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My .02:


-Whidmore was the captain of the Black Rock. He had a split with Richard who was also on the Black Rock when it found the island. They are opposing forces. Whidmore helped finance the Dharma Initiative to return to the island.


-the island has something to do with death and dying but I'm not sure yet. Time travel is a factor. Could the passengers have died in their time but the characters we see are actually from the past? They are in sort of a limbo then on the island....If this is true we can go back and win 4 superbowls in a row.....


-"future Jack" goes downhill when he begins to see his father alive, then gets jealous over Kate's dealings with Sawyer, who is not part of the Oceanic 6, but maybe made it out another way?

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I just can't see a living Claire ever leaving Aaron unattended in the jungle. I can't recall a scene since he was born where she wasn't with him in some way.


I still think she bought the farm when the house she was in exploded and Christian came to help her 'cross over.' How Christian came to be in the position to be a guide/emmissary/familiar with Jacob is a question I hope they answer this season.


Well, she did leave Aaron with Charlie for stretches --- either willingly or the times Charlie had those dreams. And there was the time Rousseau took him. That's just off the top of my head, but I think that's it.


And still... she was set to give Aaron up for adoption to "a couple in Los Angeles" about 4 months ago in island-time, then was ready to give him to the Others (admittedly, she was in a hazy state) when Ethan took her.


I don't think they'll leave the Christian explanation dangling over to next season. But it could just be something they don't have to explain --- CS was on the plane in a coffin, it crashed on the island and was empty when Jack opened it (did the island's curative powers bring him back?), he's been seen walking around before --- and now it just is.

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My .02:


-Whidmore was the captain of the Black Rock. He had a split with Richard who was also on the Black Rock when it found the island. They are opposing forces. Whidmore helped finance the Dharma Initiative to return to the island.


-"future Jack" goes downhill when he begins to see his father alive, then gets jealous over Kate's dealings with Sawyer, who is not part of the Oceanic 6, but maybe made it out another way?


I could see something like that for Widmore given what we've seen of him and a connection to the Black Rock and his conversation with Ben. He may be in the same boat as Michael --- he left the island somehow, and now he can't die and is trying to find it again. Whether it's to try to take advantage of it commercially ('Eternal Life! Yours for $50M!!') or if it's a solo thing like Michael that he's tired of life and wants to die (in his chat with Desmond, you just get the sense that he's been to the top, made a fortune that hasn't made him happy, knows so much, but it's all old hat to him now and he just wants it over... who knows. Like I wrote the other week, the game b/w he and Ben is kind of a Reverse Highlander?


There's no reason to make such a connection for Richard; we know of no tie b/w him and the Black Rock, which is a little late in the game for his character, but that may be purposeful.


Last week Kate simply said the phone conversation was something that Sawyer wouldn't want her to share. I got the read that she is doing something for Sawyer's daughter (I forget her name but it was in the ep where he's in prison and puts all the reward money in her name) with the woman he conned. Remember that Kate also met her before 815. Vouchsafe that Sawyer is still on the island. Jack got jealous b/c... well... he's Jack, and he doesn't have a big project to fix. If he doesn't have a problem, he makes one for himself.

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What if LOcke is supposed to be Ben, and now since they found locke there outing ben, Ben seemed to be a lil depressed this episode.


Did you read the first part of my post #204 in this thread? Been waiting for someone to comment. I think the recruitment side of things might have gotten messed up b/w the two. Plenty of similarities in their birth stories that Ben might have been the classic 'wrong man.'


I don't know if Ben is depressed, as such. After having unsuccessfully tried to kill off his competition for leadership (which he said he should have known would happen b/c the island wouldn't let Locke die --- that is to say, in Desmond-flashback-ese "the universe was course correcting"/preventing --- b/c his role isn't done) we saw the transition of power this week. I don't know. Ben, despite his selfishness and desire to save his own ass and get done what he wants done thru whatever means necessary (usually by getting other people to do your dirty work and killing for you)... wants what's best for the island.

