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Bills "mortified"

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"No gun was involved," said Hardy. "I don't know where she got that from. That's something that me and my father discussed. The only problem is I feel even if I'm at home and I feel I have to protect myself he actually convinced me to go get one, but there wasn't one at the time there."


So, we still only have one 73-year-old witness who made a statement so believable the cops chose to do nothing, and a kid who has been up front since the "incident" took place.


Seems to me it is now highly debatable a gun was present in the first place, but I'm glad Hardy has made the decision to stay out of Fort Wayne.

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"No gun was involved," said Hardy. "I don't know where she got that from. That's something that me and my father discussed. The only problem is I feel even if I'm at home and I feel I have to protect myself he actually convinced me to go get one, but there wasn't one at the time there."


So, we still only have one 73-year-old witness who made a statement so believable the cops chose to do nothing, and a kid who has been up front since the "incident" took place.


Seems to me it is now highly debatable a gun was present in the first place, but I'm glad Hardy has made the decision to stay out of Fort Wayne.


Wait a minute E, I have read that friggen statement 10 times and still cannot make out what in the hell it means :blink: Please translate the ebonics for me. I may be having some problems with my nicotine craving brain, but still...

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Wait a minute E, I have read that friggen statement 10 times and still cannot make out what in the hell it means :blink: Please translate the ebonics for me. I may be having some problems with my nicotine craving brain, but still...

I hear ya...I interpret that mess to mean Hardy's dad encouraged him to get a gun so he could protect himself -- even in his own home.

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I haven't seen a single thing where he "admitted" anything. Perhaps you have a link?


It was in that original Fort Wayne paper link. With regard to the big picture, I do think what happened with the girlfriend is pretty bad, but people can atone for their misdeeds. People do mature, and hopefully he will. I have decided to hope for the best, yet I won't forget what happened.


Anyway, as you can see, according to the story he started out with one story yet shifted to one where he basically admitted that he had his hands around her neck:




Fort Wayne police officers were alerted to the scene by Nolan's 911 call. According to the 911 dispatch log, an operator heard yelling and swearing before the line was disconnected. After calling back once and receiving no answer, a different operator heard Nolan say that Hardy had "hit her and her baby."


According to the report, when police responded, an officer asked Nolan about red marks on her neck. She claimed that the red marks were from an altercation earlier in the week with another female, the report said.


When police asked Hardy about the tears in his shirt and the red marks on Nolan's neck, Hardy responded he and Nolan had only been arguing verbally and that his shirt was torn from wrestling with her brother, the report said. According to the report, he maintained that the marks on Nolan's neck were from them wrestling earlier before he wrestled with her brother.

At the scene police also saw a telephone broken into four pieces with the cord unplugged from its outlet, the report said. Hardy said that his infant son had probably broken the phone when he was playing with it.


According to the police report, Hardy then told the officers that Nolan had gotten "into his face" and that he "pushed her away with his hand into her neck and that is where the red mark came from." He also admitted that he attempted to disconnect the phone, on speaker phone mode at the time, but that he didn't know who Nolan was trying to call, the report said.


Besides Hardy and Thomas' infant son, the couple were the only ones in the house.

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Therapy is pretty much a load of crap. Dude will man up or he won't.


He is too stupid to man up. He has to be told what to do and is looking for someone to give him instructions at every possible second. Read the blurb today. He didn't have a gun there but he did buy a gun for when he goes home. He says he can't go home anymore because bad stuff happens. He has to abandon his family there. That's a good first step, but he is being told this by a handler or the Bills. He only believes it for himself to the point that he was told this is true.


Let's just say that if life were a chess board, James would be in the front row.


On a side note...the Buffalo News points out how amazing Josh Reed looks coming back from back surgery and how he was catching anything thrown near him. "STOP THE PRESSES!" "Hey guys, we're going to start inflating Reed here a bit since it looks like he's going to be the #2 for a while."

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I hear ya...I interpret that mess to mean Hardy's dad encouraged him to get a gun so he could protect himself -- even in his own home.


That has been my main point. I am not saying this kid is evil, he just has the perfect combo of hot temper, stupidity, and history. It sounds like he was told what to say today, yet was explaining off why he "could have shown a gun if he wanted to", because his dad says it's a good idea to have one. Sort of like "I didn't hit her, but the b!tch deserved what she got!"


This should be interesting. Just the fact that the Bills are out 2 times on this subject already when it is really just idiots like us talking about it shows the Bills are paranoid about their image or are having a bit of buyer's remorse and are convincing themselves they did the right thing. The mainstream media for the most part just sort of blew over it as a stupid thing that happened but give him another chance.


