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The American Media Should Not Be Trusted

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29 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

I think we’re being lied to about a whole lot of things.  



Yeah, this is old news. Stephan Jimenez authored a book, "The Book of Matt" back in 2013. Mr. Jimenez is gay himself, and from the State of NY I think. He's been to Laramie to speak a couple of times about the book and his findings. His investigation lead him to a certainty that the murder was over drugs and money. Those with an agenda didn't receive is book well.

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4 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Maybe we need to be clear about what a "conspiracy theory" is.

An allegation that Joe and Hunter Biden discussed Hunter's Burisma deal is not a "conspiracy theory." It is an allegation that is subject to proof. And now we're getting some proof, but the questions remain "what did Joe know and when did he know it, and when and how did he involve himself in aiding Hunter's deals."


A conspiracy theory is a whole different animal. It is something like "COVID was manufactured as a ruse to allow the government to take more control of our lives." The difference? Absolutely zero proof and reason to believe that happened. And such a thing wouldn't have required just a few people (Joe and Hunter and Burisma's leader) involved. It would have required a massive international conspiracy with hundreds of actors involved - governments, businesses, individuals. Hence the term "conspiracy theory."

When tie it all together the conspiracy is that Biden looks likes he was peddling influence to several foreign entities through his son and shell corporations for millions, while simultaneously using federal funding to act against investigations into one of the ecosystems surrounding the corruption. As this information came to light because his son is an idiot the fbi & Doj actively moved to discredit the sources and derail efforts to put the pieces together. Oh and the msm buried this all along… 


the ‘theory’ word is part of the discrediting effort. 

Edited by Over 29 years of fanhood
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6 hours ago, B-Man said:




Biden Spoke With Son’s Associates, but Not About Business


Mary Katharine Ham found this gem buried in the 20th paragraph (out of 22) in the New York Times report on Monday’s congressional hearing:


It has long been known that the elder Mr. Biden at times interacted with his son’s business partners.


Long been known, eh? Winston Smith couldn’t have rewritten history any more smoothly.






This is getting funny…the “line” keeps moving…at this rate, by this time next month, Joe will finally confess what we always knew to be true…🤣🤣🤣


I wonder how hard it must be to always have to lie to cover up all your previous lies…I wonder, at some point, if it just becomes like riding a bike…😉

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5 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

I think we’re being lied to about a whole lot of things.  



The Pulse night club shooting was due to Obama's policies in the Middle East and the only reason that POS did not shoot up Disney Springs is they have armed guards around. People don't realize that Orlando had one of the original openly gay bars in the entire southeast USA about 2 miles from there, if it was gay related that is the place you hit.

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The latest Trump indictment gives the media a chance to do something they love to do: Get Republicans bogged down with questions on the 2020 election and January 6.


Journalists are so convinced that it was the worst day in American history and a direct assault on the very democracy we celebrate as Americans. They have convinced themselves that Republicans are all-in on trying to destroy that democracy, and so they want to get them on the record about it as often as possible.


Some of the other GOP candidates in the 2024 primary have already gone on the record – some with celebrated responses and some that have enraged folks on all sides. Others have waded into the debate, but many are staying vague on the issue right now, focusing on the “weaponized DOJ” talking point rather than the merits of the case against the former president. Regardless, though, each and every one of them needs to steer clear of the media trap here.


You know that the media is going to try to box you in on this, and it’s important to side-step their agenda and focus on your own. Each one of you are now running with the assumption that Trump has hit his ceiling and that the combination of legal drama and dwindling funds will effectively neuter his ability to run a campaign for much longer. If that is the case, then 2020 doesn’t really matter, now does it?


But when it comes to the media, navigating around that is slightly more complicated. They will keep badgering and demanding an answer. It’s easy to get trapped in that scenario, and it’s definitely going to take some nuance to side-step that badgering.


“You are asking me about the previous President and his legal problems. I’ve read the indictment and I think, frankly, it’s pretty weak. But I’m not here to talk about the previous President. I’m running because the current President has directly contributed to a major economic crisis in this country, ignored the absolute chaos at our open southern border, and done nothing about the rise of crime and the flood of fentanyl onto our streets. I’m running because I want our country to have a better future, not to re-litigate the past.”






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Having received their marching orders, AP simps play up Kamala Harris 'newfound aggressive posture'


Kamala Harris has gotten a whole lot of mileage out of her out her bald-faced lie about Florida's updated history curriculum teaching that slavery was a good thing.


But she couldn't have done it without the help of the mainstream media who, instead of taking advantage of multiple opportunities to call her out and correct the record, have chosen instead to run with her false narrative, feed it, and prop her up like some kind of stunning, brave truth-teller.


And that brings us to this piece of "journalism" from the Associated Press, which might as well have been written by Kamala Harris' personal PR team (or, rather, the members of the team who were too stupid to quit the moment they realized how toxic and awful and stupid she is):



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Fox is the most biased network in history.  Love to be a fly in this room.  What do you think they discussed?  Strategy to get him elected?  Not what I'd bet on.  Step away?  "We won't push your propaganda anymore?  What ya think?


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On 8/1/2023 at 4:44 PM, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

When tie it all together the conspiracy is that Biden looks likes he was peddling influence to several foreign entities through his son and shell corporations for millions, while simultaneously using federal funding to act against investigations into one of the ecosystems surrounding the corruption. As this information came to light because his son is an idiot the fbi & Doj actively moved to discredit the sources and derail efforts to put the pieces together. Oh and the msm buried this all along… 


the ‘theory’ word is part of the discrediting effort. 

