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Iran Nuclear Deal Reached

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No............they are not.



State Dept. official can't guarantee $1.7 billion CASH payment to Iran won't go to terrorism.http://wapo.st/2c1WHs5


You know, I don't begrudge Iran the money, either. It's theirs, by previous arrangement. They're entitled to it.


But the administration's unholy stupidity of turning it over as a ransom payment, in small, unmarked, nonsequential bills, that they believe will never, ever be used for nefarious purposes, is absolutely mind-boggling.

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And what exactly was President Nixon being threatened with impeachment from office about, again?


Impeding the investigation of a crime, basically.


Not only is that significantly different than withholding executive records relevant to the formation of foreign policy, there's also ample precedent since Nixon of the White House successfully contesting Congressional subpoenas using claims of executive privilege - Bush used it to block subpoenas of Rove and Cheney concerning federal prosecutor firings, the Valerie Plame bull ****, and energy policy, for example.


Don't be surprised, when you bend the rules, that the other guy eventually uses your precedent against you. Goes for executive privilege, the filibuster "nuclear option," and will apply to the next Republican president rewriting legislation during press conferences to the detriment of Democrats.

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Don't be surprised, when you bend the rules, that the other guy eventually uses your precedent against you. Goes for executive privilege, the filibuster "nuclear option," and will apply to the next Republican president rewriting legislation during press conferences to the detriment of Democrats.


Assuming of course that the Republicans ever win another presidential election.

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Impeding the investigation of a crime, basically.


Not only is that significantly different than withholding executive records relevant to the formation of foreign policy, there's also ample precedent since Nixon of the White House successfully contesting Congressional subpoenas using claims of executive privilege - Bush used it to block subpoenas of Rove and Cheney concerning federal prosecutor firings, the Valerie Plame bull ****, and energy policy, for example.


Don't be surprised, when you bend the rules, that the other guy eventually uses your precedent against you. Goes for executive privilege, the filibuster "nuclear option," and will apply to the next Republican president rewriting legislation during press conferences to the detriment of Democrats.

Well, if destroying documents, hard drives, cell phones when those are under subpoena by Congress isn't impeding an ongoing investigation of criminal behavior, then holy Valerie Plame!


It probably started with Madison. Little !@#$er wanted an imperial Presidency, and pushed us into war with Great Britain to kick them off the continent.

Edited by Nanker
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  • 2 months later...
Out: Pallets of cash — In: Pallets of uranium? Just when you thought the Iran Deal couldn’t get worse…


AP Exclusive: Diplomats: Iran to get natural uranium batch



VIENNA (AP) — Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant, diplomats say, in a move approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact.

Two senior diplomats said the transfer recently agreed by the U.S. and five other world powers that negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran foresees delivery of 116 metric tons (nearly 130 tons) of natural uranium. U.N. Security Council approval is needed but a formality, considering five of those powers are permanent Security Council members, they said.









ROGER SIMON: Iran Shows Obama, Not Trump, Putin’s Biggest Lackey.

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Out: Pallets of cash — In: Pallets of uranium? Just when you thought the Iran Deal couldn’t get worse…


AP Exclusive: Diplomats: Iran to get natural uranium batch



VIENNA (AP) — Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant, diplomats say, in a move approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact.

Two senior diplomats said the transfer recently agreed by the U.S. and five other world powers that negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran foresees delivery of 116 metric tons (nearly 130 tons) of natural uranium. U.N. Security Council approval is needed but a formality, considering five of those powers are permanent Security Council members, they said.









ROGER SIMON: Iran Shows Obama, Not Trump, Putin’s Biggest Lackey.



So? Can't make a bomb out of "natural" uranium. You have to enrich it.


Which is the point - Iran's trading their current stock of enriched uranium (and heavy water - to prevent plutonium production) for unenriched uranium. Which they then have to enrich to use in a reactor, of course...but this time, under the current inspection program.


That the current inspection program is of questionable practicality is a completely different issue.

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  • 7 months later...

While we argue about inanimate objects...................





…exceeded its heavy water production cap, necessary for a plutonium nuclear bomb,…(is) testing more advanced centrifuges…illicitly procuring highly sensitive nuclear and ballistic missile technology in Germany, according to Berlin’s intelligence services…surpassing its uranium enrichment cap, another key non-compliance factor…





Obama’s Iran deal is a very very bad deal.

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While we argue about inanimate objects...................





…exceeded its heavy water production cap, necessary for a plutonium nuclear bomb,…(is) testing more advanced centrifuges…illicitly procuring highly sensitive nuclear and ballistic missile technology in Germany, according to Berlin’s intelligence services…surpassing its uranium enrichment cap, another key non-compliance factor…





Obama’s Iran deal is a very very bad deal.


Was working when Obama left office, so...Trump's fault.

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So? Can't make a bomb out of "natural" uranium. You have to enrich it.


Which is the point - Iran's trading their current stock of enriched uranium (and heavy water - to prevent plutonium production) for unenriched uranium. Which they then have to enrich to use in a reactor, of course...but this time, under the current inspection program.


That the current inspection program is of questionable practicality is a completely different issue.

Is plutonium now considered a dwarf element in your humble opinion?

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