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I don't hate Sully like some others do, but ...

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This is a candidate for his worst article ever. It's bad on numerous levels--stirring up controversy for no apparent reason, politicizing a non-issue on specious feminist grounds (this is no knock on feminism, btw), and making false comparisons to put the subject in a worse light: http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/07/31/mccoy-not-getting-it-right-now/ .


Just dreadful.

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So he writes something stupid. You give him attention for it. He did his job and you helped him.


Why have people failed to grasp that he writes this garbage because everyone will rush to read it and get butthurt about it?

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So he writes something stupid. You give him attention for it. He did his job and you helped him.


Why have people failed to grasp that he writes this garbage because everyone will rush to read it and get butthurt about it?

No one has to click on it. And like I said, I don't hate him like others do, and certainly don't advocate a campaign of ignoring him.

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Agree Dave, what a joke. I'm sure Godell will be suspending him for the party. He said it was a mistake and canceled it. Why are we beating the guy up a week or so later? Let it go Sully.


It shows how many high profile people Sully has covered.


Newsflash Jerry: Celebrities have people sign confidentiality agreements a lot. For weddings, parties or whatever.

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Geez all the guy did was report facts about McCoy and you don't like what you hear?


The article is titled "McCoy not getting it right now", which itself comes with the implication that, as a man, Jerry Sullivan has a high ethical standard with which McCoy, (whom he reminds the reader in the second sentence of his article is "a man they call Shady"), needs to abide by.

Even though McCoy may outwardly act as a good person, (throwing a football into the stands for the fans, hugging the owner, and conducting a cheery press conference), and even though he admitted that he acted in error to present his party in such a light, and even though McCoy clarified the issue by admitting it was one of his group of friends that made the post... Jerry Sullivan still would choose to judge another man, with the implication being that, he, Jerry Sullivan, is qualified to pass judgement on this case, and McCoy is a "bad person", and Jerry Sullivan has declared this to be so, so McCoy must make amends not with a higher power, but with Jerry Sullivan himself.


The fact that a man is so willing to judge another, despite the object of his judgement apologizing for his actions and taking steps to lead a good life in Buffalo, flies in the face of thousands of years of moral conduct codes that human beings have generally agreed to follow with regards to how we treat one another. The fact that the mere mention of Jerry Sullivan's name brings up pages upon pages of people complaining about his character and the way he treats others, should serve as a notice to Jerry that he is living out of balance. He is too harshly judging young men who play a game for a living, and bring much joy to the people who watch them compete.


Jerry Sullivan needs far more spiritual guidance than any of the athletes he judges.

Edited by JohnnyGold
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It is funny that we all have the same reaction to this column. The party probably wasn't the smartest thing, but McCoy is what 25 or so? But the leap from confidentiality to punching women in the face is quite a leap.

The worst thing was it appears McCoy did not make the party announcement but one of his "posse"; these hanger-ons are sometimes worst influence.

It is good that he took responsibility for it


Jerry Sullivan needs far more spiritual guidance than any of the athletes he judges.


He gets plenty of "spiritual guidance" - from Saint Jack D; friend of mine worked in press box one day and told me he was sauced.

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This is great, since every year Sully goes after one of our players, and that player ends up having a Pro-Bowl season and proving (once again) how big of an idiot Sully is.


Maybe Sully is a Bills fan and only keeps this up in order to keep motivating the players?..


Naaahhh... he's just a miserable dick

How do I block someone?


How are there still people here that havent put VWR on ignore yet?

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This is great, since every year Sully goes after one of our players, and that player ends up having a Pro-Bowl season and proving (once again) how big of an idiot Sully is.


Maybe Sully is a Bills fan and only keeps this up in order to keep motivating the players?..


Naaahhh... he's just a miserable dick

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what exactly was written that was so far off target? that it wasn't the greatest judgment for him to call chip kelly a racist or publicize that "party" he was planning?


none of it is going to get in the way of me rooting for mccoy, but just what was so wrong about that column?

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