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Is Jerry Grey's job in jeopardy...


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If the defense doesn't improve in the second half. Or does he get another chance

because of injuries. I could see the Pittsburgh connection continuing next year.

If Dom Capers gets fired in Houston, does TD and MM hire him. That would be fine

in my opinion. I think he's twice the coordinator that Grey is. "Stay tuned"

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If the defense doesn't improve in the second half. Or does he get another chance

because of injuries. I could see the Pittsburgh connection continuing next year.

If Dom Capers gets fired in Houston, does TD and MM hire him. That would be fine

in my opinion. I think he's twice the coordinator that Grey is. "Stay tuned"


What a difference a year and a few personnel losses makes, last year Gray was the king of the defensive coordinators (using Lebaeu's leftover framework). This year after the team got a year older and lost Williams and Spikes, he has certainly felt the heat.


Is it all Grey's fault? Probably not, One of the big deficincies is that we have no depth at any of the key positions. TD's drafts have not brought in any solid backups and very few quality starters.


Should Grey be replaced?, If we are talking about replacing Grey just for the sake of replacing him with another untested DC I say no.If a quality DC became available, I think you would have to look at him, especially a guy like Capers, who has head coaching experience and could help MM with his weekly planning. DIck LeBaeu would be another great DC pickup if he became available as well.

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What a difference a year and a few personnel losses makes, last year Gray was the king of the defensive coordinators (using Lebaeu's leftover framework). This year after the team got a year older and lost Williams and Spikes, he has certainly felt the heat.


Is it all Grey's fault? Probably not, One of the big deficincies is that we have no depth at any of the key positions. TD's drafts have not brought in any solid backups and very few quality starters.


Should Grey be replaced?, If we are talking about replacing Grey just for the sake of replacing him with another untested DC I say no.If a quality DC became available, I think you would have to look at him, especially a guy like Capers, who has head coaching experience and could help MM with his weekly planning. DIck LeBaeu would be another great DC pickup if he became available as well.




I hope not, as I do think he is a quality coach. Just remember that Marvin Lewis was drawing a lot of crticism in DC cause his D sucked the one year he was there, and people starting questioning his ability, saying it was only the players in Baltimore that made him a genius.


But ya know what, at the basic level it does come down to players, and the Bills D just does not have enough.

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If the defense doesn't improve in the second half. Or does he get another chance

because of injuries. I could see the Pittsburgh connection continuing next year.

If Dom Capers gets fired in Houston, does TD and MM hire him. That would be fine

in my opinion. I think he's twice the coordinator that Grey is. "Stay tuned"




I think this is a strong possibility. Though, i don't remember how many years Gray has left on his contract....and OLD MAN WILSON SURE HATES TO EAT ANY MONEY!!

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If the defense doesn't improve in the second half. Or does he get another chance

because of injuries. I could see the Pittsburgh connection continuing next year.

If Dom Capers gets fired in Houston, does TD and MM hire him. That would be fine

in my opinion. I think he's twice the coordinator that Grey is. "Stay tuned"



I think the answer is yes. If we continue to struggle on defense the second half of the season someone will have to take the blame for it. One of the reasons is because this defense had high expectations coming into the season.

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The whole issue will be settled when Grey signs with a college team to be their Head Coach after the end of this season. He came close last year to doing this. After this year's mess with the Bill's defense he will no longer be a hot prospect for anyone as a Head Coach in the NFL. But, if he takes a head coaching position at the college level and does well, his name will come back to the service within the NFL ranks.


That's the way I see it playing out. Oh, by the way, good ridance Jerry. All he knows is blitzing with the wrong person, at the wrong time. One gear, and only one gear.

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If the defense doesn't improve in the second half. Or does he get another chance

because of injuries. I could see the Pittsburgh connection continuing next year.

If Dom Capers gets fired in Houston, does TD and MM hire him. That would be fine

in my opinion. I think he's twice the coordinator that Grey is. "Stay tuned"



It would be another Pittsburgh re-union

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I can't see getting rid of Gray after one bad defensive season.  He should be around next year, too.  If the problems persist next year, then he better start getting his resume up to date.


Scapegoat!. MM didn't bring that guy in. Dom Capers will be here.

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Man, I hope so.



Agreed. He seems to lack any in-game adjustments. Calling a wide blitz 90 % of the time leaves the middle of the line open and the secondary hung out to dry.


You have to understand the strengths of your players and Gray seems stuck in a scheme he can't escape.

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Agreed. He seems to lack any in-game adjustments. Calling a wide blitz 90 % of the time leaves the middle of the line open and the secondary hung out to dry.


You have to understand the strengths of your players and Gray seems stuck in a scheme he can't escape.


So tell me again why capers defense is doing so poorly in Houston again . are they stuck in his scheme or is it his players ...........I like Dom but his defense is God awful this year .................Fact is we need players ............Bad pickups like Tim Anderson , j.bannan , S. Lape on your team will get you beat in a lot of games .........I'm still pissed that for the life of me couldnt understand Modrak/Donohoe inability to pick up Corey Simon when there was a chance especailly when you look at the contract that was set up with the Colts. I'm more pissed abut that than anything. Could have a saved a draft pick on D-line next year with that simple move and folks corey was interested in coming to Buffalo according to his remarks in the news papers in Trenton New Jersey when the francised tag was taken off him ...............

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I think the benching of Adams will be a plus and you won't see RB running wil in the secondary, maybe we will because of lack of talent but not because lack of execution.

Sape, Bannan and Anderson played most of the second half last Sunday and I didn't see players out of place or overpursuiting a play because someone in the line-up wasn't doing his job.

Adams while talented he does whatever he wants and that is going after the QB, what he doesn't know is that when he does that he's hanging his teammates out to dry.

I think Gray's job is safe. You'll see a more disciplined defense out there.

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I had worried that this is what we'd see once DL moved on. The D was less than stellar before he joined the team, remember? He really solidified it and JG just had to keep the pieces together.


Or not. Hell if I know. Need to throw stones at someone this year too, I guess.



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