We're absolutely way beyond the "theory" stage here and have enough corroborating evidence to remove the "theory" word from any discussions.  This is as real as real gets. 


Still, there is an active conspiracy theory.  It's not that Joe Biden had a critical role.  Quite the opposite.  The conspiracy theory in play here the idea that Joe Biden had no active role in the scheme.


One piece of what's missing in the understanding of the arrangement the Biden's had was exactly what all the people making the payment's to "Hunter's business" received in return?  In one case we know Burisma got VP Biden to pressure the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor that was investigating the company.  Ironically an investigation of corruptions which included participation by the Biden's.  So in getting the prosecutor fired Joe Biden was actually covering his own ass too.  But for money received from Chinese entities for example, what did they receive in return? 


Given the status of China as a threat to the US its incomprehensible our law enforcement and intelligence agencies ignored any potential or real national security threats.  Lots of people in lots of places have a lot of explaining to do.  Namely, they knew what was going on and rather than take action against it, as required by their duty to country, instead either ignored it or inhibited others from investigating.  For me, that's an even bigger transgression than what the Biden family business perpetrated.


Another is that if anyone wants to make an intelligent argument Joe Biden was not involved then they're obligated to explain who else among the players in this arrangement had any capacity to influence or control government policy, actions, or involvement?  To this point the correct answer is nobody.  So why is any foreign entity seeking to influence US government actions going to pay Hunter, a guy with no ability to directly influence anything millions of dollars without the knowledge and commitment that Joe would step up and help them out? 





Edited by All_Pro_Bills
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On 8/1/2023 at 12:00 PM, The Frankish Reich said:

Maybe we need to be clear about what a "conspiracy theory" is.

An allegation that Joe and Hunter Biden discussed Hunter's Burisma deal is not a "conspiracy theory." It is an allegation that is subject to proof. And now we're getting some proof, but the questions remain "what did Joe know and when did he know it, and when and how did he involve himself in aiding Hunter's deals."


A conspiracy theory is a whole different animal. It is something like "COVID was manufactured as a ruse to allow the government to take more control of our lives." The difference? Absolutely zero proof and reason to believe that happened. And such a thing wouldn't have required just a few people (Joe and Hunter and Burisma's leader) involved. It would have required a massive international conspiracy with hundreds of actors involved - governments, businesses, individuals. Hence the term "conspiracy theory."



Please stop with the stupidity. This is about COVID and this is about Biden and Ukraine:



So the fact that you recognize these are not conspiracy theories is good, but the media is pretending.

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14 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

The circle jerk in full swing.





Reminds me of the hype/worship of Mueller. till none of that came true.


want to see a circle jerk/echo chamber of pure ignorance. go check out "the walls are falling" thread.




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This is fox "news".  an employed tv personality giving his ridiculous opinion passes for news.  Reads like a manifesto for the cons on the board.  "taking my freedom...wah".  And describing the parties as they existed more than 50 years ago is just intellectual dishonesty.  Also in common use by the acolytes.



"You see what's going on. You see we're unraveling… The Democrat (sic) Party is destroying our schools, it's destroying parental rights, it's destroying the nuclear family, it's destroying people of faith. It's gone after the Catholic Church. The Democrat Party is promoting censorship in all of its departments and agencies. It's destroying our traditions," Levin said.


traditions and values are not set by governments.  They are set by the culture and that is controlled by populations.  you'd think beef on weck had been outlawed.

Edited by redtail hawk
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21 minutes ago, Chris farley said:

Reminds me of the hype/worship of Mueller. till none of that came true.


want to see a circle jerk/echo chamber of pure ignorance. go check out "the walls are falling" thread.







The next phase is the songs. Recording songs in homage to Smith.


The did it for Mueller and Fauci.

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5 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

Fox news again.  interviewing this moron who led the chant "lock her up".  how stupid are people that buy his crap and the crap fox is selling?


And yet on the other end of the thought continuum we have overwhelmingly liberal MSM outlets proclaiming anyone that objects to or voices disapproval of Democratic ideologies or programs as Nazi fascist insurrectionists racist white supremacist bigoted gun-loving intellectually inferior homophobic transsexual haters bent on transforming America into a one-party dictatorship as all the on-screen talking heads nod simultaneous to demonstrate their approval and concurrence in that assessment. 

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5 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

And yet on the other end of the thought continuum we have overwhelmingly liberal MSM outlets proclaiming anyone that objects to or voices disapproval of Democratic ideologies or programs as Nazi fascist insurrectionists racist white supremacist bigoted gun-loving intellectually inferior homophobic transsexual haters bent on transforming America into a one-party dictatorship as all the on-screen talking heads nod simultaneous to demonstrate their approval and concurrence in that assessment. 

please cite an analogous, entangled moron that mainstream media uses as an expert on their top rated shows.  Adam Kinzinger?  nope, he's actually smart.  but for a substantial number of MAGA's, the description is apt.  the demographics bear it out, at least for education level and support for the insurrection

Edited by redtail hawk
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2 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:



I guarantee he watches more Fox than the majority of the conservatives here.

From time to time I do...need to be aware of what the morons are watching/hearing.  Then I read it again here in posts from cons.


btw, using "commies" to describe liberals makes you look ignorant.  Oh wait.....

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