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RUMOR: EJ Manuel Likely To Be Cut


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If this is true I have to assume that the deal on day 1 of FA is a trade that has already been worked out and not a move for a FA QB. And if that is the case then maybe it's not such a bad thing. Either way this offseason is set to be the most exciting one I can remember in a while and I'm ready to see it all play out however it does.

Edited by BuffaloHokie13
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I think this bombshell deserves its own thread. Leroi has proven to be a reliable inside source on this board, so it's worth taking seriously.



I think Leroi may want a mulligan on this one. The timing would not benefit the organization. EJ will get a chance to compete for the job. I don't see any upside turning him loose. If I was Rex or Roman I'd want to take a proper look at the kid.





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I realize, Leroi has a certain amount of credibility here. But please, keep in mind, he did follow it up with an "IMO". Signature or not, that IMO is there for a reason.


I used to have a Bills "insider" of sorts, and I heard a number or things from this person that turned out to be accurate, and a few that didn't. I don't think that person was relaying bad info, necessarily...just that things change from day to day. The Bills, as of right now, haven't even signed McCown...


What I would glean from that, Leroi probably knows the new Bills staff is not sold on EJ and he (Leroi) is assuming he is not in their plans, and will be cut.


As has been stated over and over in the original thread, unless EJ was a team cancer (and I have heard absolutely nothing to that affect..in fact, quite the opposite), there really wouldn't be any advantage at all to cutting him in March. None, whatsoever. Now, if they traded him, that would be another thing....but this rumor seems based on the notion that Rex/Roman and whoever else (Pegulas? Whaley?) think he is a worthless football player.

Edited by Buftex
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If this is true I have to assume that the deal on day 1 of FA is a trade that has already been worked out and not a move for a FA QB. And if that is the case then maybe it's not such a bad thing

even so -- say its bradford and mccown -- why cut EJ before they both make it through preseason healthy?

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Even the Bills old FO personal aren't that stupid ! After 14 games ?


Maybe if a Bills fan (which that thought comes from) would be that foolish but not a for real football exec.


Why would you cut a guy like him that you have a very reasonable contract on don't you think at the very least they would try to trade him as to get something for him ?


I would think that would be a more likely way this could go down , buy instill don't see that happening ...


It would have more substance to it if it was someone in the media , but not from a fan !!



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Why would Rex say all those things about him wanting EJ to use his legs more if he had no plans on keeping him?


IMO it would do the Bills more harm than good if they cut him





Obvious answer is they wanted to trade him 1st. But I don't believe any of this. It makes no sense.


Rumors need to make sense for me to believe them.

Edited by TheTruthHurts
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They need warm bodies at QB going in camp, and right now they have basically 1, E.J. I don't think it's going to be a shock to see him not

make it out of camp, but how much risk or cap hit issue would there be to keeping him.


You CAN NOT have ANOTHER situation where you have basically no viable NFL QBs going into the season like two years ago with E.J, Tuel and the other

guy I can't remember his name now.

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If the intention to cut EJ is true it tells me two things:


  • They are convinced he doesn't have what it takes to be a quality NFL QB.
  • They don't want to taint the development of their next QB with an EJ drama.
And I'd add:

3) The Bills already have a free-agent QB [coughSanchezcough] lined up

4) Maybe a back up like McCown, too


They could do a complete revamp and get a developmental quarterback in the draft as well. This wouldn't be a bad QB depth chart:





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And I'd add:

3) The Bills already have a free-agent QB [coughSanchezcough] lined up

4) Maybe a back up like McCown, too


They could do a complete revamp and get a developmental quarterback in the draft as well. This wouldn't be a bad QB depth chart:





How do you know they have Sanchez lined up?
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EJ has played in what,14 regular season games with morons coaching him! This makes no sense to me to jettison a first round pick after so little playing time.



I don't know who the "we" is in the we feel McCown is an upgrade over Kyle Orton. But they had better re watch the Buc's games from last year in which McClown went 1-10. He threw 11 TD & 14 INT's. A 17-32 career player!!That statement tells me there is some serious stupidity in the Bills FO. Mike Glennon is a better QB.


The ONLY way this might seem like a viable plan is if the FO thinks they can land a Jay Cutler or Eli Manning. Even then EJ hasn't been given enough opportunity to play under good coaches IMO. Forget McClown, and keep EJ.

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I won't deny that Leroi has come through with some scoops, bit looks to be opinion based. Cutting EJ is bad on so many levels and I cannot see Whaleydoing it. EJ is working his tail off to get better and was given no help by the Marrone/Hackett regime. Cutting him this early would give question to the sanity of this FO and coaching staff.

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EJ has played in what,14 regular season games with morons coaching him! This makes no sense to me to jettison a first round pick after so little playing time.



I don't know who the "we" is in the we feel McCown is an upgrade over Kyle Orton. But they had better re watch the Buc's games from last year in which McClown went 1-10. He threw 11 TD & 14 INT's. A 17-32 career player!!That statement tells me there is some serious stupidity in the Bills FO. Mike Glennon is a better QB.


The ONLY way this might seem like a viable plan is if the FO thinks they can land a Jay Cutler or Eli Manning. Even then EJ hasn't been given enough opportunity to play under good coaches IMO. Forget McClown, and keep EJ.

Not to mention that Cyril Richardson and Erik Pears (!!!) and a rookie at RT were his OL this year? But yeah, cut the QB. It's real easy to plug in someone else who can throw from his back.

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