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Iran Nuclear Deal Reached

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Exclusive: Iran missile tests were 'in defiance of' U.N. resolution - U.S., allies






A ballistic missile is launched and tested in an undisclosed location, Iran, March 9, 2016.

Reuters/Mahmood Hosseini/TIMA




By launching nuclear-capable missiles Iran has defied a United Nations Security Council resolution that endorsed last year's historic nuclear deal, the United States and its European allies said in a joint letter seen by Reuters on Tuesday.


Iran's recent ballistic tests involved missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons and were "inconsistent with" and "in defiance of" council resolution 2231, adopted last July, said the joint U.S., British, French, German letter to Spain's U.N. Ambassador Roman Oyarzun Marchesi and U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon.


The letter said the missiles used in the recent launches were "inherently capable of delivering nuclear weapons." It also asked that the Security Council discuss "appropriate responses" to Tehran's failure to comply with its obligations and urged Ban to report back on Iranian missile work inconsistent with 2231.

Spain has been assigned the task of coordinating council discussions on resolution 2231.


Council diplomats have said the case for new U.N. sanctions was weak, hinging on interpretation of ambiguous language in a resolution adopted as part of a July nuclear deal to drastically restrict Iran's nuclear work.




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Tell me this is an April Fools joke...........................





Iran has been continually in violation of U.N. sanctions, they’ve taken U.S. sailors into custody and used photos and video of them for propaganda purposes, and the Ayatollah Khamenei recently said he prefers missiles over negotiations.


In spite of all that, President Obama’s still talking up the foreign policy “legacy” that is his administration’s nuke deal with Iran, this time at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, DC





knoller_normal.jpg Mark Knoller



"This is a success of diplomacy," says Pres Obama of Iran nuke deal. Says it has "achieved a substantial success."



knoller_normal.jpg Mark Knoller



President Obama hails Iran Nuclear Agreement as "historic." Even if Iran cheats, he says it would now take a year for Iran to make a nuke weapon.



It would take them a year to make a nuke if they “cheat”? That’s, um, good news.



Well, I never thought 2017 was going to be very fun anyway.





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Iran tells US that Iran's missle program is non-negotiable; how to respond to that challenge? Let's start now imagineering just what POTUS and his trusted boy companion, John Kerry, will give away in order to open another losing round of "negotiations." The current administration's playbook defines megotiations as laying down in a dark corner, in a fetal position, until the other side goes away with whatever they want.

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Iran tells US that Iran's missle program is non-negotiable; how to respond to that challenge? Let's start now imagineering just what POTUS and his trusted boy companion, John Kerry, will give away in order to open another losing round of "negotiations." The current administration's playbook defines megotiations as laying down in a dark corner, in a fetal position, until the other side goes away with whatever they want.

There won't be any further negotiations. Obama will simply run out the clock on this for the balance of his term and remind us of his previous victory with Iran and retire to a comfy existence.


What a legacy he will have. Debt, Iran, ISIS, immigration, Obamacrap, his incompetent administration and using every agency in the federal government to promote his perverted agenda. Many good books will be written by others. Should provide years of tears and entertainment.

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There won't be any further negotiations. Obama will simply run out the clock on this for the balance of his term and remind us of his previous victory with Iran and retire to a comfy existence.


What a legacy he will have. Debt, Iran, ISIS, immigration, Obamacrap, his incompetent administration and using every agency in the federal government to promote his perverted agenda. Many good books will be written by others. Should provide years of tears and entertainment.

Fear not, History© will be written to fit the narrative and Obama will be held as a resounding success in the Pantheon of FDR and JFK in the circles of Academia and America's resident useless Presidential Historian, Doris Kearns Goodwin will do whatever it is she does and rank him high up on her totally unscientific scale of anecdotes

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There won't be any further negotiations. Obama will simply run out the clock on this for the balance of his term and remind us of his previous victory with Iran and retire to a comfy existence.


What a legacy he will have. Debt, Iran, ISIS, immigration, Obamacrap, his incompetent administration and using every agency in the federal government to promote his perverted agenda. Many good books will be written by others. Should provide years of tears and entertainment.


But hey, he did single-handedly prevent the US from going into a depression. :rolleyes:

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He's LeBron, baby. He can play at this level. He's got game! <_<


You know, I posted the above before I read about his interview with Chris Wallace, where he actually said that that was his biggest accomplishment. LOL!

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But hey, he did single-handedly prevent the US from going into a depression. :rolleyes:

There was nothing wrong with the answer. Obama simply misunderstood the question. He thought Wallace asked: What would you want people to believe was your single greatest accomplishment as President?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Turns out...the entire deal was a con by the WH.


Not that anyone should be surprised. It's just odd that they admit it so openly. Not that the left would care, really, given how little they ever think for themselves.


In a New York Times Magazine profile published on Thursday of President Obama’s foreign policy adviser Ben Rhodes, journalist David Samuels writes, “The way in which most Americans have heard the story of the Iran deal presented — that the Obama administration began seriously engaging with Iranian officials in 2013 in order to take advantage of a new political reality in Iran, which came about because of elections that brought moderates to power in that country — was largely manufactured for the purpose for selling the deal. Even where the particulars of that story are true, the implications that readers and viewers are encouraged to take away from those particulars are often misleading or false.”

Rhodes, who heads the communications team tasked with selling the Iran nuclear deal to the public, gloats about how he was able to create an “echo chamber” where journalists and think-tankers would discuss and report on the deal based almost exclusively on information provided by the White House. “They were saying things that validated what we had given them,” Rhodes said.

“We had test drives to know who was going to be able to carry our message effectively, and how to use outside groups like Ploughshares, the Iran Project and whomever else. So we knew the tactics that worked,” he said.

Regarding Washington reporters, Rhodes said, “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

Reflecting on this, Samuels writes, “In this environment, Rhodes has become adept at ventriloquizing many people at once."

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Turns out...the entire deal was a con by the WH.


Not that anyone should be surprised. It's just odd that they admit it so openly. Not that the left would care, really, given how little they ever think for themselves.



I don't get too pissed about many things but this infuriates me.


I've always known and have communicated with my father that Obama's foreign policy team cared more about the public perception of their actions than the actual results. This is yet another example that validates my suspicions.


His team is made up of a bunch of cocky inexperienced under 40's who thought they had all the worlds answers back when they were still at their Ivy league Universities.


Couldn't he have at least have waited to gloat about in a book how he lied and manipulated the media lapdogs sometime after Obama was out of office? Nope, this kid had to try impress his upper east side Manhattanites and progressive buddies by bragging how he pulled a fast one to advance Obama's agenda in helping provide him one of his self-perceived greatest "achievements".



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