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DB coach Donnie Henderson won't be returning to Bills


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This is just a garbage move. Rob Ryan running the defense??? Pure nepotism.


I actually blame the owner for allowing this to happen.


In a conventional world, the owner has given the GM and HC leeway to succeed or fail based on contract extensions and coaching staff hires respectively. What's unconventional about the Bills is if they aren't a playoff team it seems there'll be a ready excuse to give them another season.


I think TPegs has delayed the inevitable from 2016 to 2017.

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They already have another DB coach. If Donnie is not back though it will be a bad mistake. The guy can flat out coach and the players love him.


Agreed, hard to believe they are letting him go and he is the coach leaving this staff.

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So our best defensive coach leaves, our worst takes over that unit, and Rob Ryan (a joke of a DC) takes over DC duties?


If Ryan is going to go down and get run out of Buffalo by the casuals, he is at least going to do it his way.



Rex is going to be running the defense. Don't kid yourself.

If that's true and it is most likely...that is the first mistake this offseason IMO. Almost all good HCs do their role and not the role of OC or DC. I was hoping Rex learned from that this year.

I didn't like Marrone, but, I did like he was a HC and not a HC and OC.

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If that's true and it is most likely...that is the first mistake this offseason IMO. Almost all good HCs do their role and not the role of OC or DC. I was hoping Rex learned from that this year.

I didn't like Marrone, but, I did like he was a HC and not a HC and OC.

Hackett was running Marrone's offense. It was not Hackett's offense. Marrone also called a lot of the plays, and the important ones, although Hackett called most of them. But Marrone designed the offense, and was the main game planner, and it was much more his than Hackett's.

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Um ... yes, when it's a family member. He's the owner, you know. He's allowed to do this sort of thing.


Um no. Rob Ryan has 17 years on NFL coaching experience and is more than qualified to be a defensive assistant. I guess Pegula should have allowed the Sabres' GM Tim Murray to allow his uncle Terry to be on the coaching staff regardless of his credentials. Gimme a break!

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Take a look at Football Outsiders for a more complete metric.


2013: 4th overall

2014: 2nd overall

2015: 24th overall

How is it possibly a more complete metric to rate the 2013 defense fourth overall when they were 23rd in points against? In my mind that is impossible. I understand that offense and special teams play into scoring. I also watched all of the 2013 defense. They were abused on the run and abused by terrible teams at times, like the Bucs.

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Um no. Rob Ryan has 17 years on NFL coaching experience and is more than qualified to be a defensive assistant. I guess Pegula should have allowed the Sabres' GM Tim Murray to allow his uncle Terry to be on the coaching staff regardless of his credentials. Gimme a break!

a) I could care less about the Sabres (not a hockey fan) and aren't they bad anyway?


b) He is the owner. He can do what he wants. Except for two exceptions, Rob Ryan has overseen a great many bad defenses, with this past season's NO defense being incredibly bad.


c) Rex Ryan is sentimental and emotional to a fault. Hiring his down-on-his-luck and less-skilled twin brother is about as sentimental and emotional as it gets. Perhaps it's why players generally like playing for him, but it's also a clear weakness. It's the owner's job to recognize this and try and rein that instinct in.

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Donnie Henderson out. Bozo the clowns brother in. WTF. You can't make this stuff up. Can't believe Pegula is putting up with this crap. We get rid of our best defensive coach so we can bring in a guy who keeps getting fired. Good news is it will get so bad next year they'll have to clean house just like they did with the Sabres. Pegula must love burning money. I'm amazed he's a billionaire with his spending habits.

Edited by Billsmovinup
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How is it possibly a more complete metric to rate the 2013 defense fourth overall when they were 23rd in points against? In my mind that is impossible. I understand that offense and special teams play into scoring. I also watched all of the 2013 defense. They were abused on the run and abused by terrible teams at times, like the Bucs.

they were 20th in points against. As I've said ad infinitum on this board, context matters.


The Bills defense in 2013 had the 30th worst drive start position with regard to the offenses they faced. The Bills offense was 31st in time per drive and 28th in yards per drive. They SUCKED. The defense, on the other hand, was 2nd in yards per drive and 12th in points per drive.


You of all should people should know that it's more complicated than simply rolling out raw points.

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a) I could care less about the Sabres (not a hockey fan) and aren't they bad anyway?


b) He is the owner. He can do what he wants. Except for two exceptions, Rob Ryan has overseen a great many bad defenses, with this past season's NO defense being incredibly bad.


c) Rex Ryan is sentimental and emotional to a fault. Hiring his down-on-his-luck and less-skilled twin brother is about as sentimental and emotional as it gets. Perhaps it's why players generally like playing for him, but it's also a clear weakness. It's the owner's job to recognize this and try and rein that instinct in.


Good to know you care, but guess what. He didn't intervene and he shouldn't have. This is your overemotional response to Rex. Have at it but it ain't changing one thing.

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I'm sorry but I watched that 2013 defense. We all watched that 2013 defense. They weren't 4th overall in anything.

Did you watch other teams? Sometimes I wonder whether people realize that the league is geared toward offense. They also don't seem to realize the bad position the Bills' terrible offense put the defense in repeatedly. As for the rushing yards, the Bills were 28th in yards given up because teams ran on them all of time -- partly because of leads and partly because no one feared the Bills offense. Only 4 teams faced more rushing attempts than the Bills.

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