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If the Bills lose Touchdown Mike.............

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then draft this guy........




He is complemeentary to Shady. Great at short yardage/goal line and at blitz pickup which are not McCoy's strengths.


His personal story makes for a unique lockeroom presence. He oozes "accountability" out his pores, you won't need to sell him on it.


He's from Erie, Pa which is in the heart of Bills, Steelers and Browns territory. This buys the Bills some extra credibility there which is a nice side benefit.


He patterns his running style after Marshawn Lynch. I see him as a 232 lb. version of Robb Riddick, who is one of my all time favorites.




Yes, good choice. I like Conner.

Edited by jeffismagic
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Now that the offer has been extended, I think it unlikley the Bills will match. I am just thinking that they have a dollar value to the position and I don't know if they are willing to exceed it much. FWIW, most draft sites have Conner as a day 3 pick, 4th-5th round. I think he would complement McCoy nicely in that his strengths match McCoy's weaknesses. Being a Pitt guy, maybe DW has more insight into his career and has him higher on the Bill's draft board than others do.

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So what's the scoop ?


Pats will have James White, Burkhead, and Dion Lewis for 3rd down back.


How many rbs do they need.


The scoop is the Pats just wanted to screw the Bills and don't really care about who their RB is. Most teams with a HOF QB don't care who the RB is. Bill is praying the Bills match this. Bills need to call his bluff. Let them pay 4 million for a RB that is a rotational RB.

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The title of you post is incorrect !!


The change needs to be WHEN not IF !!


TD Mike is gone & i can't say as i blame him or the Pats . He is a starter in the NFL I just hope that the Bills draft Foster so we have someone in our LB ing corp that can chase him down as to not have games like the Fins did against us last

year !!!

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