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Why do the gays love the dems so much ?

Teddy KGB

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  • 2 weeks later...


Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not


I guess this is what billstime has referred to as “buyer’s remorse”. Of course by using those words he was trying to brush off those people who had experienced regret. Sick. 

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A sad read. Hope this guy can find his way. Hard to believe that chopping off body parts ever became a fashionable and celebrated way to treat mental illness. 

“BFD. Buyer’s remorse”



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I'll take what is a strawman for one billion, Alex.



Me: it's not ok sexualize CHILDREN in schools. Gay, straight or in between. Grade school children should not be exposed to books depicting anal/oral or be encouraged to question the reality of the gonads that they were born with. Because they're friggin CHILDREN. 


Billsfuk.c: oh yeah? Well how do you explain an ADULT gay TEACHER losing his or her job then?


Moral: it's not only because it's a massive troll that I ignore it. It also has an IQ of 57.

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 minutes ago, BillStime said:

So if no one cares why would DeNazi restrict which color lights can shine?


Seems kinda pathetic, eh?



People obviously do care, but everyday LGB are not in that group.  

The only people mad they can’t light a bridge up all month are part of a dwindling group of activists in that state.  

The actual gay communities in Key West and South Beach don’t gaf about all this. 

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1 hour ago, SCBills said:

People obviously do care, but everyday LGB are not in that group.  

The only people mad they can’t light a bridge up all month are part of a dwindling group of activists in that state.  

The actual gay communities in Key West and South Beach don’t gaf about all this. 

It’s nice that you have a pulse on the LGTBQ community but you continue to refuse to acknowledge how absolutely fkn pathetic it is for a governor to state that during “Freedom Summer” you can only display these colors.


The only people who feel that insecure about rainbow colors and flags are those who are homophobic or self hating closet types, such as Roy and DeNazi.

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