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Patriots locker room attendant implicated in Deflate gate

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I haven't been following close the last day or two... Do we know that the colts didn't fall 13 to 12.5 while the pats were 12.5 to 12ish, for instance?

No. Nothing that sounded official. But the Colts were supposed to be around 13. And they weren't illegal. So that is about .5 even if it fell, which there is no indication. But even if they were at 13.5 and it fell 1, which again there isn't even any rumor that happened, the ball the Pats were playing with was at least 2 pounds under. So the idea elements could cause a drop of .5 or 1 is immaterial.

It's like a hysterical woman shouting..."Then how did the Colts balls not change. And why would the NFL do what they are doing. Please answer those questions"

It's actually a question that pretty much proves the Patriots did something to the balls, and it's a question you cannot answer.

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No. Nothing that sounded official. But the Colts were supposed to be around 13. And they weren't illegal. So that is about .5 even if it fell, which there is no indication. But even if they were at 13.5 and it fell 1, which again there isn't even any rumor that happened, the ball the Pats were playing with was at least 2 pounds under. So the idea elements could cause a drop of .5 or 1 is immaterial.

It's actually a question that pretty much proves the Patriots did something to the balls, and it's a question you cannot answer.

None of us have access to all the facts, so how can we give an informed reaction?


You have invested so much time and vitriol into this, ranted and cast so many aspersions on the Pats, and other posters here, that you are ready to jump to any conclusion that equates to "conspiracy".

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No. Nothing that sounded official. But the Colts were supposed to be around 13. And they weren't illegal. So that is about .5 even if it fell, which there is no indication. But even if they were at 13.5 and it fell 1, which again there isn't even any rumor that happened, the ball the Pats were playing with was at least 2 pounds under. So the idea elements could cause a drop of .5 or 1 is immaterial.


It's actually a question that pretty much proves the Patriots did something to the balls, and it's a question you cannot answer.

If this whole thing started with "1 ball at 11 psi, average person would struggle to notice but it is illegal" I think people would generally be a little less dug in.

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Goodell is finished....



you can bungle domestic violence, child abuse, player conduct policy and discipline in general, concussion, etc...


but you CAN'T bungle a failed sting operation targeting one individual owner and his franchise, when he should have known this is a common league wide problem.

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None of us have access to all the facts, so how can we give an informed reaction?


You have invested so much time and vitriol into this, ranted and cast so many aspersions on the Pats, and other posters here, that you are ready to jump to any conclusion that equates to "conspiracy".

No, you are just not thinking. I have considered a lot of stuff. I understand there are a lot of stuff we do not know. The salient fact in all of this is that if the NFL is spending all this time, and all this money, and getting forensics and getting outside investigation lawyers, and interviewing 60-80 people, and asking physicists at Columbia to explain how this and that could happen, there is 100% certainty that they checked the balls before the game, the Colts balls did not change. It's impossible that did not happen. If either of those two things happened, there would be no investigation or controversy, because they could not ever prove the patriots did anything wrong. It's common sense, not vitriol or conspiracy.

If this whole thing started with "1 ball at 11 psi, average person would struggle to notice but it is illegal" I think people would generally be a little less dug in.

Maybe, but that one is the ball they were playing the game with. The 11 others were not, as far as we know. They could have used other balls, too, but the only one we know they used is that one. In some ways, as I said before, it looks worse. It lessons the chance it was coincidence or weather related.

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No, you are just not thinking. I have considered a lot of stuff. I understand there are a lot of stuff we do not know. The salient fact in all of this is that if the NFL is spending all this time, and all this money, and getting forensics and getting outside investigation lawyers, and interviewing 60-80 people, and asking physicists at Columbia to explain how this and that could happen, there is 100% certainty that they checked the balls before the game, the Colts balls did not change. It's impossible that did not happen. If either of those two things happened, there would be no investigation or controversy, because they could not ever prove the patriots did anything wrong. It's common sense, not vitriol or conspiracy.


Maybe, but that one is the ball they were playing the game with. The 11 others were not, as far as we know. They could have used other balls, too, but the only one we know they used is that one. In some ways, as I said before, it looks worse. It lessons the chance it was coincidence or weather related.

Given you've declared weather unequivocally impossible- it atleast gives alternatives like some variety of isolated mishandling, defect, or something other than the impossible weather (this reply really pushing Devils advocate, and kinda just giving you a hard time) Edited by NoSaint
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What kind of penalty would satisfy you?

I really don't know to be honest. I assume it was all Brady and one other guy, who let out the air. I don't know whether Bellichick knew or not and I doubt we find out. If I had to guess I would say Bellichick didn't know but I really don't know. I don't think there should be any massive suspension though. It's bad enough they are just known as cheaters.

I really don't know to be honest. I assume it was all Brady and one other guy, who let out the air. I don't know whether Bellichick knew or not and I doubt we find out. If I had to guess I would say Bellichick didn't know but I really don't know. I don't think there should be any massive suspension though. It's bad enough they are just known as cheaters.

No it doesn't. ;) Not two pounds.

