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Boobie Dixon's unsportsmanlike penalty


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If you run a lose ship, how well do you make those plays? How does Bill Belichick grab street free agents and win while the a Bills lose with their starters? Discipline might be one reason.


Please stop comparing any coach in the universe to Bellichick. It's beginning to border on Godwin's law.


Serious question and not degrading- I ask this in the most respectful manner. Have you ever played football at a higher level, at least high school?


Graduated high school with nine varsity letters, all in team sports, went on to play one of those for a d1 team in college. football, no.

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We lost because we had poor play calls on too many 3rd and short, and we fumbled a punt. We did NOT lose because of penalties yesterday. I'd rather the team show some intensity and jump off sides or get taunting calls(within reason of course). I am not concerned about the penalties, plus I think they have diminished as the season has progressed. I think this team is heading in the right direction, they are a young team trying to get used to each other and the coaches. If we REALLY thought we would be significantly better this year with new owners, new coaches, new skill position players etc, then we are a deluded bunch of fans. This team WILL be good, i have 100% confidence that next year will be a banner year, but I still haven't 100% given up on this year.



This "tone" logic is inconceivable. It truly is. You guys are grasping at straws. We didn't lose yesterday because of a "tone." We didn't lose in KC because of a "tone." We didn't drop the second NE game because of "tone." We didn't lose in London because of "tone."


This is complete and utter gotta-blame-someone horse ****.




Still waiting to hear someone tell me about the time (other than Hughes' strip sack against the woeful Dolphins) somebody from this "super talented" defense went ahead and changed the game this year.

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He got the penalty for doing a dance... over his opponent. If he just did the dance it wouldnt have been a big deal.

He wasn't dancing, he was waving his arms while talking smack. But yeah, like I said, I get why it's a penalty. I just don't think it's called consistently.

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He wasn't dancing, he was waving his arms while talking smack. But yeah, like I said, I get why it's a penalty. I just don't think it's called consistently.

It's not. I get furious watching other games now and spotting all the extra curriculars that would get five to seven Bills flagged without question.


Must be Rex's fault.

We lost because we had poor play calls on too many 3rd and short, and we fumbled a punt. We did NOT lose because of penalties yesterday. I'd rather the team show some intensity and jump off sides or get taunting calls(within reason of course). I am not concerned about the penalties, plus I think they have diminished as the season has progressed. I think this team is heading in the right direction, they are a young team trying to get used to each other and the coaches. If we REALLY thought we would be significantly better this year with new owners, new coaches, new skill position players etc, then we are a deluded bunch of fans. This team WILL be good, i have 100% confidence that next year will be a banner year, but I still haven't 100% given up on this year.



FWIW, The Eagles spent nearly the entire second half in cover one with the safety in center field letting the CB take Watkins one on one. If there were poor playcalls, it was not throwing to Watkins deep ENOUGH. My buddy and I were a bit perplexed watching the defense CONSISTENTLY line up without help on Watkins.

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  1. On what percentage of plays does this happen? We know the answer to this, less than 5%, making it a non-issue.
  2. Why does Mario get a free pass from doing his job? Nobody wants to address this.
  3. How about the other nine guys on defense? That would expose your brand on distilled, over simplified non-analysis for what it really is.
  4. Was Mario guarding the wide receiver that got behind the CB and S for a long TD on 2nd and 26? No, he wasn't. And on the whole, the defense played very well yesterday, but let's not let that get in they of screaming about thigns that didn't happen.


How about this?


Same basic players last year and the year before. This year the coaches changed and so did the scheme.....not the players. So your conclusion is....players' fault....nothing to do with coaches?


If you're saying the 2015 defense has even approached the 2013/2014 then I guess you're looking at something different than I am.


BTW, if you were saying that there is an adjustment period to a different style of D then I might buy it. But you appear to be saying the D players all suck. What happened to them in one year that made them suck? Any theories?

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The one thing that has been consistent over the years of this long playoff drought is that the Bills will find ways to beat themselves in games like this. I fully expected them to lose. Look back over the years and you will see that virtually every time the Bills have played a game that mattered or had playoff implications, they have found a way to lose. They were clearly the better team yesterday, but yet they never had the lead the entire game. Coincidence? I don't think so. I think they went into the game expecting to lose and they found a way to make that a reality, just like they always do. It is amazing how consistent that they have been in games like these over the years. You can blame the coaches, you can blame the refs, you can even blame the players, but all of those things have changed over the years. The one thing that has not changed is the will of the team to win. They just can't seem to find the kinds of players that refuse to lose no matter what.

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How about this?


Same basic players last year and the year before. This year the coaches changed and so did the scheme.....not the players. So your conclusion is....players' fault....nothing to do with coaches?


If you're saying the 2015 defense has even approached the 2013/2014 then I guess you're looking at something different than I am.


BTW, if you were saying that there is an adjustment period to a different style of D then I might buy it. But you appear to be saying the D players all suck. What happened to them in one year that made them suck? Any theories?


Well, of course there's an adjustment period.


And the defense is not the same. They are without both starting safeties and Spikes, whom many Bills fans serious undervalued, it seems.


Also, this idea that personell being the same automatically means they'll PLAY the same is ludicrous. You think Mario is playing as well as he could? Dareus?

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can someone please !@#$ing explain precisely what a coach is supposed to do?


these men have been playing football for decades.


the rules didn't suddenly change when they entered the pros.


yes, they took 15 !@#$ing penalties yesterday. And yet, a fluke play on a second and 26 (that nobody is talking about enough) and a blatant pick to set up the go-ahead FG was the difference


15 penalties and the game was there to be won.


stop blaming coaches.


players make plays.


punt returners fumble.


and defensive players do things to change games.


riddle me this: when was the last time a defender changed the game in a positive way for the bills?


coaching? !@#$ no. there is no leadership among the players.


stop. blaming. the coaches.


when you are the coach of a team which gives the other team over a football field's length of yardage, and in so doing stalled our own drives and gave the Eagles shorter conversions, maybe benching a player would send a message.


