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Trick Shot QB Alex Tanney Signed to Practice Squad

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Whether Alex Tanney makes the Bills roster, or anyone else's roster; Why does It matter ? Let the coaches coach; Let the owners own. We are just the fans and let us just be the fans. And thankfully there are a lot of us. (Strength in numbers thing) The bigger question is; What do the disgruntled fans see in this young man that they truly hate about themselves ? Only asking, because old inquiring minds like mine would truly like to know.


I would rather watch that trick shot video a million times instead of watching most of the crap on TV and on these computers only once.

Thanks for posting the video "Rhode" It has found it's way into my favorites. And in closing;


You can tell by watching that video that the reactions from his friends and his team mates, are second to none. They enjoy being around him and that really is the best part of the video.

I actually see his friends' reactions as "WOOHOO, he made it! Now we can finally move on to the next trick!"

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