'm trying to discuss what's wrong with this team but apparently you think there isn't. Naturally we'll have to wait another half decade again for the guys that you support to prove themselves. LOL


Meanwhile you and others continue to make more and more excuses letting them off the hook. Sure, and me and my preferences for winning are the issues.

It's good humor at least.


Let me ask you, with your head in there, do you get lightheaded when Brandon and Jauron fart?


I like how you use a lot of players from the Donahoe era to make your point. Your preference for winning is not the problem. It's your presentation and lack of faith. If you were a Giants fan you'd be eating a lot of crow now.


As far as after the Donahoe era let's see; Whitner, Simpson, Stroud, Mitchell, Dockery, McCargo, Fowler, Peters, Johnson, DiGiorgio, Butler, Williams, Lynch, Jackson, Wendling, Poz, Schouman, Hardy, McKelvin, James.


Now you can say what have they proven but keep in mind they are very young players and most of us are giving them time to develop. If you want to keep talking about how they are idiots then how about waiting at least three years before passing judgment.

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What are you going to do when they don't?


I'll answer yours when you answer mine.


You've been saying that for years though, so let me ask, what did you say after last year? How about after '04? '05? '02?



Yawn... ;)

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What's actually the fun part of this thread is it's a thread about the lack of continuity being the problem with the Franchise. So what is the solution... change the FO, change the HC, change the QB. So my question to this krazy fella is how many more changes do we have to make before we can have this much needed continuity?

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It was sort of hit on in another thread, but it isn't really so simple as "change sucks / continuity is good".


The Bills in the 90s were one of the model franchises in the NFL. Success breeding success. They weren't the most static franchise, never having any changes -- there were changes -- there are always changes. But, what the Bills did have was an institutional memory of what worked and what did not. It was a matter of keeping the train on the tracks. Even after Jim Kelly left, even in the middle of the Johnson vs. Flutie family feud, the Bills were loaded for bear on defense and had one of the deepest teams with a solid mix of veterans and youth and an excellent defensive coach. They were perhaps one lateral away from winning it all.


But, the whole thing got blown up. Disillusionment with lots of "free spending" that hadn't netted lots of championships set in and wholesale house cleaning took place. Whatever wasn't new and shiny was thrown away and replaced with something new, where new equals better. The front office was wiped out, the coaches, the systems, a veteran purge ... and when that didn't work, they tried purging the coaches and players again ... the NFL is just like the NCAA, you just have to out recruit everybody was the slogan du jour ... and when that didn't work they tried purging the front office, which led to another purge of coaches, systems, and veterans. It's been a fuggin Merry-Go-Round to nowhere.

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What's actually the fun part of this thread is it's a thread about the lack of continuity being the problem with the Franchise. So what is the solution... change the FO, change the HC, change the QB. So my question to this krazy fella is how many more changes do we have to make before we can have this much needed continuity?



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I agree with you Sisyphean Bills. Just as our success bred success, our failure bred more failure. Instead of focusing on what it takes to build a great team- offensive and defensive lines, we started trading away draft picks like they were candy, trying to find another all-pro QB. As that failed, we traded more picks away.


Then we start taking guys like Willis MaGahee and Roscoe Parrish with high picks, while our lines continue to collapse. We may not recover from this anytime soon, but we are headed in the right direction.


Just as I feel firing Wade Phillips was a horrible mistake, I also feel firing Gregg Williams was a mistake- and I know that won't be popular here (not that I care). Williams made a lot of mistakes during his time with the Bills- but so does every young coach. I think he will be a head coach again and will be successful at some point. Mularkey was a complete disaster.


So many want Jauron gone, but I think he has been our best coach since Levy. Of course, I don't have much of a sample to go by on that- two years is nothing in the NFL.


Jauron has shown a lot of the qualities of a good leader- he motivates the player, he is very organized, he knows the game and knows his strength (delegation). Now I've seen people talk about NFL players don't need to be motivated, and that is a bunch of bunk. Even the top people in ANY profession need to be motivated and will lose their motivation when led by somebody who is incompetent. He is layed back and defers to his assistants- I can appreciate that. I was not a yeller and screamer when I coached, and my team went unbeaten in a league that was a fairly level playing field.


