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Jim Kelly on espn about our situation 1/4

The Tomcat

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My wife keeps telling me Jim Kelly should be head of football operations for the Bills because he's 100% on board with wanting this team to win. I say he's got other things on his plate like charitable foundations and has to watch his health. I don't know, maybe she's right?

Much as I hate to say ir, my wife's usually right about most things too. It's both our 2nd marriages but I have to go with 30 years of success. And no, she dose not want the Bills job.


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Jim is never going to throw this organization under the bus, and I think his answer proves that. TT certainly isn't an elite QB, but how often do coaching jobs actually become available if the team already has a SB caliber QB? I would guess it's not very often. There are reasons why a team is looking for a new coach. It often starts with failure at the QB position. Sure, there are exceptions to this. I just find Jim's answer to be a bit simplistic.


I agree.


Certainly, a lot of new head coaches take over teams with even worse QB situations.

The Bills are more or less a .500 team. A coach with a lot of confidence (and most are confident men) will believe he can transform a .500 team into a playoff team.


Hell, Hue Jackson took over the Browns, as hopeless as that situation was.

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I think he would like a coach that he trusts and has similar ideas on building a team....why a puppet?

I certainly don't have any concrete information that I can back my statement up with. It's just the feeling I get about Whaley. The guy has already clashed with his last two coaches, and he wants to save his own job. This next coaching hire will have more to do with Whaley's ego and ability to control the situation than who the best available coach is imo. This is why I think we aren't hearing any more about Coughlin. The Pegula's may have really liked Coughlin. The difference is that this time it's supposed to be Whaley's hire. He's not going to want someone who may challenge his decision making. Edited by DriveFor1Outta5
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I don't have the impression at all that Whaley wants a puppet. I think he wants a good football coach who can adapt to the roster.


I think Whaley probably started out on board and enthusiastic about Rex then over time as Rex showed himself unable to work successfully with the roster he had and Whaley had to dump some talent and fill resulting holes, plus watching the games, he soured on Rex.


Kelly's indictment was scathing: the coaches didn't coach and the players didn't play.


This was a generic, no-one-was-good-enough, statement. It's the kind of thing you say about any team that fails to meet its goals. "We all have to get better."


He blames everyone - fair enough - which is pretty much the same as blaming no one.


Shady, for example, did play at a playoff level. So who didn't? Which coaches didn't coach well enough? Kelly copped out and didn't say.

Edited by hondo in seattle
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Joe F, you have it a little mixed up:

Polian - Consultant

Reich - OC

Wade - HC

Pill - OC - Who? Let Wade bring in who he wants for DC.


Acquire one of Glennon or McCarron - Pass on Glennon, but McCarron is an interesting thought

Overdraft DeShaun Watson @ 10 - better yet - trade up for Trubisky

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Which big name coaches are available....only one I can think of is Coughlin....the rest have not done anything as head coaches

I think you are correct.



Jim is never going to throw this organization under the bus, and I think his answer proves that. TT certainly isn't an elite QB, but how often do coaching jobs actually become available if the team already has a SB caliber QB? I would guess it's not very often. There are reasons why a team is looking for a new coach. It often starts with failure at the QB position. Sure, there are exceptions to this. I just find Jim's answer to be a bit simplistic.


You are also correct. If you are looking for a coach, it is usually because the team hasn't been winning Superbowls recently. Obviously the Broncos are a rare exception. I think Jim just told the truth as he sees it from the perspective of a former quarterback.


Jim was a QB. He looks at things from that perspective. And like some posters on this board, he probably thinks that going to the playoffs is 90% dependent on how good your quarterback is. But this season alone proved that isn't true. Otherwise Drew Brees, Philip Rivers and Cam Newton would be in the playoffs. And they're not. Quarterbacks are very important. But not 90% of the game important.

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Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback


Who is the Broncos' quarterback?


Who is the 49ers' quarterback?


Can the Jaguars' quarterback throw a spiral?


The Rams' quarterback situation is a gamble because you have no idea what you have with Goff. 5 TD's and 7 INT's at 5.3 ypa and a 63.6 passer rating. Even Manuel had a 77.7 rating as a rookie.


If only Taylor were a #tallwhitequarterback then he'd be given a constant benefit of the doubt and have all the chances in the world.


Our GM is black. Our OC was black. Now our HC is black. All our QBs are black. I'm not sure why you think Tyrod is being short-changed because he's black.


I think you can make intelligent, rational arguments why Tyrod should be our QB going forward, and why he shouldn't. Like every QB, TT has his strengths and his weaknesses. How you weigh those against each other will vary from fan to fan, and from coach to coach. His particular profile is fairly unique.


Then there's the issue of his future potential. Perfectly rational people think he's hit his ceiling. Other rational people expect him to get better yet - maybe with better coaching.


At this point, whether it's fair or not, there are probably some head coach candidates who believe you cannot build a winning franchise around Tyrod's unique skill set. That's just the reality we have to face.

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Joe F, you have it a little mixed up:

Polian - Consultant

Reich - OC

Wade - HC

Pill - OC - Who? Let Wade bring in who he wants for DC.


Acquire one of Glennon or McCarron - Pass on Glennon, but McCarron is an interesting thought

Overdraft DeShaun Watson @ 10 - better yet - trade up for Trubisky

Pill = Alex Van Pelt..


Nice edits..

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Jim's an icon but a football executive he's not.

Neither was Elway when he started.

Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback


Who is the Broncos' quarterback?


Who is the 49ers' quarterback?


Can the Jaguars' quarterback throw a spiral?


The Rams' quarterback situation is a gamble because you have no idea what you have with Goff. 5 TD's and 7 INT's at 5.3 ypa and a 63.6 passer rating. Even Manuel had a 77.7 rating as a rookie.


If only Taylor were a #tallwhitequarterback then he'd be given a constant benefit of the doubt and have all the chances in the world.


It has Nothing to do with color - height certainly but other shorter QBs have been able to handle the short passing, move the chains, game which I have not

seen Tyrod do. He seems more like a Slash QB.

I could live with Reich at HC if we actually COULD get Wade for DC


Reich as HC I think would work for he appears to be a very organized person and a good leader but I do not think Wade would only DC who would work well with him. Reich (or any candidate frankly) needs to have clear vision of who he wants as OC/DC/ST coaches and understand that veto power on signing will remain with front office. Same with firing - no more Ronnie Jones.

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because he did so well with his failed restaurant downtown, his Ponzi scheme on tv and his contract/merchandising company that Michael Vick quit from. I can respect his playing experience but Kelly's nothing more than a big fan these days.

You should check this out:




He has literally saved babies lives. Not figuratively, but literally by leading the fight to increase newborn testing and fund research to find cures.

I saw him last year when he came down to Corning on his own dime and time to do a fundraiser for a regional charity. His talk was inspiring. Even my Taiwanese wife who never saw him play and is just learning football was motivated by it.


But I guess he had a restaurant not work out...and I guess he's been prosecuted by the Feds for a Ponzi scheme? Or maybe not... but you casually throw that accusation at him, OK whatever, dude.

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Kelly didn't do Tyrod any favors with that interview -- not that he owes him any. Basically, he said Tyrod can make some "wow" plays nobody else can make, but the Bills needed somebody to make the throws at crucial times to move the chains, lead comebacks, and kill clock, and it wasn't there.

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