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Wild Card Race - Why is TBD giving up?

Wazzu Bill

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I think the doom and gloom comes from seeing what we would do if we made it into the wildcard game. Against playoff caliber teams we have looked way over matched.

Yet we've never lost a game by more than one score despite most of our offense being hurt most games.

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When babies get poopy diapers they usually cry loudly.

And when Koolaid drinkers turn out to be wrong, they usually sneer sarcastically. Check out your posts, man, Nothing but scorn for anyone who dares to question those all-knowing gods Ryan, Whaley, Marrone, Nix, Jauron, etc. etc.


Fine, be optimistic, most of us are. But keep your wit to yourself, especially when the posters you sneer at turn out to be right, again and again.

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People are sick of three and outs, and an unimpressive defense. I think people are just questioning can Ryan adjust to the lack of production. Can he simplify the defense? Can he use his D Line the way they should in unleashing them. Why the hell do you have a 6'7" 290 freak going back into coverage? It's not fooling anyone.


I'm not giving up, but skeptical. We better even with injuries go to London and put a whipping on Jax. If not, I am going to give up. If we destroy Jax, and then Miami after the bye, and get most of the guys back then there is hope. Notice Philly last night continuing to improve from the beginning of the year. They destroyed the Giants.

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And when Koolaid drinkers turn out to be wrong, they usually sneer sarcastically. Check out your posts, man, Nothing but scorn for anyone who dares to question those all-knowing gods Ryan, Whaley, Marrone, Nix, Jauron, etc. etc.


Fine, be optimistic, most of us are. But keep your wit to yourself, especially when the posters you sneer at turn out to be right, again and again.

Nice name calling. You should be proud of that and your prescient commanding knowledge of football and all things related to The Bills. No doubt you'll have a fine career here calling people names.


You're right about one thing at least. I do have scorn for posters that are "fans" of The Bills but never miss an opportunity to come to this board and vent their spleen at the slightest thing that goes wrong or knee jerk their jaws in "I told you so" post after post after post after post crusading AGAINST a Bills player that they hate. And, yes I do mean hate. It's gross and there's far too much of that going on here in the past couple of years.


As to keeping to myself... buzz off. That's what the ignore button is for. If you don't like me, then get me where it really hurts. Don't vote for me in the Annual "Poster I Admire Most" Awards.

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Personally, I expected to lose Sunday and I think most were prepared for it. I think the combination of injuries to key players and a disappointing outing by the D has brought about the pessimism. If we go out and throttle the Jagoffs and get guys healthy over the bye there will be renewed optimism.

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Personally, I expected to lose Sunday and I think most were prepared for it. I think the combination of injuries to key players and a disappointing outing by the D has brought about the pessimism. If we go out and throttle the Jagoffs and get guys healthy over the bye there will be renewed optimism.


This really is a litmus test game. If the Bills come out strong, and don't make a lot of dumb mistakes and penalties, I think 9-7 is probably achievable. If they look lifeless, except for when they're committing field-flipping personal fouls, then I think probably 6-10 is the best we'll get this year, or any year under coach Rex

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So, we lost yesterday. It didn't look great. But let's look at the big picture here: we are 3rd in the WC race behind the Jets and Steelers. The Steelers are a lock for wild card IMO, they have been finding ways to win even without Ben.


Jets are 4-1 against opponents who are collectively 11-17 (not a single opponent has a winning record).


Bills are 3-3 against opponents who are collectively 20-12 (includes TWO undefeated teams).


We just knocked out the toughest part of our schedule and we are still at .500 - the Jets have been playing NFL teams that resemble the power puff girls.


Yes, there are some major question marks.


No, the season isn't over. Not even close.


If there's one thing I'd say the Bills have been better at over the past 15 years than any other team.... It's being a team that misses the playoffs as a result of their flaws...


I'd say Bills fan can recognize these signs pretty easily, and are better than any other team in the league as a result of all this practice! The problems that are being brought up are legit concerns that will most likely cause us to miss the playoffs at our current rate.


We've watched this team miss the playoffs 15 years in a row. To belittle anyone who says 'same old bills'... well, that statement has been very accurate for a long time now.

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