And I will say this about Trent Edwards- I was NOT for throwing him in this early, but since he is the starter, I think he should not be in jeopardy of losing his job no matter how bad his stats are. I would take him out if necessary to stop him if he continually repeated the same mistake, but would put him back in as quickly as possible. I have been a big J.P. Losman fan, and I will say he was screwed here, and I don't buy in to the fanspeak that he has had his chance- he was a 4-5 year project when we drafted him, and TD and MM blew it when they put him in as the starter after he was active for a fraction of his first season. He is still green as a QB, and will have a good chance to succeed on a team with NFL caliber talent at mopre than just a few possessions. That said, I REALLY hope we don't blow it with Edwars- I think his ceiling is higher than Losman's: he has better decision making capacity and better accuracy a better ability to lead receivers.


Hopefully Jauron will still be here when the rebuilding is over, and we won't start rebuilding yet another time.

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I think it has more to do with switching coaches every few years. Wanna talk about continuity? Start there.



...is that there's not much continuity.


Besides Bledsoe who was a known quantity even though we ignored it when we signed him, when's the last QB besides Kelly that got two full seasons to start much less three or four? There hasn't been one.


Most teams give their young, unproven, and rookie QBs, at least those selected relatively high in the draft, at least a couple seasons often three or four to prove something. Here in Buffalo we yank them in and out like it's fantasy football.


JP was drafted in round one but the team played head games with him by swapping him and Holcomb, another QB that some fans thought would be great while others of us knew would suck, out at will. JP got '06 to start before the team undermined him last season too.


Why? Because we keep changing our OCs. We make idiotic decisions hiring OCs like Gilbride or Fairchild, which again, should be known by people considered to be "experts" and should know more than all of us collectively but don't, nor do even a rudimentary amount of research on them beyond the highly superficial. We make those idiotic moves because our GMs suck who hire poor head coaches. Donahoe sucked yet everyone said we were on the right track back then at the time. He hired Gilbride and promoted Gilbride, and of course Wilson himself has much to do with it the same way that Dan Snyder does with the Skins poking his head in where he shouldn't be.


Meanwhile, with this revolving door of FO and coaching change, of course every player wants to "bring their own guys in" especially at QB.


So what we have is one giant clusterf*&% with things constantly changing to suit the needs of the coaches and administrators so that they don't look bad, or look as good as possible I suppose, although none of them know what they're doing and can't even keep from getting thrown under the bus when they're driving their own damn bus.


I don't care which effin QB we play quite frankly, but it would be damned refreshing to see one start for two or three seasons and then have the entire effin coaching staff and FO take their lumps win or lose. But this constant "no, just one more change here" nonsense that is perpetual gets really old. The team keeps making excuses for the components of this losing franchise that they want to keep around. It really makes one wonder what their goals are for having a team, because it's really tough to convince us that it's truly about winning when from the top down this franchise makes some of the most idiotic and risky moves in the entire league.


And why not, most of you support it.


There's no accountability in Buffalo regarding the Bills until it becomes blatantly apparent to a blind man what's entiirely obvious and usually predictable.

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There is no end to this madness in sight.

Really? You're telling us you believe the roster right now has the same or worse talent level/potential as the team Jauron/Levy inherited three offseasons ago?


I believe most neutral observers without an axe to grind would disagree with you.


Oh by the way -- this year the Bills have their largest season ticket base since the Super Bowl years, 15 years ago. All those folks have had the wool pulled over their eyes as well, I guess.

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Really? You're telling us you believe the roster right now has the same or worse talent level/potential as the team Jauron/Levy inherited three offseasons ago?


I believe most neutral observers without an axe to grind would disagree with you.


I'll buy this, but the Peters situation throws a monkey wrench in there, simply because he is the best player on the team (imo it isn't close).

However whan we look at your statement a different way, Jauron doesn't have much room to fail in terms of keeping his job.

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I'll buy this, but the Peters situation throws a monkey wrench in there, simply because he is the best player on the team (imo it isn't close).

However whan we look at your statement a different way, Jauron doesn't have much room to fail in terms of keeping his job.

Since the end of last season I'm on record that the Bills need to take a significant stride forward this year. They've made great efforts to stock the talent cupboard and now it's up to the players to get it done on the field. Jauron's the captain of the ship, so obviously he stands to take the credit or the blame for what happens.

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BTW --- What is this "continuity" concept of which you speak, krazykat?


Go around to the other 31 teams and you might get hit by the clue stick that few teams enjoy this luxury in part or parcel on their roster even from year to year. The NFL is about constant change and purging.


