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Trump Alone at the Top

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Donald Trump just got a little more vault in his ceiling. Nationwide, the polling-obsessed Manhattan multi-billionaire and leading Republican presidential candidate broke into the 40s on Monday.

According to the results of the latest Monmouth University poll surveying voters identifying as Republican or independents leaning toward the GOP, Trump earned 41 percent, nearly tripling the support of his closest rival, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who took 14 percent.



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I just wanted to address your Trump leading the polls circle jerk :rolleyes: but I just looked and Gingrich was leading this time four years ago polling at 37%. How did that work out?

Ha ha, that's a pretty funny post for its complete lack of relevance. To those of us intelligent enough to see, Trump's candidacy has more staying power than Newt's. No surprise you don't see that

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Ha ha, that's a pretty funny post for its complete lack of relevance. To those of us intelligent enough to see, Trump's candidacy has more staying power than Newt's. No surprise you don't see that


I guess I should take this to heart because when it comes to post that lack relevance you're the king. :thumbsup:

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Let me educate you a bit, junior. If all of your problems are caused by brown people, Muslims, and Jews; who you clearly consider to be inferior (because reasons?), and you couldn't reason out some way to out maneuver or use them (what with your insistence on their innate inferiority and all), then you caused your own problems by not being up to snuff by the standards of your own superior race. You should probably go slap both of your parents for procreating, spawning you as their cum cocktail. You're holding the rest of white America back with your lack of ingenuity and aptitude, son. Kindly see your way out of the gene pool, and out of the country, with your mongrel hordes, whom you share more in common with.

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You shouldn't call immigrants "mongrel hordes", TYTT.


Those are not our country's values and certainly not the values of the Republican Party.


Also, lighten up. A great joke from a great movie. Enjoy.



Our country's?


Last I checked, white nativist racists are a distinct minority.

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The Republican establishment and do nothing Congress created trumpenstein.


Voters elected numerous "conservatives" and republicans the past 2 election cycles to counter act Obama's delusions and they have been pathetically neutered and have accomplished nothing.


The establishment probably expected if they just go along as democrat lite and bring some pork back to their districts all would be well. Well, it's not. The voters are still mad as he'll and they see they have been lied to yet again.


The average disenfranchised voter sees trump as being genuine and willing to go into DC like a wrecking ball for better or worse to break up the oligarchy political class.


My take on it at least.

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