Note to Buffalo News...keep story handy as you may be able to reprint a few times going forward.

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Wow, quite an admittance and confession, Dave. I wonder how many years you get in the Indiana penal system for "aggravated red-marking". Hate to be a teacher in that state.

If you don't think he did it, there's a bridge near my house that I'd be happy to sell you. Cheap too.

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If you don't think he did it, there's a bridge near my house that I'd be happy to sell you. Cheap too.

I think there was a fight of some kind, of course. I think he lost his temper and there was a vicious argument, and probably some physical scuffle they both regret. I am not sure whether he or she started it. From what I do know, I think both were probably at fault and both later admitted as such.


You said "he admitted it" and provided a link where he admitted pushing her and leaving a red mark. That really isn't much of an admittance.


What makes me laugh is that you are making some big deal out of the fact a 19 year old black kid from the hood with a father in jail actually LIED to the police when they came to the house after the fight where his girlfriend was accusing him of who knows what.


Do you live on this planet they call earth?

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He is too stupid to man up. He has to be told what to do and is looking for someone to give him instructions at every possible second. Read the blurb today. He didn't have a gun there but he did buy a gun for when he goes home. He says he can't go home anymore because bad stuff happens. He has to abandon his family there. That's a good first step, but he is being told this by a handler or the Bills. He only believes it for himself to the point that he was told this is true.


Let's just say that if life were a chess board, James would be in the front row.


On a side note...the Buffalo News points out how amazing Josh Reed looks coming back from back surgery and how he was catching anything thrown near him. "STOP THE PRESSES!" "Hey guys, we're going to start inflating Reed here a bit since it looks like he's going to be the #2 for a while."


so now he's going to go on a killing spree because he bought a gun? your ignorance knows no bounds.


$$$ brings all sorts of scumbags out fo the woodwork. perhaps it is those types that he's protecting himself from. Need i dig up links to the dozen-odd professional athletes that have been robbed at gunpoint in the past year or so?


And as for hardy having a handler, that shows his intelligence. True knowledge is knowing what you can do on your own and what you need help with. If Hardy needs someone to help guide him, and seeks that help, that speaks to his intelligence, not his stupidity.

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so now he's going to go on a killing spree because he bought a gun? your ignorance knows no bounds.


$$$ brings all sorts of scumbags out fo the woodwork. perhaps it is those types that he's protecting himself from. Need i dig up links to the dozen-odd professional athletes that have been robbed at gunpoint in the past year or so?

You're missing the point. The point is he "might" do it, which is considerably more real and possible than he "might not" do it. That's why we need to convict him now.

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I think there was a fight of some kind, of course. I think he lost his temper and there was a vicious argument, and probably some physical scuffle they both regret. I am not sure whether he or she started it. From what I do know, I think both were probably at fault and both later admitted as such.


You said "he admitted it" and provided a link where he admitted pushing her and leaving a red mark. That really isn't much of an admittance.


What makes me laugh is that you are making some big deal out of the fact a 19 year old black kid from the hood with a father in jail actually LIED to the police when they came to the house after the fight where his girlfriend was accusing him of who knows what.


Do you live on this planet they call earth?

You appear to be conflating/transposing the fact of lying to the police (which you seem to think is justifiable because the hood adheres to a different moral code that has its own moral legitimacy) and the actual act (which was very serious) that precipitated the lie. In any event, he doesn't appear to be a very good liar -- he changed his story quickly and included implausible details in the initial story.

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You're missing the point. The point is he "might" do it, which is considerably more real and possible than he "might not" do it. That's why we need to convict him now.

I bet that sounds about right to most of the ignorant posters here, welcome to Two Bliss Drive....

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You're missing the point. The point is he "might" do it, which is considerably more real and possible than he "might not" do it. That's why we need to convict him now.

I would venture a guess that based upon my experience, Hardy is much more likely in the future to possibly commit an act that might be criminal if viewed under the least likely circumstances and corroborated by a partial eyewitness who may or may not have been wearing bedroom slippers.


Of this much I am at least 50% certain.

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so now he's going to go on a killing spree because he bought a gun? your ignorance knows no bounds.


$$$ brings all sorts of scumbags out fo the woodwork. perhaps it is those types that he's protecting himself from. Need i dig up links to the dozen-odd professional athletes that have been robbed at gunpoint in the past year or so?


And as for hardy having a handler, that shows his intelligence. True knowledge is knowing what you can do on your own and what you need help with. If Hardy needs someone to help guide him, and seeks that help, that speaks to his intelligence, not his stupidity.