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Did you read the first part of my post #204 in this thread? Been waiting for someone to comment. I think the recruitment side of things might have gotten messed up b/w the two. Plenty of similarities in their birth stories that Ben might have been the classic 'wrong man.'


I think young Locke knew what items to choose, but intentionally picked the wrong one because for whatever reason (scared, sensed evil), he didn't want to be identified as the chosen one.

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I think young Locke knew what items to choose, but intentionally picked the wrong one because for whatever reason (scared, sensed evil), he didn't want to be identified as the chosen one.

I think you are absolutely correct. Same reason why he balked at the science camp later on.

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The commercial for this week's episode seem to indicate that the Oceanic 6 will "become" the Oceanic 6 this week -- it shows the rear door of a cargo plane opening with the aforementioned 6 reacting as someone says "you're being called the Oceanic 6" or something to that effect. Do we really get to see them returning to the real world this week? (And for that matter, is the real world even real? :flirt: )

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The commercial for this week's episode seem to indicate that the Oceanic 6 will "become" the Oceanic 6 this week -- it shows the rear door of a cargo plane opening with the aforementioned 6 reacting as someone says "you're being called the Oceanic 6" or something to that effect. Do we really get to see them returning to the real world this week? (And for that matter, is the real world even real? :thumbsup: )


It's probably part of a flash forward but doesn't reveal how they got off the island.

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It's probably part of a flash forward but doesn't reveal how they got off the island.


My guess is that Sayid gets them off the island on the boat or steals the helicopter, but then Locke/Ben move the island per instructions, and nobody can find it using the same coordinates again, thus the reason nobody else gets off.

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My guess is that Sayid gets them off the island on the boat or steals the helicopter, but then Locke/Ben move the island per instructions, and nobody can find it using the same coordinates again, thus the reason nobody else gets off.

That would be my guess as well. Which probably means that most of the people on the freighter are stuck on the island as well. My guess would be Sayid takes a few by boat and a few leave on the helicopter and then the island is "moved". Could be interesting. But Ben must have a way of obtaining the new coordinates, still a lot of questions to be answered....

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Anyone else wonder about Sayid being told not to trust the captain, but then he follows the captains orders explicitly to take the boat? I was also wondering why bearing 305 both takes you away from the island and yet seems to take you to the island as well.

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..Which probably means that most of the people on the freighter are stuck on the island....But Ben must have a way of obtaining the new coordinates, still a lot of questions to be answered....


Perhaps whatever transport device Ben is using works regardless of where the island is located. And maybe the people from the freighter (commandos) are killed. After all, Ben travels from the island in flashforwards (re: Dean Moriarty) so the commandos don't appear to have much of an impact on Ben's movement in the future.

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As an aside, I read an article linked on CNN's web site that speculates that the orderly at Locke's hospital (and the guy who visited Hurley at the institution) is Walt as an adult.

I really hope that's not the case. I know this show is out there and you have to turn your perception of reality completely off when watching, but that would be very over the top. I really didn't like the whole staging of a fully seated crashed airliner in the ocean, I thought that was a stretch. But this would just be corny in my opinion, although this could very well be true.


Speaking of weird occurrences, I have the strangest feeling that I have hit 800 posts before.....:censored:

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As an aside, I read an article linked on CNN's web site that speculates that the orderly at Locke's hospital (and the guy who visited Hurley at the institution) is Walt as an adult.



Makes no sense....

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How has this not been bumped? I blame the 10 PM time slot.


Another great episode I thought, a lot going on. Obviously the biggest question is the "Oceanic 6" are currently in various locations, how do they all get together and get off the island?


Thinking back to a few years ago when we thought Ben was Henry Gale, he sure has come a long way. He's the best character right now.

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How has this not been bumped? I blame the 10 PM time slot.


Another great episode I thought, a lot going on. Obviously the biggest question is the "Oceanic 6" are currently in various locations, how do they all get together and get off the island?


Thinking back to a few years ago when we thought Ben was Henry Gale, he sure has come a long way. He's the best character right now.





"Haven't you been listening John? I always have a plan."

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