Just like the economic sector --- take the electronics industry --- some companies show awesome things at CES and they never make it to market (vaporware), or when they do get to market it's a shell of what was proposed. This happens to every company in the world. It falls under the "Sh-- happens" milieu. If you're going to constantly B word and moan every time something doesn't go according to your initial envisioning, you must be the most bitter person in this world next to Heather Mills. And if life is this disappointing for you such that you prattle endlessly about the direction of a friggin' sports franchise, they make ropes, razor blades and tall buildings every day.

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BTW --- What is this "continuity" concept of which you speak, krazykat?


Go around to the other 31 teams and you might get hit by the clue stick that few teams enjoy this luxury in part or parcel on their roster even from year to year. The NFL is about constant change and purging.


Just like the economic sector --- take the electronics industry --- some companies show awesome things at CES and they never make it to market (vaporware), or when they do get to market it's a shell of what was proposed. This happens to every company in the world. It falls under the "Sh-- happens" milieu. If you're going to constantly B word and moan every time something doesn't go according to your initial envisioning, you must be the most bitter person in this world next to Heather Mills. And if life is this disappointing for you such that you prattle endlessly about the direction of a friggin' sports franchise, they make ropes, razor blades and tall buildings every day.

The best businesses work the same way- they get a good leader with a strong vision that he can transfer to their employees. Typically, they have to delegate to lower level leaders. If they can't do anything with their vision or have a bad vision, they are replaced- but they have to be given time to get things working. Nothing gets turned around overnight- there is too much competition for that to happen

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Now you can say what have they proven but keep in mind they are very young players and most of us are giving them time to develop. If you want to keep talking about how they are idiots then how about waiting at least three years before passing judgment.

You guys just rotate your arguments every year.


For six years it's been "it takes three years for the draft..." blah, blah, blah...


Three year's ago's draft has only Parrish and Preston even on this team.


Youth isn't any guarantee of their being good. You can guess that they'll be good, but check me if I'm wrong, aren't all draftees young? So why have hardly any of ours developed.


You read far too many press clippings on this team from sources that get paid to say good things.


Yes, I can say that they aren't proven, which is a fact. You're then stating that they're young followed by whatever else you'd like to include changes nothing for the present.

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What's actually the fun part of this thread is it's a thread about the lack of continuity being the problem with the Franchise. So what is the solution... change the FO, change the HC, change the QB. So my question to this krazy fella is how many more changes do we have to make before we can have this much needed continuity?

So you're suggesting that we keep hiring coordinators with zip for experience, GMs that don't have any either, coaches that have only failed, all while keeping the top of a personnel office that has never had any success anywhere.


Boy, you're one astute analyst. LMAO

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BTW --- What is this "continuity" concept of which you speak, krazykat?


Go around to the other 31 teams and you might get hit by the clue stick that few teams enjoy this luxury in part or parcel on their roster even from year to year. The NFL is about constant change and purging.


Just like the economic sector --- take the electronics industry --- some companies show awesome things at CES and they never make it to market (vaporware), or when they do get to market it's a shell of what was proposed. This happens to every company in the world. It falls under the "Sh-- happens" milieu. If you're going to constantly B word and moan every time something doesn't go according to your initial envisioning, you must be the most bitter person in this world next to Heather Mills. And if life is this disappointing for you such that you prattle endlessly about the direction of a friggin' sports franchise, they make ropes, razor blades and tall buildings every day.

Why, what have 20 of the other 31 teams done?


So it's fine with you to fail as long as we're in good company then. Well, good for you. My standards are a little higher.


For continuity see Patriots, Chargers, Colts, ... OOOPS! Mentioned two teams with GMs let go by the Bills. My bad.


In my world one strives for the best. Here everything stagnates with so called fans rummaging through the team's braintrust's laundry baskets looking for sniffs to get high on.

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Why, what have 20 of the other 31 teams done?


So it's fine with you to fail as long as we're in good company then. Well, good for you. My standards are a little higher.


For continuity see Patriots, Chargers, Colts, ... OOOPS! Mentioned two teams with GMs let go by the Bills. My bad.


In my world one strives for the best. Here everything stagnates with so called fans rummaging through the team's braintrust's laundry baskets looking for sniffs to get high on.


Hey Krazy,


Your a troll right? Just admit everyone knows it.

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