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What about the on season?

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Say what you will, but at least Rex gets the players fired up to practice. Judging from the comments by Dareus, Woods, Tyrod, etc., they are growing as a team. No one knows how this will carry over to "real" games in September, but if they are better prepared and more emotionally invested this year (compared to this time last year), then I'm hoping for good things.

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I think people are making way more out of this than there needs to be. The guy simply meant that they've had a really good off season and are further along than they were last year. Really nothing to get so worked up about.

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I think people are making way more out of this than there needs to be. The guy simply meant that they've had a really good off season and are further along than they were last year. Really nothing to get so worked up about.



And what did he say last offseason?

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If that thing is a rental I hope they sprung for the supplemental damage insurance.


If there was a caption the photo contest on that, my entry would be:


Danger: Do not attempt to caption this photo as words cannot ever do it justice.

I see we are already throwing in the towel on the upcoming season.


Who said that?


Technically, with the Ryan brothers here, wouldn't we have to throw in the tent?



Of course. The Buffalo Braves will be well towards the end of the first half of the season in January.



I just bought a Buffalo Braves World Series Champions pennant on line. It's cool.


Are you a C's Bruins and Sox fan too or do you just like the Pats?

Edited by 4merper4mer
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