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Moon landing was a hoax - new Stanley Kubrick deathbed video


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There's a 14 minute video after that one where the interviewer is coaching him through the lines. The Kubrick guy (I assume it's not him) screws up and the interviewer gives him the story. Not sure how this has any traction.

Edited by Acantha
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As a lover of all things conspiracy and space related I feel compelled to make it clear that I do believe we landed on the moon. If we hadn't really done it, if the United States perpetrated a hoax of that magnitude, the Soviets would have been all over it. It would have been pretty easy for the KGB to have figured it out considering how many people would have had to have been involved in just the filming of the hoaxed landing alone. Hollywood has never been good at keeping secrets, certainly not in the late 50s and 60s. So I've never bought into the Kubrick / Moon landing conspiracy.


The closest anyone ever came to convincing me otherwise was a friend who pointed me down a rabbit hole which pointed out that it's possible that the landing in '61 was faked (in order to "win" the space race against the Soviets) but subsequent Apollo missions were real. There was another scenario where Kubrick was commissioned to film fake footage in case Apollo 11 was lost between the Earth and the moon as a way for the US to save face. According to this theory, Kubrick's footage was never used but still exists and is the source of the urban legend.


Still, I have had more than a few guys who work on various crews at a particular studio in LA who claim to know the soundstage where Kubrick allegedly shot the footage. None of these guys were working (or alive) when it went down so why they're so convinced is beyond me. It's especially funny when I point out that each one of them thinks it's a different stage on the lot.

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As a lover of all things conspiracy and space related I feel compelled to make it clear that I do believe we landed on the moon. If we hadn't really done it, if the United States perpetrated a hoax of that magnitude, the Soviets would have been all over it. It would have been pretty easy for the KGB to have figured it out considering how many people would have had to have been involved in just the filming of the hoaxed landing


Have you ever considered that the Soviets might have been in on it?



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It would have had to have been, really.

:bag: Typing fast.

Have you ever considered that the Soviets might have been in on it?




Considering Kennedy was killed (partially) for wanting to team up with the Soviets to go to the moon, I'm guessing that probably didn't happen. But a better question to ponder is why have we never returned to the moon? Or why didn't the Soviets follow up with their own manned missions?


Is it possible that once NASA landed on the moon they were warned not to return?

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Obviously it's bunk in one way or another. What I can't tell is whether this is Kubrik playing a goof or some look-alike impersonating Kubrik.


We did. Five more times from 1969 to 1972.


It's not Kubrick, I'm 99% on that.


I meant after 1972... In 40+ years we've never sent men back to the moon. Why? Why didn't the Soviets follow up the Apollo missions with their own? The space race may have been won, but there was plenty of national pride that could have been bottled had the Soviets landed on the moon themselves even after the Americans -- yet they didn't. Today you have Russia talking about having an all female mission to the moon, China and India have said they plan on landing men on the moon as well... but it's just talk. There's no plan or program in place in any of those countries to follow through.


For me there are three possible answers as to why we have yet to go back to the moon, I'll list them in order of ridiculousness:


1) Budget: space is expensive and dangerous and without the geopolitical pressure of the Cold War to gin up support for NASA, the US tax payer and congresscritter has no interest in funding such expenditures.


2) NASA is in fact just the public face of a much larger and more advanced secret space program run by US corporate and governmental interests. The secret side of the space program has been to the moon and beyond for decades now and thus there's no real need for NASA to make a "show of it" any longer. The real work is being done behind the scenes.


3) The US and Soviet Unions were warned off of the moon by beings each government has been in contact with since the 1940s.


Clearly one is the most reasonable and probably the actual answer -- but considering all that missing money (trillions and trillions from the US budget and government has gone missing in the same time frame -- 1960s-to present) has to go somewhere, funding a large scale secret space program and its infrastructure is plausible to me.

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Why haven't we gone back? Simple. $$$ and there's nothing of value on the moon.


The Gemini and Apollo program cost untold billions of dollars. It required tens of thousands of people. It took nearly 15 years to do it.


Since 1972, the USSR went defunct, the US got a little "broker", and the Europeans and Japanese were spending hundreds of millions of dollars just to get a satellite up into orbit around Earth.


Even if the world got together and said "Hey, let's go to moon again!", it'd take billions of new dollars and thousands of new people to pull it off. And another decade. Everything that's been designed since then like the shuttle and the space station are like grocery getters of space travel.

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