Boobie Dixon talking smack? are you serious? He should have been benched. But Rex just stares in disbelief with his mouth open, like he has never seen this before.

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Well, of course there's an adjustment period.


And the defense is not the same. They are without both starting safeties and Spikes, whom many Bills fans serious undervalued, it seems.


Also, this idea that personell being the same automatically means they'll PLAY the same is ludicrous. You think Mario is playing as well as he could? Dareus?

Mario has hit " the wall " & will most certainly be gone next year. He no longer is able to beat his man one on one.

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when you are the coach of a team which gives the other team over a football field's length of yardage, and in so doing stalled our own drives and gave the Eagles shorter conversions, maybe benching a player would send a message.


Boobie Dixon talking smack? are you serious? He should have been benched. But Rex just stares in disbelief with his mouth open, like he has never seen this before.


We didn't lose yesterday because of penalties.

Mario has hit " the wall " & will most certainly be gone next year. He no longer is able to beat his man one on one.


Yep. He's a personell liability. Has nothign to do with scheme. The scheme could have him set up four yards in the backfield and he still couldn't find the quarterback.

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Yep. He's a personell liability. Has nothign to do with scheme. The scheme could have him set up four yards in the backfield and he still couldn't find the quarterback.



I remember Donahoe saying crap like that about Pat Williams. All 11 guys on our defense suck. Poor Rex.

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Time after time yesterday, the refs made questionable calls or non-calls in favor of Philly. I think they just get their eyes glued to the Bills and don't watch the other team. Several times this year the NFL has admitted the refs made bad calls that cost the Bills chances to win, and I think the refs are tired of being embarrassed. So instead of improving their own performance, they hammer the Bills. The non-call on the offensive pass interference on the 41 yard gain that set up the winning field goal was just the worst example.


I am not sure that all the neutral zone infractions against the D line were actually in the neutral zone. The D line would sometimes move but I think were far enough back not to actually enter the neutral zone. But the Eagles O line, Jason Peters in particular, would immediately jump up whenever this happened. Up to a few years ago, there was no penalty for defensive players causing an offensive player to jump out of his set. Then they changed the rule basically to protect offensive linemen who wouldn't have to sit still and be whacked by the guy across from him. But it's gotten so extreme that defensive linemen can't jump at all, even if they stay outside the neutral zone. I think the Eagles O line has been coached to act this way, which is actually smart under the current rules, but I think the league should be considering changing that rule again.


Speaking of Jason Peters, did anyone hear the announcers mention he was a former Bill?

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Please stop comparing any coach in the universe to Bellichick. It's beginning to border on Godwin's law.



Graduated high school with nine varsity letters, all in team sports, went on to play one of those for a d1 team in college. football, no.

Super! I played Hockey, Football, Baseball, Basketball, and wrestling along with ski club. I was too small for college football and went on to have a great career in the Marines. Back to my original point my friend- when we did boneheaded things in football our coach sat us, ran us, dug us into the ground. It made you be more disciplined come game day. It is just my opinion that Rex runs too loose of a ship to get at least average discipline. Again, its really just my opinion in the grand scheme of things. Your entitled to yours as I am mine.

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We didn't lose yesterday because of penalties.


I completely disagree with this statement. Especially because we lead in every other team stat EXCEPT for penalties. Time of Possession, Yards, Turnovers (until Tyrod's last throw), etc. If you looked at just the stats, we should have been killing them.


But too many offensive penalties killed too many of our drives, and too many defensive penalties turned 3rd and 9s into 3rd and 4s. We basically kept them in the game and then handed it to them with our own mistakes.

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I completely disagree with this statement. Especially because we lead in every other team stat EXCEPT for penalties. Time of Possession, Yards, Turnovers (until Tyrod's last throw), etc. If you looked at just the stats, we should have been killing them.


But too many offensive penalties killed too many of our drives, and too many defensive penalties turned 3rd and 9s into 3rd and 4s. We basically kept them in the game and then handed it to them with our own mistakes.


In a game decided by three points in which a 53 yard TD was thrown on 2nd and 26 and in which a 41 yard catch and run enabled by a NON call set up the go ahead FG, I'm hard pressed to identify specifically which penalties you think changed the outcome of the game mores so than these two plays?

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In a game decided by three points in which a 53 yard TD was thrown on 2nd and 26 and in which a 41 yard catch and run enabled by a NON call set up the go ahead FG, I'm hard pressed to identify specifically which penalties you think changed the outcome of the game mores so than these two plays?

I said that the Boobie play did not impact the game, however I believe these dumb penalties (e.g. smack talking) are a sign of lax discipline that permeates the team and affects performance.

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In a game decided by three points in which a 53 yard TD was thrown on 2nd and 26 and in which a 41 yard catch and run enabled by a NON call set up the go ahead FG, I'm hard pressed to identify specifically which penalties you think changed the outcome of the game mores so than these two plays?

The taunting/personal foul that would of backed them up further on the punt- instead it resulted in off setting. That lets the Eagles change play calling to their advantage. I believe 3 neutral zone infractions that put the eagles from 3rd and long to third and short. The false starts. Oh, and dont forget pigpen going in motion and running forward like arena freakin football! Those things have a huge impact on the outcome of the game. That is why coaches preach until they are blue in the face about not doing those things. If we would clean up our mess the score could of easily been 30-17 in favor of us.

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