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Fans burning their NFL apparel on social media...


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Pretty absurd. I'd like to put a camera on each one of these mouth-breathers, because I'm willing to bet 99.9% of them will forget their "outrage" pretty quickly and be watching their teams on Sunday.


So silly.

NFL viewership is down like 11% from last year. Just saying, you shouldn't be so against their peaceful protest.

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If you really think they're fools, there isn't much I can say.

no clearly there isn't, and that's a big problem. If you're open to allowing those to be ridiculed whoever objects then why can you not allow those who begin this whole incident? That is the epitome of hypocrisy. You sir, are a hypocrite. And in my books that's the worst thing you could be other than a liar
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Are those the same mouth-breathers that were tearing down statues last month....or do left wing mouth breathers have a longer memory?


I believe ripping down statues was the wrong way to address the issue...but that issue is the same one the kneeling players are trying to bring to light in a peaceful way.


Those clothes-burning idiots will be clamoring for their NFL fix in no time at all.

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I believe ripping down statues was the wrong way to address the issue...but that issue is the same one the kneeling players are trying to bring to light in a peaceful way.


Those clothes-burning idiots will be clamoring for their NFL fix in no time at all.

so the issue of exercising free speech is equal to that of vandalism and the destruction of property?



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no clearly there isn't, and that's a big problem. If you're open to allowing those to be ridiculed whoever objects then why can you not allow those who begin this whole incident? That is the epitome of hypocrisy. You sir, are a hypocrite. And in my books that's the worst thing you could be other than a liar


Because there is no rational explanation to ridicule them. Only ignorance and a failure to try and understand the issue.

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Because there is no rational explanation to ridicule them. Only ignorance and a failure to try and understand the issue.

okay sit down, look at the argument you just gave to me and then turn the argument around and try to do the same thing on your end to understand you need to do that on both sides and if you're unwilling to then you are truly a hypocrite
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okay sit down, look at the argument you just gave to me and then turn the argument around and try to do the same thing on your end to understand you need to do that on both sides and if you're unwilling to then you are truly a hypocrite


Dude, enough. I have listened to the other side. It makes no sense. It's indefensible, actually. When the other side keeps saying "disrespecting the flag" and "disrespecting the military" they've shown they simply don't get it.

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Dude, enough. I have listened to the other side. It makes no sense. It's indefensible, actually. When the other side keeps saying "disrespecting the flag" and "disrespecting the military" they've shown they simply don't get it.

yes and that is your opinion. And they turn and look at you and say the same exact thing back. How does this not make sense to you? There are people who serve in the military on this board who have said it is disrespecting them and what they fought for, there are people on this board who have said it disrespects them and they never been in the military, that someone simply said it disrespects them and you don't give it any credence is just amazing. I am literally at a loss for words because I know you are an educated man but shocked that you cannot see this. This is what is called cognitive dissonance and I was wrong to call you a hypocrite, because it becomes more like a handicap at this point and I do not mean to be offensive I am just merely spelling it out
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yes and that is your opinion. And they turn and look at you and say the same exact thing back. How does this not make sense to you? There are people who serve in the military on this board who have said it is disrespecting them and what they fought for, there are people on this board who have said it disrespects them and they never been in the military, that someone simply said it disrespects them and you don't give it any credence is just amazing. I am literally at a loss for words because I know you are an educated man but shocked that you cannot see this. This is what is called cognitive dissonance and I was wrong to call you a hypocrite, because it becomes more like a handicap at this point and I do not mean to be offensive I am just merely spelling it out


If I listen to an opposing point of view and there are no compelling arguments that lead me to change my mind, what exactly am I supposed to do? The people who "say the same exact thing back" are completely closed-minded. I've tried to understand their perspective and it doesn't make sense. This "honor the flag at all costs" mentality is just too simplistic for my brain to comprehend, and it's not what this country is about. Call me whatever names you would like.

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.....think what it may boil down to is us poor working slobs trying to pull the same stunt in our workplaces and what the ramifications would be which we essentially know...pink slips......these megamillionaires catered to as divas using the national spotlight to interrupt our sacred Sundays is over the top....24/7 political news bombardment sucks....BUT...do NOT mess with my Sundays to escape the real, effed up world.....I need ONE day of sanctity and sanity..........Jesus........

Edited by OldTimeAFLGuy
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yes and that is your opinion. And they turn and look at you and say the same exact thing back. How does this not make sense to you? There are people who serve in the military on this board who have said it is disrespecting them and what they fought for, there are people on this board who have said it disrespects them and they never been in the military, that someone simply said it disrespects them and you don't give it any credence is just amazing. I am literally at a loss for words because I know you are an educated man but shocked that you cannot see this. This is what is called cognitive dissonance and I was wrong to call you a hypocrite, because it becomes more like a handicap at this point and I do not mean to be offensive I am just merely spelling it out

And there are people on this board who served and said it doesn't disrespect them, and there have been endless examples in the news and online and on Twitter of people who served who say the protest is exactly what they served for. But you completely ignore those and only count ones on your side.

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geez, Dorothy, you'd think you'd get a little bit of humor. I would at least because I've seen you around here enough to know that you know I know nothing. And there will be no Civil War in this isn't about Trump. This is about the NFL and the national anthem

Well Toto, you should watch the news a little more, because Trump is polarizing the country over this issue. If you were joking you have to premise your joke a little more so we know for sure your joking, I don't know you that well to tell when you are joking or not.

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yes and that is your opinion. And they turn and look at you and say the same exact thing back. How does this not make sense to you? There are people who serve in the military on this board who have said it is disrespecting them and what they fought for, there are people on this board who have said it disrespects them and they never been in the military, that someone simply said it disrespects them and you don't give it any credence is just amazing. I am literally at a loss for words because I know you are an educated man but shocked that you cannot see this. This is what is called cognitive dissonance and I was wrong to call you a hypocrite, because it becomes more like a handicap at this point and I do not mean to be offensive I am just merely spelling it out

The point of this argument is not opinion, it is a fact. It is about racial injustice. Do you agree?


Also, what are your thoughts on the Washington team's name? There are native Americans saying they are offended...by your logic you have to be supporting the name change, no? So do you?

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The point of this argument is not opinion, it is a fact. It is about racial injustice. Do you agree?


Also, what are your thoughts on the Washington team's name? There are native Americans saying they are offended...by your logic you have to be supporting the name change, no? So do you?

they're offended, so I would change Washington to the Washington snowflakes to honor those Native Americans that are offended.


And sure we can say it's about Injustice, please show me the facts that support that because I can show you the ones straight from the government and all police jurisdictions would show it is a bull **** premise and you're just wasting your time because you'll probably give me something like Salon or Rachel Maddow to dispute me

Well Toto, you should watch the news a little more, because Trump is polarizing the country over this issue. If you were joking you have to premise your joke a little more so we know for sure your joking, I don't know you that well to tell when you are joking or not.

oh yeah, I forgot it's all because of trump... Trump... Trump that's not Trump. No it's been going on longer than him
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And there are people on this board who served and said it doesn't disrespect them, and there have been endless examples in the news and online and on Twitter of people who served who say the protest is exactly what they served for. But you completely ignore those and only count ones on your side.

no I don't, I don't ignore either side I just think both sides are stupid because it doesn't really matter
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