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Ted Cruz

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Are you in the alternate universe again?


Why do you think the GOP regained both Congressional chambers and a majority of governorships? Hint, it wasn't because they were nailed to a cross of some social agendas.


The major rift in the GOP is caused by a belief by many in the camp that the party didn't do enough to block the leviathan expansion.


So name what they've gained in 8 years, or fought for that wasn't simple obstructionism with no alternatives offered.

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So name what they've gained in 8 years, or fought for that wasn't simple obstructionism with no alternatives offered.


I am truly speechless


For someone who constantly rails about the government's intrusion into people's lives, the fact that you don't think that slowing down the expansion of government is a massive accomplishment given where the party was in 2009, is bizarre.


But I think we went over this many times before. You're only concerned about hypothetical big data government intrusions because they involve big numbers, no matter how little impact they have on the every day life of ordinary people. But you could care less about the daily incursions of more regulations, fees and taxes that many people have had to deal with in the last eight years.


If GOP is being blamed for obstructionism, well good for them, because that's the only tool they had going against the man with a veto pen.


Please enlighten me what else they could have done to offer up a conservative alternative to the greatest liberal ideologue in generations.

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I am truly speechless


For someone who constantly rails about the government's intrusion into people's lives, the fact that you don't think that slowing down the expansion of government is a massive accomplishment given where the party was in 2009, is bizarre.


But I think we went over this many times before. You're only concerned about hypothetical big data government intrusions because they involve big numbers, no matter how little impact they have on the every day life of ordinary people. But you could care less about the daily incursions of more regulations, fees and taxes that many people have had to deal with in the last eight years.


If GOP is being blamed for obstructionism, well good for them, because that's the only tool they had going against the man with a veto pen.


Please enlighten me what else they could have done to offer up a conservative alternative to the greatest liberal ideologue in generations.


It's only bizarre if you completely ignore Bush's 8 years in office prior, which you're clearly doing by cherry picking the 2009 start date for your analysis. The last chance the GOP had in the presidency, W expanded federal power much more than Obama. He laid the groundwork for all of this. Which is why the past 8 years of obstructionism without offering any alternatives will go down in history as blind petulance by a dying party clinging to its last breath. They had no problems supporting Bush expanding the scope, power, and funding of the federal government but when a Democrat came to power suddenly it was the end of the world. That kind of phony, partisan politics is exactly why the party is in shambles today. They should have taken their lumps in '08 and reassessed. They didn't, and Trump is the result.


So, again, I ask because you were the one who claimed the GOP was at risk of losing all they've fought for over the past years -- what exactly have they fought for? What gains have they made in their fight?


(None of the bolded is true.)

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It's only bizarre if you completely ignore Bush's 8 years in office prior, which you're clearly doing by cherry picking the 2009 start date for your analysis. The last chance the GOP had in the presidency, W expanded federal power much more than Obama. He laid the groundwork for all of this. Which is why the past 8 years of obstructionism without offering any alternatives will go down in history as blind petulance by a dying party clinging to its last breath. They had no problems supporting Bush expanding the scope, power, and funding of the federal government but when a Democrat came to power suddenly it was the end of the world. That kind of phony, partisan politics is exactly why the party is in shambles today. They should have taken their lumps in '08 and reassessed. They didn't, and Trump is the result.


So, again, I ask because you were the one who claimed the GOP was at risk of losing all they've fought for over the past years -- what exactly have they fought for? What gains have they made in their fight?


(None of the bolded is true.)

I know, Bush Bad.


But I'm not ignoring Bush's failures because the House and Senate were lost on his watch. And much of that was due to DeLays corruption.


But if you think that government expansion during Bush even slightly compares to the massive overreach that's happened on Obama's watch, you're insane.

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I know, Bush Bad.


:beer: But that's not my point and you know it. His presidency damaged the GOP in many ways by acting like a liberal administration in how it fed the leviathan. You can't ignore that... or, actually you can as we're witnessing.


But I'm not ignoring Bush's failures because the House and Senate were lost on his watch. And much of that was due to DeLays corruption.


But if you think that government expansion during Bush even slightly compares to the massive overreach that's happened on Obama's watch, you're insane.


Now you're just dodging the question. What exactly has the party fought for the past 8 years that you're so afraid will be lost when it finally implodes?

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So name what they've gained in 8 years, or fought for that wasn't simple obstructionism with no alternatives offered.