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I really don't know to be honest. I assume it was all Brady and one other guy, who let out the air. I don't know whether Bellichick knew or not and I doubt we find out. If I had to guess I would say Bellichick didn't know but I really don't know. I don't think there should be any massive suspension though. It's bad enough they are just known as cheaters.

I think they will have a really hard time getting past fine and picks- scope of what they find being how severe those get

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Congratulations to our fellow posters on tbd victory of your team the New England patriots


For weeks you have defended the honor of your mistress. I am happy to give hofWat, alphadog and mrWEO their due. Apparently, It truly does pay off to do any unethical thing you can do to get to the big game . So , congrats on your victory. You all must feel quite proud tonight .


Since I and anyone else who cares are unable to retard the growth of the new footbsll template for success . They say this is a copycat league so I will be curious if you all will feel as proud when your kids and your friends kids emulate the winning ways of the team which is yours and many others' shining example of success .

Will you be proud ? ...when little jimmy bugs the other teams lockeroom or sneaks over to the opposing high school and tapes their walk thru and picks the lock of the other coaches office and photocopies their playbook . Maybe even planting a key logger in their computer to see any new emails before that big game or something small like deflating balls to help your small hands qb to hold onto the ball


. Your patriots have taught the league and all the kids watching Anything goes( if you have no personal honor ) .


Brady will be many a child's hero as he whined and lied his way to avoid any trouble .remaining eligible to play in the big game . Thst is all that seems to matter, so, Awesome job. You guys really came thru for your team as well , condoning the innocent hijinx of the science dept in NE by fooling those moronic officials into letting your boys play with illegal balls since November to honorably give your guys an advantage not unlike all those cool pick plays that the entire league has already adopted . You have all proven it just doesn't matter what sneaky lying , low down cheating play stealing etc that you did to get there as long as .... You don't get caught again .. You guys learned a lot since 2007, you made it very hard to prove and you also showed the world your fans truly don't care if you win with honor as long as you win . Bellichick may truly be the father of this new league as the rest must adapt if the league allows this mentality clearly entrenched in New England and the coaches that have littered the league from there .


I'll give the pats some real praise as well.


. With such a glaring light on you guys Your team seemed to play well without any obvious advantage on such a big stage . It proved that on any given Sunday even mediocre teams can fight and claw and raise their level of play to win in a seemingly straight up game ( give or take a few harmless picks ) Don't let anyone tell you different, that rookie truly made the play of his life and when you consider the outcome , I am glad that a spectacular play on the field by a player overshadowed all of this horrible crap that led up to this game .. It was truly anyone's game and your team stepped up and won this game with a great play that won it with execution. We will never no if running wins and it doesn't matter. On this day a player from the patriots won this game by a play on the field . I seriously doubt any of that had to do with coaching . The pats defense won it in a fair game tonight ..


Was it fair because Carroll has the same research as Bellichick .. We will never know .



That said I still believe they probably didn't belong in the game . We will never know where lance finishes without epo taken by him and his opponents . That sport suffered as much as baseball as the men who had talent and cheated the best to hit 73 ruining that year in baseball .. Football is similar now as stealing plays and walk thrus has an unmeasurable effect like illegal subs in the Baltimore game and illegal balls and taping at Gillette . Hopefully this crsp ends instead of infecting the entire nfl.. Either way all this attention will make it more equal as others teams catch up to new England's high level of cheating .


Congrats on the win .


Go buffalo .

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After this ackowledgement post, yes you can.


Who really cares now? It looks like sour grapes, and it's obvious the NFL has nothing on them. Let's just turn the page to where the good guys start winning!




And more and more


A mediocre team continues to get lucky .. Or not .. It's a personal decision...



Fwiw .. They were the better team in the sb , and their cornerback won a Fair (as far as we know) game despite despite all the pick plays and ...the fact they didn't belong in the game at all..

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Then how did the Colts balls not change. And why would the NFL do what they are doing. Please answer those questions.

In all but one of the balls the change in the loss of pressure was very small to the point of not being measurable. The weather and usage (spiking the ball) can change the PSI level of the ball. The measuring of the PSI is not as precise as many people believe. Measuring the ball inside a facility can give you a different reading than if you measure the balls outside. Was there a difference in the PSI level of the Colt balls compared to the Pat balls? Absolutely. Different teams (qbs) prefer different PSI levels. There is a legal range, not one established PSI level.


What you and many others are doing with your fast changing accusations is that you are demanding that the Pats prove that they did not do anything wrong when the appropriate approach should be do the hate-mongerting accusers have evidence that a wrong was committed.


We can go back and forth with your numerous "what if" scenarios. There is no need. There is an urgency for the league office to get this investigation finished. The results will show that there were probably some mishandling of the balls but nothing inappropriate. If mistakes were made I'm confident that they weren't nefarious in nature as many others are trying to frame it.


The league is taking this issue seriously and devoting resources to the investigation because the commissioner's office mishandled prior more serious incidents. There is a lot of pressure on Goodell to get this trumped up trivial matter resolved, and do it so quickly.


As I said in prior postings when the findings are rendered the honorable thing for you to do is to graciously apologize to alphadog who has handled this issue with maturity and proportion.

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