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Bills fans drunkest in the league?

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I've said this is true before.Most folks that go to Bills games are OK but there are a huge amount of scumbags at one Bills drive on gameday.Watched a group of guys verbally abuse a young child and her father because they were wearing jerseys of the opposing team.Way too much drinking going on.On the other hand I went to see the Bills play in Jacksonville and I saw zero eveidence of intoxication so yeah, Buffalo has a problem with drunks.

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Wasn't this a story from last year? Maybe I was drunk, but I'm certain this same story was posted a while back.


The problem for me is, these a-hole drunks give good-natured drunks (yours truly included) a bad name.

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Yeah I have noticed it but I chalk it up to the Bills not having been a competative team in the past 15 years.



I expect to see a big change this year






This is exactly what it is. If there was a better product on the field that fans didnt need to distract themselves from, we'd have better behavior. We'd also have more people attending games who are truly into football, and not just there for a party.


I cant wait for that to change.

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Buffalo is a drinking town. Always has been.


My Uncle cousins and father partied hard before Bills games. from the 70's through the 90's.. So did I when I did go. not sure if they slowed down these days but I imagine they all did since they are all in their late 50's and 60's now. My Dad passed away a few years ago.


To each his own. Not a fan of fisticuffs or belligerence but much of the fun of tailgating is drinking, and partying.


If you want the drunks to stop you have to stop tailgating. They love being able to show up nice and early and start hitting it hard



This is exactly what it is. If there was a better product on the field that fans didnt need to distract themselves from, we'd have better behavior. We'd also have more people attending games who are truly into football, and not just there for a party.


I cant wait for that to change.



No its not, when the Bills were going to Superbowls the parties were even bigger.. Laughable to think you are going to change this by winning. If the Bills return to their winning ways it will increase and that I guarantee.

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Yeah I have noticed it but I chalk it up to the Bills not having been a competative team in the past 15 years.



I expect to see a big change this year




I agree with you about the losing to a point.


I'm actually worried things could get worse since the expectations of this season are high. If the team starts out bad or it goes bad later in the season, I hope fans don't over endulge and cause altercations with opposing fans of the other teams or each other for that matter.


People need to hold themselves accountable. That is something that has gone by the way side. It's nice to go to a game and have some beers and all, but think. Think about the people around you and how you're going to get home...

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No its not, when the Bills were going to Superbowls the parties were even bigger.. Laughable to think you are going to change this by winning. If the Bills return to their winning ways it will increase and that I guarantee.


It was a totally different type of "partying". I know, I was there. It was fun, safe, good natured partying. Nowadays it's belligerent, out of control, dangerous partying. People throwing up/pissing right at their seat, or on the person in front of them. Bills fans fighting Bills fans over nothing. Just a disaster on many levels.

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It was a totally different type of "partying". I know, I was there. It was fun, safe, good natured partying. Nowadays it's belligerent, out of control, dangerous partying. People throwing up/pissing right at their seat, or on the person in front of them. Bills fans fighting Bills fans over nothing. Just a disaster on many levels.

Thats why only a fool brings a child to a game .Its really a shame.

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The inebriated idiots don't care about winning or losing. It is all about getting blinded as early as possible, and then to stupid to realize that if they don't drink in moderation, chances are their buddies will be leaving them behind to sleep it off in the parking lot.

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It was a totally different type of "partying". I know, I was there. It was fun, safe, good natured partying. Nowadays it's belligerent, out of control, dangerous partying. People throwing up/pissing right at their seat, or on the person in front of them. Bills fans fighting Bills fans over nothing. Just a disaster on many levels.






100% so true





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The Bills simultaneously have the best and worst fans in the NFL.


I know and have met a ton of awesome Bills fans. They stick with the team for years despite the losing; their loyalty is unmatched. They are extremely knowledgeable, a bit sarcastic, and the typical Buffalonian in that they will give you the shirt off their back to help you out. They know how to enjoy a drink or two without getting out of control. I'd like to think I'm in this group.


Then there are the folks that will light open fires right next to your car in the parking lot. The guys that bring a 30 pack of Genny to the game and somehow manage to finish it off within a few hours between two or three people. They will spill beer on you, throw things at you, and make complete fools out of themselves. They have no interest in the game other than to get drunk. Every time I leave a game I worry that I will get hit by one of these bozos on the drive home.


That later group is why I don't bother with tailgating at RWS and why I'm very careful about the seats I decide to buy. The club seats are terrific although a bit sterile. Most of the 100's are fine although you have to watch the end zones. I used to be ok with the 300s but this area has gotten progressively worse over time. Forget about the rockpile.

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All publicity is good publicity:


"Sean joined us for a chat on our twice-weekly Shutdown Corner podcast, and you can hear that right here. For instance, you can learn:

• The best places to sit (and avoid) when buying a ticket.

• The best places to purchase a ticket on the, shall we say, "secondary market" around the stadium.

• Secret routes into and out of each stadium.

• The best places to hang and have a drink before and after each game.

Which fans are the rowdiest and drunkest, which means you want to hang with them."

The original story from 2014:


Q: So it's not necessarily a bad thing that they were the drunkest fans?

A: It was definitely not anything negative. Ralph Wilson Stadium came in higher than most people would put it. I was just trying to make my observation. I have had a number of people agree with me. The tailgating at The Ralph is just the best. It starts early. It started at 8 o'clock. I got there at 8:30 that day. I parked and already the tailgates were open, the beers were open. It was 8:30 in the morning. I thought, 'Wow these people are serious.' There's no pre-game party at The Ralph that sells alcohol because I think everybody just brings their own.

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I remember the game on Christmas Eve 2006 against the titans. It was the game where Robert Royal couldn't get 2 feet in the end zone on a trick play from Lee Evans and Vince Young killed us on a 4th and long scramble. Awful game, Bills lost by a point I believe.


Anyway...there was a happy group of titans fans walking out of the stadium to their car. One of them was a kid, probably 10 or so. An inebriated group of Bills fans proceeded to chases this group to their car, punch out the window and drag the driver out of the car. It was awful.


I feel like this kind of thing has decreased significantly over the years. Maybe its just me, but the crowds now-a-days seem more civil and less hammered.

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Thats why only a fool brings a child to a game .Its really a shame.

lord, is this predictable or what??/ same chit, different year.


Guess i should take being called a fool by you a sign that i am indeed a great parent as my kids have been going to games since they 6. 14 year old son will be going to 4 games this year and two games ...be sitting with his 14 year old cousin ALL BY Themselves....do you want to call Child Welfare now?


Have never an issue in 8 years of taking them to games...zero!!!

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