But why on earth would you bring it up in this context if you didn't have a gun at the scene? He says it's a misunderstanding yet goes on to say that where he was is horrible, is never going back, he bought a gun because it is bad, and anytime he goes there we hear of a "misunderstanding".



I'll give you a comparison here. I think too many feel a few of us think Hardy is a total monster.


James Hardy vs. Henrik Tallinder



I think Tallinder is the scum of the earth. He is a huge athlete that plays with no passion on the ice and never sticks up for his team. That attitude crossed over into his personal life as he was part of a gang rape in Sweeden. Now, I'm sure we'll get the same crew crying "He was never convicted of it so it isn't a problem!" No, he wasn't convicted. He wasn't convicted because the girl was knocked cold and was coming to with three dingalings poking and proding her. Because she couldn't confirm who's dingaling was doing what, the original case was dropped and the three players involved agreed to a lesser charge of misconduct and a slap on the wrist. The national team went on to suspend Tallinder, Husilleus and Lilas. At a press cnference, Lilas was choking back tears and was begging for forgiveness after admitting he did a terrible thing. Tallinder.....he was PO'd that they couldn't play. He said they weren't charged so why should they be suspended? By the way...Tallinder's wife was at home, many months pregnant when this occured.


Now the Sabres were lucky this happened during the lockout, as hockey was dead to Buffalo. I am sure some here are reading about this incident for the first time. I would have released Tallinder on the spot. Tallinder hasn't been in trouble since that we know of. I feel he is more responsible for his actions and more of a natural scumsucker than Hardy. Hardy is the case of a guy that doesn't know any better. He has a blurred vision of right and wrong. He only knows what he knows. What he has seen in his past that many would deem shady and crap is only second nature to Hardy.


Can Hardy figure things out before he does something idiotic again? I'm guessing no. If Tallinder and Hardy were both dangling from a bridge, I would save Hardy though. Even though I feel he is much more of a threat to do something "violently stupid" again, he has no choice in the matter.

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But why on earth would you bring it up in this context if you didn't have a gun at the scene? He says it's a misunderstanding yet goes on to say that where he was is horrible, is never going back, he bought a gun because it is bad, and anytime he goes there we hear of a "misunderstanding".



I'll give you a comparison here. I think too many feel a few of us think Hardy is a total monster.


James Hardy vs. Henrik Tallinder



I think Tallinder is the scum of the earth. He is a huge athlete that plays with no passion on the ice and never sticks up for his team. That attitude crossed over into his personal life as he was part of a gang rape in Sweeden. Now, I'm sure we'll get the same crew crying "He was never convicted of it so it isn't a problem!" No, he wasn't convicted. He wasn't convicted because the girl was knocked cold and was coming to with three dingalings poking and proding her. Because she couldn't confirm who's dingaling was doing what, the original case was dropped and the three players involved agreed to a lesser charge of misconduct and a slap on the wrist. The national team went on to suspend Tallinder, Husilleus and Lilas. At a press cnference, Lilas was choking back tears and was begging for forgiveness after admitting he did a terrible thing. Tallinder.....he was PO'd that they couldn't play. He said they weren't charged so why should they be suspended? By the way...Tallinder's wife was at home, many months pregnant when this occured.


Now the Sabres were lucky this happened during the lockout, as hockey was dead to Buffalo. I am sure some here are reading about this incident for the first time. I would have released Tallinder on the spot. Tallinder hasn't been in trouble since that we know of. I feel he is more responsible for his actions and more of a natural scumsucker than Hardy. Hardy is the case of a guy that doesn't know any better. He has a blurred vision of right and wrong. He only knows what he knows. What he has seen in his past that many would deem shady and crap is only second nature to Hardy.


Can Hardy figure things out before he does something idiotic again? I'm guessing no. If Tallinder and Hardy were both dangling from a bridge, I would save Hardy though. Even though I feel he is much more of a threat to do something "violently stupid" again, he has no choice in the matter.


I see you havent found another job yet, Mr. Nifong.

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You appear to be conflating/transposing the fact of lying to the police (which you seem to think is justifiable because the hood adheres to a different moral code that has its own moral legitimacy) and the actual act (which was very serious) that precipitated the lie. In any event, he doesn't appear to be a very good liar -- he changed his story quickly and included implausible details in the initial story.

Amazing, domestic abuse and lying to the authorities to cover yourself. Maybe Hardy can run for public office?


This issue is now closed for me. I'll wait for Hardy's impending shooting spree to occur before I call for him to be executed.

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