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NFL.com: Mike Silver Takes an In-depth Look at Kim Pegula


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freaky title? did you see the drawing? who's green-lighting this stuff? that's just bad.


That is one bad rendering. Looks nothing like her.

Excellent article nonetheless.

Midway through the search, Rex Ryan, who'd recently been fired after six years as the New York Jets' head coach, flew to Boca Raton for an interview. During that meeting, he learned emphatically that Kim was far from a figurehead.


In the end, Whaley, Brandon and the Pegulas decided that Ryan was the right man for the job, picking him over Bengals offensive coordinator Hue Jackson, who finished a close second (and went on to become the Browns' head coach this year). Says Kim: "We felt we were right there, on the verge [of playoff contention], and we thought that maybe a veteran coach would be better for us. Doug Marrone had been new coming into the head-coaching position before, so it was like, 'Let's go with a veteran.' And it was someone who had experience in the division, and we needed someone who knew the teams that we had to play against. And then Rex is just very personable, and he came across as a guy that was open to our ideas and accepting of a new ownership. You've got to like the people you work with, you know? That's how you create some longevity, something constant."


That's the idea, certainly, but don't get the mistaken impression that she and Terry are exceedingly patient.

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Dareus after coming back from his suspension in Week 5:

Soon thereafter, Dareus boarded the team plane for a flight to Los Angeles and had a short but poignant interaction with Kim Pegula: "As I was walking on, she was in the first seat to the left, and I told her I was sorry for everything, and that 'I'm gonna do my best to earn your trust back.' She said, 'Marcell, if I didn't believe in you, I wouldn't even talk to you. I already know you love this sport and love this organization. We just want you to be the person you know you can be.' I was speechless; I just never thought that was gonna come out of her mouth. It just really meant the world to me, and it hit me emotionally. I thought about it the whole flight."

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Dareus after coming back from his suspension in Week 5:



She should have... "yeah, whatever. You said the exact same thing the last time you were busted in 2014. We can't cut you and you're untradeable and your contract says we can't get any money back if you get suspended again. Stick to the salad on this flight"

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She should have... "yeah, whatever. You said the exact same thing the last time you were busted in 2014. We can't cut you and you're untradeable and your contract says we can't get any money back if you get suspended again. Stick to the salad on this flight"


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Kim Pegula isn't a unique "rags to riches American Dream" story. She's a "married an older wealthy man" story, one that's been seen dozens of times and is hardly worthy of any sort of praise.


Am I taking crazy pills?


First off, this was a great article. I don't really think the point of it too was a "rags to riches" story, as much as how down to earth and smart and personable Kim is. She seems like she is really great in her role. And her ties to the region run deep.


But on your comment, I am not sure how accurate that is. Terry owned East Resources, but these two met back in the early 90s, when I don't think that company was much of anything and he probably wasn't anything other than a small business owner. She certainly didn't marry a billionaire.

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Asked if she had a similar desire to be introduced to the future Hall of Fame quarterback [Tom Brady], Pegula had answered honestly: "No, not really. Especially on game day. I just wouldn't even want the whole vibe of even having to deal with him and talk to him. I don't want to pretend to be nice."


I'm in love...

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First off, this was a great article. I don't really think the point of it too was a "rags to riches" story, as much as how down to earth and smart and personable Kim is. She seems like she is really great in her role. And her ties to the region run deep.


But on your comment, I am not sure how accurate that is. Terry owned East Resources, but these two met back in the early 90s, when I don't think that company was much of anything and he probably wasn't anything other than a small business owner. She certainly didn't marry a billionaire.

There are actually some people who make the arguement that she had a lot to with Pegs becoming a billionaire. She's a far cry from many other rich guys trophy wives in the brains department.
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First off, this was a great article. I don't really think the point of it too was a "rags to riches" story, as much as how down to earth and smart and personable Kim is. She seems like she is really great in her role. And her ties to the region run deep.


But on your comment, I am not sure how accurate that is. Terry owned East Resources, but these two met back in the early 90s, when I don't think that company was much of anything and he probably wasn't anything other than a small business owner. She certainly didn't marry a billionaire.

It wasn't the point of the article, but they surely made a point of mentioning it. As well as the other articles that have come out and called her that.


Like this one: https://www.google.com/amp/us.blastingnews.com/sports/2016/07/rags-to-riches-kim-pegula-s-journey-from-orphan-to-nfl-owner-001011717.amp.html


It's a false narrative and I don't understand the motive to pretend that she pulled herself up by her bootstraps.


They were founded in 83 and Terry had employees in Alaska, so I bet they were doing alright. A young waitress with very little going on caught his divorced eye, and he married her. Whether his net worth was $1M or $1B, it certainly eclipsed hers.

She seems like a classy stand up woman to me


She could probably kick your ass

What an embarrassing comment.

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