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Patrick Kane--sexual assault allegations--


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@SalSports: The attorney for Patrick Kane's accuser has withdrawn from the case.


@DerekGeePhoto: Eoannou: "I no longer have confidence" in the version of events of how evidence bag came to mother.


@RyanTWCNews: Attorney for Kane accuser says misrepresentations were made to him about evidence bag. He'll no longer represent her. http://t.co/BSijX1ku9a


@BMaz1: Eoannou says he now believes the story from the accuser's mother of how the evidence bag was found was false.


@FriedgeHNIC: Lawyer says his investigation reveals there may be a "fabrication" about how he received the bag.

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What the hell is going on here?

honestly if this was an NFL player they would have Roger Cossack talking about it every day on ESPN. But even an nhl player of Kane's stature doesn't get the national storyline. That's good for him. But it truly is a TV movie worthy timeline of events.


@RyanTWCNews: Just to be clear #Kane accuser's attorney #wouldn't say who for sure he believes lied. Did say accuser's mom gave him the bag.


@RyanTWCNews: The now former attorney of #Kane's accuser says none of this changes the events that happened the night in question.

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Well I really hope this girl wasn't really raped now, because she's got no shot of prosecuting now.

That sums it all up!


From a defense standpoint this is exactly what you want happening, right? Have it all blow up. Cambira's comments are telling. Maybe they were planting all the leaks, bag, etc... to set off a ticking timebomb and the plaintiff walked right into it all.


Strange to figure out what this is all about? It doesn't seem to be money, that was all smoke and mirrors about settlement, right? Something happened in that house between the two.


Has there been an official gov't word of what evidence was collected...


And yes, I made the comment about deserving what he gets. Kane plays fast and hard, piss people off or whatever... He gets what he gets. Why is that a shock?

I thought the lawyer was supposed to serve the best interests of the client. Basically, he said he believes the client but not the mother of the client. If that's really true, he shouldn't have quit on the client.

Yeah. Maybe he can't go on with the meddling. Sounds like he got egg on his face from yesterday. Where did the bag come from and what is it's significance? What's the motive with all that.


Honestly... I think there was a case here, but the defense booby trapped everything to get the plaintiff to walk right into the trap. It is so messed up, how can it go on. If that is the case, very well played by the defense. Sickening, if he did really rape her and the plaintiff's side was turned into the gang that couldn't shoot straight.


And here I was commending the slow development and evolution of the investigation, giving the DA praise for what appeared to be trying to do the job right and methodical... AND THEN THIS: BOOM!

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That sums it all up!


From a defense standpoint this is exactly what you want happening, right? Have it all blow up. Cambira's comments are telling. Maybe they were planting all the leaks, bag, etc... to set off a ticking timebomb and the plaintiff walked right into it all.


Strange to figure out what this is all about? It doesn't seem to be money, that was all smoke and mirrors about settlement, right? Something happened in that house between the two.


Has there been an official gov't word of what evidence was collected...


And yes, I made the comment about deserving what he gets. Kane plays fast and hard, piss people off or whatever... He gets what he gets. Why is that a shock?


Yeah. Maybe he can't go on with the meddling. Sounds like he got egg on his face from yesterday. Where did the bag come from and what is it's significance? What's the motive with all that.


Honestly... I think there was a case here, but the defense booby trapped everything to get the plaintiff to walk right into the trap. It is so messed up, how can it go on. If that is the case, very well played by the defense. Sickening, if he did really rape her and the plaintiff's side was turned into the gang that couldn't shoot straight.


And here I was commending the slow development and evolution of the investigation, giving the DA praise for what appeared to be trying to do the job right and methodical... AND THEN THIS: BOOM!

The defense made the mother allegedly lie about the booby trap? What a terrible mother.


Probably one of Kane's connections.

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The defense made the mother allegedly lie about the booby trap? What a terrible mother.


Probably one of Kane's connections.

No, no not what I meant. Place a bag there and see what becomes of it when somebody finds it. Get her (which means see if) to be scattered, embellish, whatever... People can get crossed up very easily and then throw doubt into it.


Then there is this... Where is Cambria getting the information, why isn't anything official being back up:


"In a stinging rebuke to the tampering allegation, Kane attorney Paul Cambria announced that a DNA analysis in the case found that samples taken below the accuser's waist contain "a mixture" of male profiles. None of the DNA, he said, belonged to Kane."


Seems like the game plan is to throw everything and anything out there and hope something sticks.


Same with the settlement talks. Where did that come from? Then Cambria refutes any talks were happening, same with her lawyer.


Is this ethical what the defense is doing? Or appears to be doing? Sure the mother is all crossed up and looks like she is lying. What's her crazy motive if she planted a bag?


Again... If this is the defense's game plan, it is pretty brilliant. I mean Cambria was arguing on Facebook a month ago!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Why isn't the DA setting the record straight? Where is this leaked information coming from... Is the information even true.


Shouldn't the DA be stepping up?



"Patrick Kane's lawyer tells @suntimes, "It seems to me that enough is enough and this case needs to be dismissed."


Hmmmm... Who would have motivation to foul this all up?

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Why isn't the DA setting the record straight? Where is this leaked information coming from... Is the information even true.


Shouldn't the DA be stepping up?



"Patrick Kane's lawyer tells @suntimes, "It seems to me that enough is enough and this case needs to be dismissed."


Hmmmm... Who would have motivation to foul this all up?

I'm much more curious in your motivation. Have you had a run in with Kane before? Were you that cab driver?

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Here is an interesting article just put out in SI trying to make heads or tails of this case. See link above.


From this article is this:


"It has been reported that Kane and the accuser have been in negotiations, which likely entail discussions about a possible out-of-court settlement whereby Kane would pay the accuser some amount of money in exchange for her agreeing to not testify against him and to not bring any civil claims against him. Such a deal would effectively end the criminal case against Kane, since prosecutors likely need the accuser as a witness in order to secure a conviction. Eoannous departure, however, means that the accuser will probably need to retain a new negotiator in any settlement talks."


Where does this stuff start from? "It's been reported..." Didn't Eoannou on Wednesday, in no uncertain terms, say that he is a criminal lawyer and NO settlement talks with him EVER took place so far... Especially w/him!


How does untruths get traction and who is putting them out there. Even Cambria denied any settlement talks.

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I'm much more curious in your motivation. Have you had a run in with Kane before? Were you that cab driver?

I think he did it. Even if she was screwing 5 guys and Kane wanted to be the 6th... If she said no to Kane and Kane said: "Oh yes I will!" Isn't that still Kaner raping a woman? Rape isn't about sex, its about controlling a person.


No motivation @ all. I just think he is guilty and don't buy he was set up. I also hold the theory that the defense would want nothing better than to engage the accuser's side in public, but they (accuser) have been keeping quiet... Until this bag fiassco happened. The defense wants the case dismissed, that's a no brainer... What better way to do it than foul everything up and get the accuser's side to trip over their own feet? Exactly what is happening! I have a feeling the defense knows Kane is guilty and have to resort to some pretty dirty pool. Why would the plaintiffs want to foul the case? Of course the idiots are not helping themselves and playing right into the defense's tactics!


That's my take. I am not a lawyer, but I stayed @ a Holiday Inn Express... The first thing you want to do as the defense is to get the case dismissed. It seems pretty clear, that this situation is close to that (dismissal). Just a few minutes ago, the plaintiff Tweeted that they want to see this case to its just conclusion. That's not the side that would seem to be purposely fouling things up. IMO, they are playing into some other interest's (defense?) hands.


Just my 2 cents, I find this very fascinating...

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