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The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19


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13 minutes ago, wAcKy ZeBrA said:


You might want to check how the numbers were also counted in 1968-1970.



Take a guess Nostradamus. You know it's not 140K. What is a good estimate?


We'll never know for sure.


But considering that most people who died were arguably in their last year, I would say a statistically significant number of them of at least 10-30% were people who were on track to pass away and that they just happened to have the virus when they did or that it accelerated it by a month or two their death.

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3 hours ago, shoshin said:

Deaths are up above normal, as are PCI hospitalizations, so your “point” isn’t much of one. 

It’s real. It may not be as bad now as it was but it ain’t nothing. 

Are deaths above normal right now? I had asked that question several pages back... if (approximately) 8K people die daily in the US, and 1K are dying daily now from COVID-19, are we at 9K daily deaths? Or still at 8K daily deaths except 1K of those deaths are attributed to COVID-19?  If you have the current daily total death rate stats, please share the link. I looked and looked and could not find anything that was direct .gov numbers.


1 hour ago, Chris farley said:

Where. According to the CDC deaths are 2/3 a normal year.



Thank you! I could not find that.

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Note: Provisional death counts are based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics as of July 17, 2020. Death counts are delayed and may differ from other published sources (see Technical Notes). Counts will be updated periodically. Additional information will be added to this site as available.

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1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

Seems like once Trump found out this virus was killing people of color at a higher rate, he just stopped trying to stop it. He just wants to make it worse 

Oh brother....yawn. Yes...racism is the go to answer for everything. You should realize that when you scream it about EVERYTHING nobody listens to ANYTHING you have to say.

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 Fewer Lies and More Honesty Would Be Helpful in the COVID-19 Conversation. 


“I’m so old I remember when it was a good thing to have a healthy and inherent lack of trust for government officials.


Now we are supposed to be worshiping at the Altar of Fauci and not asking any questions lest we be accused of wanting to create a wholesale COVID slaughter.”

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3 hours ago, Magox said:


My understanding of T cells is simply what I read so it's still somewhat rudimentary.  Even though I did read quite a few papers and articles on it over the weekend and did pick up on some things that I wasn't aware of.   


All the studies that I have read were essentially a synopsis and I didn't see it go into real granular detail. 


In regards to your black or white statement, I am a huge believer in spectrums.   That most things, such as homosexuality, racism or in this case molecular biology exist on a spectrum.  There are too many variables to definitely consider something white or black, especially when it comes to immunities.  Which is why I believe that many of these people who have had these coronavirus common colds had some levels of immunity vs. COVID-19, where those responses led to either defeating the virus so quickly once it affected the cells that the body didn't have enough time or for that matter a necessity to create antibodies.  There have been quite a few studies that show that people had been exposed to COVID-19 and whose bodies showed T-cell responses that never did test positive for COVID-19 antibodies.  Then you go further down the spectrum and you have those that did test positive for COVID-19 but were asymptomatic, which means that the infection really never did take hold.  Then you go further down and you have people who were infected that had mild symptoms.  Then you go further down and you have people who had basic symptoms and it goes on and on from there.  There are many variables involved that would help indicate why the outcomes were what they were but my strong hunch that a major one was the T-Cell immunity response from the previous coronavirus common colds that they had.  Many I imagine provided strong defenses and others not so much.   


Basically meaning that if you have T-cells that are ready to put up a fight against COVID-19, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be successful, even though having them puts you in I would imagine a much better situation statistically speaking than not having them.  If that makes any sense.


Thanks man makes sense. I mean was black or white yes or no questions and answers. Try to look at everything to learn from.  All details from it.


Ya man the T-cell makes sense and post makes sense. Thanks very much man.

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2 hours ago, wAcKy ZeBrA said:


Most of the country has a healthy and inherent lack of trust for Trump and his administration.

How can a poster who has had numerous screen names and is now hiding behind one because he was sent on a timeout, speak to the issue of trust as if he knows something about it? 

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4 hours ago, Magox said:


We'll never know for sure.


But considering that most people who died were arguably in their last year, I would say a statistically significant number of them of at least 10-30% were people who were on track to pass away and that they just happened to have the virus when they did or that it accelerated it by a month or two their death.

So.  That’ll put us anywhere from 100 to 170k when all is said and done who would still be alive without this virus and that’s with all these shutdown and mitigation efforts.  Keep brushing it off as an overblown hoax though @bilzfancy

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