What the hell? Since Obama has been in office, the GOP has gained over 900 state and federal government seats.


And when the nutbag who has control of the WH, House and Senate spends his first year forcing a trillion dollar money laundering scheme called "stimulus" on everyone, while also screwing up the country's health insurance with a plan intended to force America to single payer, the best thing to do is obstruct the ever-loving crap out the DNC and get hold the WH again.

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What the hell? Since Obama has been in office, the GOP has gained over 900 state and federal government seats.


And when the nutbag who has control of the WH, House and Senate spends his first year forcing a trillion dollar money laundering scheme called "stimulus" on everyone, while also screwing up the country's health insurance with a plan intended to force America to single payer, the best thing to do is obstruct the ever-loving crap out the DNC and get hold the WH again.


I absolutely loathe the "obstructionist!" accusation for its blatant stupidity. Of COURSE the minority party is obstructionist. They can't pass anything, all they can do is filibuster and block.


And as a majority party...oh, they're "obstructionist" because they won't do what the opposition-party president wants! NO !@#$ING ****!!!! That's not even a bad thing...imagine if the Democrats had been even slightly obstructionist concerning the Patriot Act, the Iraq War, etc.


There's another term for "obstructionist." It's called "doing your mother!@#$ing job." :rolleyes:

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:beer: But that's not my point and you know it. His presidency damaged the GOP in many ways by acting like a liberal administration in how it fed the leviathan. You can't ignore that... or, actually you can as we're witnessing.



Now you're just dodging the question. What exactly has the party fought for the past 8 years that you're so afraid will be lost when it finally implodes?


The two biggest budget increases in Bush's terms were national defense and social services (welfare, medicare, SSI, etc) We've discussed the buildup of the DoD as the reversal of defense spending cuts under Clinton, which were clearly a huge mistake. And don't know if you recall but he wasn't a huge advocate of DHS or creating TSA, but struck the bargain with Congress. Naturally, the military actions in Afghanistan & Iraq added to the pile, but that's what we call extraordinary expenses in the financial world.


The increases in social services came from the Medicare prescription plan, which I can argue is one of few government programs that are working the way they're designed and are saving costs in the long run. There's also this demographic time bomb that's hitting entitlement programs, which speeds up the spending rates.


So yes, the budget blew up under Bush, but he kept the increases modest after the large hikes for the extraordinary events. The ratio of DoD spend and social spending to total expenditures remained fairly constant.


Now compare that to the current administration where the total expenditures keep climbing, and that's masked by huge reductions in DoD spending.


Which gets me to why conservatives are up in arms. They know that there isn't much they could do to slow Obama's runaway entitlement train while he's President. So they are playing the long game by recapturing both houses and governorships and working to recapture the White House to finish things off.


And the plan would have worked if not for that pesky carnival barker from Queens.

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I absolutely loathe the "obstructionist!" accusation for its blatant stupidity. Of COURSE the minority party is obstructionist. They can't pass anything, all they can do is filibuster and block.


And as a majority party...oh, they're "obstructionist" because they won't do what the opposition-party president wants! NO !@#$ING ****!!!! That's not even a bad thing...imagine if the Democrats had been even slightly obstructionist concerning the Patriot Act, the Iraq War, etc.


There's another term for "obstructionist." It's called "doing your mother!@#$ing job." :rolleyes:

IF Trump should manage to win, we'll see the Dems put on the Stall. It'll be a full-court press/trap game worthy of the 80s Pistons or Devils.

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People often underestimate the power of government from the local and state level, where Obama has been the single greatest asset for the GOP. Over 60% of the states are under GOP control, from state and senate houses to Governorships all across the country, where in many cases meaningful and successful reforms have been put in place. Not to mention control of the house and senate.


Obama's greatest "achievements" are Dodd & Frank and Obamacare and both are turning out to be a drag on the economy. It is the job of the minority party to block what they view as an over expansionist regime.


Trump is simply a vehicle for the frustration that lies with some of these disaffected voters, they view the GOP as an impotent party that was unable to stop Obama's overreach on his executive actions on immigration, stances on social issues and the ramming through of Obamacare. Somehow, unreasonably these voters believe that this could have been stopped, which of course it couldn't have.


I hear it all the time, "I don't agree with much of what Trump says, but he's not going to get bullied and he'll play dirty to win" *sigh* Well, I won't get into the flawed rationale but that's what you hear.

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