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Patchy claimed he was at a "listening station" in Vladivostok prior to Dharma. Is that where they monitoring station seen in the season two finale was? Weren't those two guys speaking Russian?


Last night was a great episode and even sh--, I mean stojan can't argue. It's still on way too late but I loved it none the less. I have no idea what Locke was thinking. First off he lets the guy get a jump on him, although I have no idea how the guy untied himself, then he blew the place up. Do you think he would have pushed "77" if he had seen all the C4?


It sucks really bad that the place blew up but boy is it good to have Sayid around. Don't think anybody else would have figured out there was another person there.

I had the same thoughts on the listening post. Though one things for sure, keep Locke away from computers! All those Dharma bookswould have provided so much information of course there's a minute chance they survived the explosition since they were in the basement and not the house itself. Also, the question of where Kate's horse came from might have been answered but another one raised about Sayid's cat and how these animals from past lives are making it to the island unless something bigger then the island is at work in regard to that.

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agreed, so the big question is "Why was Jack playing football with the Others/Hostiles?"

Because his tennis raquet was getting restrung?


Claire was hot with black hair! Not such a great driver though. :wallbash:

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Overall I thought it was a decent episode. I get the feeling, however, that the writers are rushing to tie up loose threads. The cable-on-the-beach "mystery" from season 1 was killed with a very brief mention last week, and now we know why Jack's father was down under (and who that woman who's house he visited when Ana Lucia was driving him around).


I did like the Jack-football scene...pretty damn amusing. Tom looks like he'd be a load on the ball field...the Bills should sign him as that missing run-stuffer we need.

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agreed, so the big question is "Why was Jack playing football with the Others/Hostiles?"



THIS is a mystery????? Maybe because he's been locked up for like weeks in the dark in a room with no windows. I would play football with smelly hippies after that if given the chance...

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Another solid episode last night....a lot of stuff which was suspected was confirmed.


Yes, we (or was it just me?) surmised from last season that Claire was Jack's half-sister via Christian (it was a possibility for the stewardess girl with the tailies... But come on, this is Lost).


Locke knew about the C4 and pushed the buttons that he knew/should have known would self-destruct the house.


Claire learned about Desmond's seeing ability. I just wonder about all that still. If Desmond knows what's going to happen (he knew exactly where the bird was), why can't he do things to get them off of the island? Or is it more of a thing that he has to wait for things to just happen as they were intended while knowing the future? Still, he keeps saving Charlie, tho. That 'Unstuck in Time' Desmond episode just blows your mind the more you think about it.


agreed, so the big question is "Why was Jack playing football with the Others/Hostiles?"


Laughing playing catch with Tom (who throws like a girl, BTW. Could the reason that Kate 'isn't his type' be that he's got a man-crush on Jack? :lol: ). Seems like they have turned him. Or he knows he cannot escape b/c of the sonic Invisible Fence thing. What is weird is that all of the Others know all about the Lostaways' lives before they came to the island (and Locke might have killed Patch Guy to keep him quiet about his being paralyzed --- and holy crap does next week look awesome! Answers about Locke. This show is hitting its stride now). They know their capabilities, details of their past that no one could possibly expect to know, their psychological pressure points to get them to do things.... To wit, the Others wanted Kate and Sawyer not b/c they were 'good people'; rather, they were used to get Jack to do their bidding.

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What was it that Patch said last night...that Ben wasn't the leader?


I think your theory on why Locke through Patch into the barrier is a good one...he was def going to blow Locke's cover.


Seems that Desmond gets his visions "real time," or right as the circumstances are set into motion.


Why do I think that Jack vs. Ben for overall control of everything is going to be how this season ends?

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If Desmond knows what's going to happen (he knew exactly where the bird was), why can't he do things to get them off of the island?


This is what i was talking about last week - determinism v. free-will. In a determinist world it does not matter what you do, the future is mapped out. Desmond seemed to submit to that reality - however he keeps on trying to save Charlie

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What was it that Patch said last night...that Ben wasn't the leader?


I think your theory on why Locke through Patch into the barrier is a good one...he was def going to blow Locke's cover.


Seems that Desmond gets his visions "real time," or right as the circumstances are set into motion.


Why do I think that Jack vs. Ben for overall control of everything is going to be how this season ends?


Something like "The man who brought me to the island is a great man"

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Seems that Desmond gets his visions "real time," or right as the circumstances are set into motion.


OK, I dig. That is probably the best way to describe it.


Yes, she does.... I didn't quite realize how much until that picture.... Unfortunately I think I must stick to my principles and mark her down a notch in the hotness scale *shrug*


So on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the hottest, o' course) she goes from a 15 to a 14. :lol:

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Just thinking about Goth Claire, tho. Add yet another time one of the Lostaways have been in car accidents or had loved ones die in other accidents where they walk away.


Another thing, re: the message on the bird.... Far be it from me to question the efficacy of it, but as far as putting a piece of paper on the foot with a quick tie, won't it kind of disintegrate when the bird goes in the water or if it rains, etc.?

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Just thinking about Goth Claire, tho. Add yet another time one of the Lostaways have been in car accidents or had loved ones die in other accidents where they walk away.


we know almost everyone (which makes me think we will find out that EVERYONE) has killed someone...

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