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Pet Peeve Tuesday

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If the driver is being a d*ck with no merit (see below) then spread it out to the right or other lane when the green is "stale"... You will make it through.

I was talking about if there is just one lane. :lol:

Did you ever think they are trying to lose you... :D  ;)  ;)  :angry:

:) No, but if they ticked me off enough it's probably better that they went on ahead anyway. :);)

I do it all the time to drivers that are being too aggresive, passing on the right and "merge weaseling."


Now if there is a car behind me and they are being patient, staying off my tail and waiting till I get over to the right around other cars... I got no problem...


But... The impatient ones and dishonorable ones (people wouldn't act badly in a supermarket line)... Pay a heavy price.


I am not saying you portray any of these negative driving traits... But some sort of honorable driving has to happen... Maybe I am wrong to think little tricks are gonna straighten them out, in fact it probably pisses them off more and act like bigger d*icks down the line... But, they are gonna do it any way?




I am not an agressive driver I just wish more drivers would go at least the speed limit. Why do they have to go 26 MPH in a 30 MPH speed zone? I don't get it. How is 4 more MPH going to hurt ya at such a low speed? :doh:

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I was talking about if there is just one lane.  :D


:)  No, but if they ticked me off enough it's probably better that they went on ahead anyway.  :)  :doh:


I am not an agressive driver I just wish more drivers would go at least the speed limit.  Why do they have to go 26 MPH in a 30 MPH speed zone?  I don't get it.  How is 4 more MPH going to hurt ya at such a low speed?  :angry:



I hear you Lana... You sound like a reasonable driver.


Please note that I hope you didn't feel like you have to defend yourself and I wasn't calling you into question.




Driving nowadays is a big can of worms with how people act.



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I hear you Lana... You sound like a reasonable driver.


Please note that I hope you didn't feel like you have to defend yourself and I wasn't calling you into question.




Driving nowadays is a big can of worms with how people act.




Nah, I wasn't defending myself. I was just letting off some steam. :) I do mostly city driving so I'm around those types of drivers a lot. :lol:

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- People who use the term 'turned around and said' to describe a conversation in which there was conflict or in which they desire to depict conflict or divergance of views. For example:


"I asked the mechanic why he didn't fix the wipers and he turned around and said that he ran out of time".

"I was talking to Jim about the cost of lawnmowers and he turned around and said he thought they were a waste of money".


In which instance when a person uses this phrase does the person reffered ACTUALLY turn through 180 degrees to deliver the sentence? Are these people having conversations while spinning like a top?



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People at the gym who have severe staring problems (the ones who watch you through an entire set, while lifting).


Include people who stare at you when you are on treadmills and stair steppers, but are within the allotted time limit. Signup for the machine and go do something else until it is your turn. :angry:

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yeah, I hate when I am in line with rugs and vases.  :D


Is this the thread for people to voice all their racist angst? We had someone post about "orientals" (which is an insulting term) and "smelly foreigners."  Jeez.  :angry:


I think Occidentals are just plain rude.



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- I agree, cell phone use at the gym is stupid


- Annoying cell phone rings at work


- People talking on the cell phone in a confined space


- People that wear the little ear piece for their cell phone


- When I worked Burger King Drive-Thru in high school, people that ordered a Big Mac, Chicken McNuggets, "Meal Deal things", didn't know what they wanted, put no effort into giving their money or receiving their food, talking on their cell phones, and handing me garbage to throw out for them


- Coworkers that tell me about their kids, their weekend, something funny that happened ... I really don't care


- IT guys


- Really old people that pay for groceries with a check


Basically I hate cell phones and old people

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I think having the folks in charge of protecting our national security and taking care of disasters getting their asses arrested for shoplifting at Target and soliciting kids for sex kind of roasts me a little bit.  But hey...that's just me.


I had no idea the New Orleans police department was in charge of our national security.
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I think Occidentals are just plain rude.







"Battle Hymn of the Republik


Mine eyes have seen the coming of the Thought Police before,

They are coming after little Stuck and want to see him gored,

They will tie him to a gurney then go and slash his vocal cord,

Their Boots are marching on!


They are frothing after Cincy and will make sure that he is hurt,

They will torch the First Amendment for his toes they must be burnt,

Or lock him in a Gulag 'til the propaganda works,

Their Boots are marching on!


Glory! Glory! They will do Ya! Glory! Glory! They will do Ya! Glory! Glory! They will do Ya!, Their Boots are marching on!"



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"Battle Hymn of the Republik


Mine eyes have seen the coming of the Thought Police before,

They are coming after little Stuck and want to see him gored,

They will tie him to a gurney and then go and slash his vocal cord,

Their Boots are marching on!


They are frothing after Cincy and will make sure that he is hurt,

They will torch the First Amendment for his toes they must be burnt,

Or lock him in a Gulag 'til the propaganda works,

Their Boots are marching on!


Glory! Glory! They will do Ya! Glory! Glory! They will do Ya! Glory! Glory! They will do Ya!, Their Boots are marching on!"


Outstanding!!! :rolleyes:

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Yeah - everyone knows it's pronounced Sammitch.  :rolleyes:



People who do strange things like put a "u" in the words color and humor and favorite. ;)


Also, people who think center and meter are spelled centre and metre.

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Since a few of my major pet peeves have already been mentioned I'll limit my additions to beer.


Beer served in chilled frosty mugs.


Bars that waste tap space with 3 or 4 light beers.




Say what? I know the beer snobs don't like the frosted mugs...but, I'm an AMERICAN! I like really good beer...but, i like it served ICE COLD...even Guinness.

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Say what?  I know the beer snobs don't like the frosted mugs...but, I'm an AMERICAN!  I like really good beer...but, i like it served ICE COLD...even Guinness.



As beer gets colder you taste less of it. I suppose I can understand wanting to drink Bud and the like ice cold since you can't taste less of something that has no taste to begin with. But good craft beer should be served anywhere between 40 and 55 F depending on style to enjoy maximum flavor. And yes, I'm a proud beer snob.

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