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ELECTION RIGGING 2024. The Hamas Mostly Peaceful Riots & Everything Else That's Coming

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4 hours ago, ComradeKayAdams said:


Broadly speaking, the purpose of these protests is to raise public awareness on any/all of the following issues:


1. The ongoing genocide in Gaza.

2. Israel’s illegal settlements in the West Bank.

3. Israel’s active prevention of Palestinian statehood.

4. Israel’s system of apartheid against Palestinians.

5. The financial and diplomatic culpability of the United States in all of the above.


The hope is that increased public awareness will, in turn, lead to both political pressure in the eventual form of a permanent ceasefire and widespread economic pressure in the form of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement.


Judging by the level of media coverage of these college protests, both good AND bad, both nationally and internationally, I’d say that they have been wildly successful in their objective! Recent polling trends support my assessment.


Nevertheless, what’s so pathetic (but predictable) is the intellectual regression of American right-wingers. For fleeting moments within the past decade, one COULD sort of argue that they were the standard-bearers of free speech and anti-establishment politics. Their overall response, however, to the Gaza crisis and to these protestors has erased such Pollyanna-ish thoughts.


You’re not for the First Amendment if you want the police to crack down on peaceful college protests. You’re not a crusader against the political establishment if you so easily fall for media narratives framed by the MIC, AIPAC, and all corporate oligarchs who financially benefit from the bellicosity of the U.S. empire’s Middle East vassal state. And you’re DEFINITELY not the ones fighting Nazis if you condone collective punishment, ethnic cleansing, and genocide against anybody!

Broadly speaking, I would suggest that the intent of the protest(s) encompasses:

  • Those with a sincere desire for peace and change in the region;
  • Those that want to see the eradication of Israel and it's people;
  • Those who protest professionally;
  • Those with nothing better on their agenda than to protest something, about something;
  • Those who would show up if the protest was about the relative crispiness of Arby's curly fries;

Protests are fine, but when they cross a certain point, law and order should prevail.  When that point comes, the protestors should be removed from campus by the police, and suspended from school should they attend. 


With respect to "corporate oligarchs", any sensible analysis would include the universities/institutions themselves in that regard.  In many cases, these are institutions catering to the wealthy, with well-compensated faculty/staff, valuable real estate, corporate brand/vision statements, and massive reserves.   As to whether or not the organizers of protests themselves are part of an oligarchy of sorts,  probably.  There's big money in hate. 


Go First Amendment!

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21 hours ago, Tommy Callahan said:


They're incapable of having a discussion because their talking points don't withstand scrutiny. So they resort to shouting, violence, and blathering inane chants.

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15 minutes ago, BillStime said:


A whole 150 accounts? Out of what? Hundreds of millions? Freedom of speech is a thing. You and I may not like it but they have a right to it. Unless they’re inciting violence it is protected speech.  

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Is the Worst Yet to Come?

By Steve Huntley | April 28, 2024


This and that. Random thoughts and observations about current events. Trigger alert! What follows might “harm” the psyche of the woke. Perhaps those sensitive souls should retreat to a safe space, which I suspect will be Judenfrei.


Peaceful protest is a hallowed right and tradition in America. These days, however, that right, which achieved so much good in the civil rights era, is being hijacked to disrupt everyday life in big cities and on university campuses.


The protests are said to be about the suffering of Palestinians in Israel’s war against Hamas. But they’re not.


They’re the ravings of antisemitic bigots and far left wing fanatics celebrating the terrorist savagery of the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre and rapes, which set off the righteous war by Israel against genocidal terrorists in the Gaza Strip.


You never hear in these anti-Israel demonstrations a hope for a two-state solution. No, only chants calling for Oct. 7 again and again.


The demonstrators’ stated target might be Israel but make no mistake, their hatred is also aimed at America and Western civilization. The U.S. flag has been burned. Chants of “Death to America” punctuate protests.


These poisonous demonstrations are deliberate attacks aimed at disrupting life and commerce in cities, interrupting public accommodations like highways and airports, shutting down education at campuses — and intimidating Jews in all walks of life.


Jews are told by authorities they’re unsafe on college campuses, and some flee. Think about that. We are witnessing organized mass bigotry on a scale not seen in this country since the days of Jim Crow.


These demonstrations are coordinated by radical organizations like Students for Justice in Palestine and funded by far-left groups such as the Open Society Foundations, according to an examination of financial records by the New York Post. Open Society was founded by George Soros, the billionaire whose pocketbook has helped elect anti-police and coddle-the-criminal prosecutors in major cities.


How would you describe the anarchy, hate and organized assault on society, fomented and financed for years by radicals? Someone could be forgiven for mentioning the i-word — insurrection.







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