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Hostage Situation at Planned Parenthood in Colorado


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The target doesn't seem to fit the targets of classic islamic terrorism, hence why I said it doesn't appear to be political or religious in motivation. The target generally fits the disgruntled office employee situation more. And (at least so far) there doesn't seem to be any message or extremist affiliation, or history of extremism.


The prep work, religious affiliation, and travel history, though, fit islamic terrorism, and not disgruntled employee.

That's why it comes off as so weird to me, it's like a mix of both, and neither at the same time.


Either way, the couple in question are !@#$s, and I'm glad they're dead.


How does a rock concert in France fit a classic profile?


Maybe the profile has changed to completely soft targets that are known to the assailant.


IF the reports of ME travel, multiple Middle Eastern men coming and going from the apartment, etc. etc. turn out to be true and this is called workplace violence like the ridiculous assertions about Fort Hood, then the already difficult task of combating this just gets more difficult.

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Shooters were wearing GoPro cameras. Apparently a public statement was goal, not just a private act.


That certainly dispenses with the spontaneous workplace violence meme.




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How does a rock concert in France fit a classic profile?


Maybe the profile has changed to completely soft targets that are known to the assailant.


IF the reports of ME travel, multiple Middle Eastern men coming and going from the apartment, etc. etc. turn out to be true and this is called workplace violence like the ridiculous assertions about Fort Hood, then the already difficult task of combating this just gets more difficult.

It still doesn't make sense. I'm sure they felt like the Paris attacks was an extremely successful operation. Why change plans now? I can understand if they didn't "succeed" in Paris. Either way it's evil and tragic.

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Shooters were wearing GoPro cameras. Apparently a public statement was goal, not just a private act.


That certainly dispenses with the spontaneous workplace violence meme.






There you go.


How does a rock concert in France fit a classic profile?


Maybe the profile has changed to completely soft targets that are known to the assailant.


IF the reports of ME travel, multiple Middle Eastern men coming and going from the apartment, etc. etc. turn out to be true and this is called workplace violence like the ridiculous assertions about Fort Hood, then the already difficult task of combating this just gets more difficult.

Yeah, that could definitely be.


I'm not seeking to call this thing terrorism, or not terrorism, it's just... muddied to me, right now. Personally, it doesn't make much difference at this point. We have a lot of violence in this country, sometimes it's at the hands of someone seeking to send a message, sometimes it's at the hands of someone just looking to kill. Kind of getting numb to it.

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President Obama statement/press conference coming up soon,


Words likely you won't hear: "Muslim" "Islamic" "terror" "jihad" "martyrdom"...but expect "NRA" "common sense gun control"


Also, if history is any clue, Obama's statement will be full of 'I' and 'me'.

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How does a rock concert in France fit a classic profile?


It's high-profile. And it wasn't just a rock concert. It was several public places in the near vicinity of a well-publicized international soccer game. That's what made it high-profile.

President Obama statement/press conference coming up soon,


Words likely you won't hear: "Muslim" "Islamic" "terror" "jihad" "martyrdom"...


Probably because there's absolutely no reason to think they apply.

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A "Powerful Rebuke"

by Mark Steyn

On Wednesday, 14 Americans were shot dead and another 17 injured at a Christmas party in San Bernadino. The temptation to retreat instantly to one's tropes is very powerful - and Sam Stein, who is "Senior Politics Editor" of The Huffington Post, surrendered in a nano-second:


Planned Parenthood is about 1.3 miles from site of shooting. CNN, however, is reporting that the shooting didn't take place there.


In fact, the slaughter appears to be the work of one Syed Farook, a US-born county employee described by his father as a "devout Muslim", assisted by a woman who may or may not be a wife or girlfriend. They had body armor and sophisticated weaponry. One male is dead, as is a female, Tashfeen Malik - apparently one of those harmless Muslim "women and children" the President was sneering at scaredypants Republicans for being such bedwetters about.


Responding to the carnage in Paris, Barack Obama said that the most "powerful rebuke" you could send to the terrorists was to go ahead and hold the big climate conference as scheduled and show the killers that the world would not be deflected from talking about sea levels in the Maldives in the 22nd century. The President spoke at the conference yesterday. Today can be seen as a "powerful rebuke" to the fatuities of Obama.


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Oh look, CNN is suddenly changing its tune, hoping everyone will forget the hours of gun control blather yesterday.







“Farook was in touch over the phone and via social media with more than one international terrorism subject” http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/03/us/san-bernardino-shooting/index.html





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12 pipe bombs ...

1600 rounds of ammo ...

Travel to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan ...

Speaking over the phone and thru Social Media to Terrorists under investigation by the FBI ...

Body armor ...

Father said suspect was a radicalized devout muslim ...

Female suspect was here on a Pakistani work visa ...


POTUS explanation = workplace violence ....

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12 pipe bombs ...

1600 rounds of ammo ...

Travel to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan ...

Speaking over the phone and thru Social Media to Terrorists under investigation by the FBI ...

Body armor ...

Father said suspect was a radicalized devout muslim ...

Female suspect was here on a Pakistani work visa ...


POTUS explanation = workplace violence ....

Its an outrageous pathetic lack of honesty.


Although he still calls the ft. Good shooting workplace violence and every involved is still ineligible for a purple heart, but I digress.


Knowing this guys track record his response is right on par.

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